Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category

As an avid Neothink reader, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party has…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
As an avid Neothink reader, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party has always signified what we as human beings search for our entire lives, and that is the Truth. Neothink Society has created me to become more self-aware of things that occur in life. For instance, ever since I was a little girl I have always been seeking to find the answer to questions, I was naive and chose Religion as my guiding light. Upon reading the works of Mr. Mark Hamilton, I was able to see the world for what it really is. I realized that Religion is just another form of Government. I grew up in a Catholic household and the teachings never made sense to me. It seems that whatever you choose to do with your life, you always seem to be sinning. I always wondered, if I am sinning, then why won’t someone teach me and show me the ways of not being a sinner? It took me over 40 years to find the answer to this question and it was through the Twelve Visions Party. Neothink Society has allowed me to re-evaluate my morals and belief, to me it’s a better form of living and thinking.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party is very crucial for not only I, but my family, friends and to the rest of the World. Through the readings, I have been able to see that the Government is manipulating economically and education wise. As a working woman with three children, it’s surprising how my taxes are so high. The Government can easily take out tax dollars and blame any reason as to why they have done so. TVP has allowed me to see that our taxes don’t need to be so high in order for our society to prosper. In addition, one of my favorite points of TVP is that all children can receive better educations. It’s not secret that some institutions especially private teaching institutions provide a better education than public schools. All children should be treated for equally in my opinion regardless of the economical status.
Overall Neothink Society plays a significant role in my life, I’ve finally found answers to questions I’ve been searching for all of my life. I’ve become more self-aware of how society really is that is ran by the government, I have learned that Religion is really just another way to manipulate individuals. The Success of TVP equals the success of my family, friends, and the rest of the world. We will no longer have to live in such impoverished conditions due to tax cuts and our children receiving great educations can help our world become a better place. Perhaps cures will be found, or new methods of learning will be taught. TVP can be the answer to our troubles, I just hope the public is open to new ideas because it doesn’t hurt to learn and try new ideals and concepts.
I wish you and the Neothink Society good luck for I am rooting for you.
Best Regards,
Cristina Lluberes

I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere

Thank You Mark Hamilton
I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have done a great deal of research on Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will show us the most positive and uplifting change in history. I would suggest doing your research and giving Mark Hamilton a chance before you pre judge him because of the media, ruling class and professional politicians. As a society we suffer from economic problems, war, crime, poverty, and more. I honestly believe the Twelve Visions Party can turn all of this around. If you really research the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind you will see the truth. I’m only asking you to think for yourself and to not let the media and ruling class think for you. I am so grateful for people like Mark Hamilton that have so much honesty and integrity in their heart that their willing to stand up against all odds and do the right thing. All throughout history people in positions of power and influence have tried to stop people with such great integrity and love. I say we support the Twelve Visions Party and change our course of negativity and destruction to positivity and freedom.
Thank You Mark Hamilton for standing up and having such courage. You truly are a hero.
Sincerely, Brian Whitney

If I have to say one thing it is that THIS IS REAL

Mark Hamilton,
I just want to give you my thanks and appreciation for setting the stage in my life to become the best person I could ever possibly be. Every Since I have been reading your literature for the past 7 years, I have opened my eyes to the very clever dishonest illusion that we so readily accept in our world.
If I have to say one thing it is that THIS IS REAL. It amazes me just how much can be going on around you without you ever realizing it. It touches my heart and causes me great pain to see my family members, friends, and co workers swept up in the illusion that they have to live a certain way with no control over their destinies. It is probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with knowing that I have complete control of my own. I just want to yell to God to open their eyes and make them realize that life is so splendidly amazing and they don’t have to accept mediocrity.
You are one of the biggest heroes that this modern planet has seen and it is my honor, joy, and pleasure to let all the eyes that see this know that THIS IS REAL and we are here to stay. A number of organizations are working to have God’s will on our great planet and we are going to prevail. You my friend have put tireless, selfless sweat, blood, and tears into the TVP movement and although my credibility may never be enough, you have my back and my support no matter what. Even you have no idea just how many movements you have started in this world and they are all empowered by our passion to do what is right
Your friend and ally,
Randy Hall

LOVE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE is what powers Mark Hamilton

Two thousand years ago, there was a young man who wanted to help humanity by teaching the people of his day certain truths that were unassailable and so powerful, and although that particular teacher was murdered, the truths themselves lived on and still breathe new life into even to this day.
The great irony was that the people being EXPOSED for their motives and deeds concerning the young man’s teachings propagated those truths from then on in a manner the young man could proud of. By attacking the young man as well as his teachings, the truths then convicted the conscience of the attackers, and the more the attacks occurred, the more viciousness displayed, the more it proved the truth of the young man’s statements against his attackers.
The young man was named Jesus. His truth overrode the Roman Empire and indeed the whole world in an incredibly short time frame. Thanks be to the attackers, his message was heard round the world. And not only that, the attackers themselves were EXPOSED to the whole world, and everyone could see the truth about them. How LOWLY they were, what COWARDS they were, how SNEAKY they were, how FALSELY ACCUSING the were, and how they worked in the dark against their fellow man, UNDERHANDEDLY.
Now the whole world knows their NAMES and just how PATHETIC and DEFEATED they were, and DESPISED they are.
PEOPLE!!!! WAKE UP!!!! Mark Hamilton is in danger just as Jesus once was. Mark Hamilton is INNOCENT!!!!! LOVE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE is what powers Mark Hamilton. He desperately wants to bring a better life to all through the TRUTH!!! TWELVE VISIONS OF THE TRUTH, to be exact. He must expose the high priests of this day, the Caiphas’s of our day, to set us free from their tyranny!!! Danger for Mark Hamilton is DANGER FOR ALL OF US. If Mark Hamilton is stopped, WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED ANYMORE THAN JESUS WAS 2000 YEARS AGO!!!! TRUTH WILL LIVE ON!!!!
Justin Rivers
PS: Thank You for exposing the fakes to me. How can I be conned again when you have taught me their secret battle (criminal) plans and showed me their dishonesty and evil moves in advance before they even try to do it? TALK ABOUT AN UNBEATABLE ADVANTAGE!!!

I stand up for and encourage Mark Hamilton to change this nation

I stand up for and encourage Mark Hamilton to change this nation. I believe in what he is doing and feel it has changed my life. I know it is good and true because I am living it. I embrace everything I have read and learned in his books and value each and every one. This is the time, in fact way past the time, for a change so the people of this country can really, truly live, work and prosper like they are meant to live and be free and happy.
Barbara H.

Neothink came into my life when I needed it most, and has had a positive effect!

Hello! I am writing because I believe in Neothink!
Neothink came into my life when I needed it most, and has had a positive effect!
Everyone has a right to be who they are and to help others…and that is exactly what Neothink is doing!
Please keep up the good and positive work!
J Sexton

The grasp of the Neothink Society is, to me…

Dear Mark Hamilton:
The grasp of the Neothink Society is, to me, a premise for working together for the common good of society in general. It is another way to state the Golden Rule in layman’s terms.
With Society running amuck these days, a glimpse of what life is really about seems to be very much out of style, to the distinct detriment of every living person throughout the world. Unfortunately for us the media hype preaches this but does NOT even partake of its’
message, choosing to lampoon what is a sincere and true message for life.
It would be a miscarriage of justice to place an obstruction in the path of a constructive way to lead one’s life.
Brantley A. Duddy

Introducing The Prime Law created by Mr. Mark Hamilton…

Team Bravo sight and the site, as well as on my Facebook and MySpace web sites. When I found who you and who is really in our Clubs, i almost did a flip. It truly is virtuous to have people like you around. thanks for all the help!
What is your answer to crime? What is your answer to Police brutality? What is your answer to racism and for the peace of the world? “Can’t we all just get along!” is one of LA’s mottos…How do we all just get along? Do we vote and just leave it to the Politicians and world leaders to work out our peace & safety? Do we get involved? Should we hire more Police Officers or create more prisons? What is your answer to judicial tyranny? Should we go to Church? What is your answer to the child molestations and homosexuality, i.e. sexual perversion, of the “men of the cloth”? We are a real world with real problems and we need real answers.
Introducing Mr. Mark Hamilton, President and Founder of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. The answer to the anticivilization in politics and religion! Introducing The Prime Law created by Mr. Mark Hamilton to forbid the initiatory force of crime, judicial tyranny and racism! You want an answer, here he is in the
flesh in the person of Mr. Mark Hamilton. He, along with the millions of members in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, are creating a new Amendment to our Great U.S. Constitution to forbid initiatory called the Prime Law for the sake of the world’s peace and safety in order to avert lawlessness and war!

I probably wouldn’t be alive today if not for Neothink

I probably wouldn’t be alive today if not for Neothink. Before I was introduced to the Neothink concepts and Mark Hamilton I was deathly miserable. Back in those days I didn’t care if I lived or died. Death threats didn’t bother me all that much and sometimes I thanked the issuer of the threat and mentioned how much better off I’d be after it was carried out. I was never really suicidal but I never went out of my way to avoid death.
After reading Neothink stuff, I wanted to live. I want to live a long healthy happy life. That’s what the Neothink concepts and Mark Hamilton’s writings are really about. Long happy healthy life and pure love. The love I feel extends beyond just my life. It extends to my friends. Their lives mean so much to me. I can’t communicate how precious their lives are to me I love them so much. And I love Mark Hamilton for sharing his knowledge with me that allowed me to see how beautiful life can be and how irreplaceable and special human life is. His books illustrate love clearer than anything I have ever known.
A. Gipson

Mark Hamilton is a good person

Hi my name is Abdul Scott and i would like to say Mark Hamilton is a good person. I have had a great time with Neothink since i joined 7 yrs ago. I have learned a lot from Neothink and everything that was said was going to happen came true.

March 2025