Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category

The writings of an author named Mark Hamilton

To Whomever is reading this testimonial of mine I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my words and understand how Neothink has changed my life. First I would like to begin by saying that for most of my life I have been searching for the truth and for what my purpose is for being in this world, I always knew that there must be more and I found it thru the writings of an author named Mark Hamilton. His knowledge and deep understanding has helped me to see the world in a different way because of the way I feel from within myself. I realized that I had the power to control my life and not blame others or circumstances for my failures, it gave me confidence and helped me understand why the world is the way it is and that all of mankind has the power to change their lives and live the life they were meant to live and to bring value to society and the world. Since this discovery my whole life has changed for the better, in every aspect of it, from my marriage to my finances and to being a good father to my son. I wake up every day now with a smile on my face and looking forward to going out and talking to people and helping them realize their potential, it gives me great joy in knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile and not expecting something in return for it, wealth comes to a man who gives more to others than he takes from. Creating a better world for all mankind is what I want to do and meeting other like-minded people who share this feeling is what Neo-Think is all about, helping people realize that no matter what the ruling class of people try to keep you from knowing so they can have power over you and keep you from taking their power away from them want you to think. They will do whatever they can to create illusions to discredit people who are trying to help others and change the world for the better. Do not be fooled by their deceit, it is what they will do to keep mankind from realizing that they have the power to control their lives and be free and happy because they now know that no one can tell them how to live, and that they alone have the ability to be whatever is in their hearts, and to create values for others which is the purpose of human beings TO CREATE! I hope you will think about this when you hear that Mark and his writings and the people who are with him and believe in this goal to really make the kind of changes with honesty and integrity that the masses deserve will look and see them for what they are. I hope you too will find the child within you to read this knowledge and see for yourself that it is good and will lead you to freedom from all the negativity in the world. Together we can change the world and make it the kind of place we all desire. With Love and Honesty.
Jeff C

Hi Mr. Hamilton

Hi Mr. Hamilton,
I will do everything I can to help you through this just as you have helped me and many others. Thank you for all your dedication.
I have already sent you my testimonials last month but if you want I will send it again. I can’t wait until the Twelve Visions Party is a success.
Good luck to you. Let me know if I can help any other way,
Lucine K

I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON

I felt so lost, confused, abused, I was angry with the world around me.
Every one I new, had betrayed me, my own family, the hypocrites telling me, how to live my life. Since I was little I was confused about the bible, peoples tell you one thing, but they go and do other thing that are not good, every body had betrayed me my whole life.I was feeling empty.
about a year ego, one letter come and I followed instruction I ordered some literature. Immediately I received the book by: MARK HAMILTON I star reading and I felt something inside me, and change my life, in the way I think, then I new this Man who His life has dedicated to understand the way peoples think, and what we should do with our life.
MR: MARK HAMILTON open his acknowledge, to help those who were willing to see another world, with in the world we live.
This abusive and destructive world we live in need the MARK HAMILTON and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to teach them everything we have learn.
NEOTHINK provide a WEALTH, of information that can make every body who are willing to learn a life full of Happiness, Health, and Wealth, that every one will embrace.
With gratitude and pride I have love this MAN MR: MARK HAMILTON and his NEOTHINK literature for inviting me to be a member of this society, Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we have open minds, and we understand. We have a treasure in our hand and minds, 2500 years of acknowledge.
Floris E C



Thank You Neothink Society & Mr. Mark Hamilton

The Society contacted me in 2006 although I believe I had been on the radar screen from early on in my childhood growing up in Colorado due to my familial background. I am writing this letter/testimonial to show my sincere thanks gratitude to Mr. Mark Hamilton and to Neothink Society in its Entirety. The Neothink Society chose, hand selected me for a lot of different reasons and I am eternally grateful to them. The Neothink Society and its Heirloom Literature has saved me from a life of mediocrity, stagnation, mysticism, illusions, disease ridden negative thinking, and has become my Shangri-la during major life changes the last two years.
I still have the life changing letters and Heirloom Packages to this day!! This information is so powerful, that all at once, my life began to take on a whole new deeper meaning immediately. Changes occurred first internally, then as I began to study and study the literature, changes began to happen externally and they were powerful joyous changes even in the midst of some of the hardest things. The changes occurred almost over night!! The literature gives you the ability to face obstacles and challenges with absolute confidence and certainty. You gain wisdom, insight, and knowledge and see things as never before!
Because of the powerful, positive, uplifting literature changes have taken place in my life, I no longer put up with manipulation, external control from any individual or group, I no longer just go along as a follower, but have learned to take control of my life and future and become a value creator. I have realized the most powerful secret; I am 100% responsible for me!! I am no longer swayed like a ship with out a rudder! I am taking control and making my dreams come true, because I have chosen to take the appropriate steps towards becoming integrated and becoming a self -leader. I am not living a lie, or a life of lies and illusions forced upon me from an external individual or group. My eyes have been opened up never to return to that life miserable, stagnant, death and negativity trap that I lived before.
The Law of Attraction began to work immediately in relationships. I also began to have a sharper focus and I felt as though I had the ability to think far into the future outside the box as well as being cognizant of the present. I went back to school for a bit and finished 79 hours of studies. My kids became smarter out of thin air just as a natural by product of me changing. My third grader had the best year ever and both of my boys are only getting smarter.
Opportunities began to open up everywhere. I began to think with the whole brain with more capacity. It was as though my life went through a mind, body, rejuvenating, powerful life cleanse.
I guess you could liken it to a computer. Cleansing the hard drive of viruses, hoaxes, abnormalities, illusions, spyware, malware, mysticism, etc Once, the hard drive is cleansed the computer can be downloaded with the correct, accurate applications for success, wealth, prosperity and happiness.
Well, this is exactly is what has happened to me. Have I arrived yet, no of course not! However, I am still going through changes, downloads and moving in an upward powerful position at a quick clip. This is a continual process of cleansing and getting the most up to date accurate download!
I want to stop here and say a whole lot more, however you are beginning to understand that the Neothink Society and Mr. Hamilton have only brought about life, peace, happiness, success and powerful positive changes into my life and to numerous other lives!! I am a living testimony, because everyday just keeps getting brighter and brighter!!!
It is never to late to change!! It is because of the Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton that this is possible!! My life has only changed for the positive, better and become more powerful!! I will become a value creator and only add to values to society in promoting love, honesty, integration, genius and self -leadership skills that can be passed to others. I hope these words will bring hope and healing to everybody everywhere. I am committed, loyal and ever faithful to the TVP, Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton. Thank you Again!! More to come….
Mr. Wes E. Hoffman

I will support the TVP every way I can

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I am sending a second note to tell you what I like about the Twelve Visions Party. The TVP as I like to call it, is the best movement that could happen to this country! It will take us back to the constitution and fix all the problems this country has now. We have these problems because we have let our country move away from the values embodied in the constitution. We were founded on the love of Jesus and individual freedom and that is what the TVP is all about. I will support the TVP every way I can and am trying to find more ways to help.
Martin A Randolph
DeLand Fl.

I can never repay Mark Hamilton for what…

Hello all:
My name is Craig and about three and a half years ago I was accepted into the Neothink Society. I have read over 1500 pages of material from the Neothink literature. What has happened to me as a result from the studying of this material is a complete surprise to me. I have changed direction in my life. I am no longer heading toward retirement from a full time job. Most people don’t find fault with working a full time job and retiring after 35 -40 or so years. It is considered respectful. I agree if your happy with that. What this material does though is allow you to see your options. It allows you to see that you can bring your full potential to fruition. You can be all you ever dreamed of and more.
I am writing this as a testament to the good that comes from this literature. I turned a corner in my life as a direct result of the learning of this material. It is not a self help system. It is not a positive attitude system. And it is not a religion. It is a new mindset. I set a bold new course for my life by reading this material and the progress has been slow at times and fast at others, but always moving forward.
The most amazing part of this new life journey is that I never seen it coming. I changed direction in my life and never even knew it. I started taking control of my own life and making my own decisions without consulting anyone else. I had achieved quite a bit of change and made a lot of progress toward a dream of mine, before realizing what I had done. It became so natural that it just slipped by. I never saw the success in front of me. I just kept plugging away at my goal, and never really stopped for a view. Now that I have reflected on my achievements I can see all that is left to do. Without this literature I would have retired from my job with about 42 years of service. I would never have achieved my full potential in life and would have stagnated in my daily routine rut of a 40 hour full time job. At least I would have been a good citizen and made uncle sam happy. If that is you, and like the old me you like simplicity and easy then continue on and do as you already are. Keep plugging away at that same old boring day job and keep it simple. Live life loving to hate your job and never doing anything about it.
Or you can take time and simply put forth a little effort yourself to learn what the Neothink Society is all about. There is going to be a time when this society is in the spotlight for its teachings and I urge you to check it out before you judge it.
Well if your like most of us Americans you don’t. Sometime in the near future as I said above, This literature will be in the mainstream media. It will be strongly criticized by our government and the public will jump on board as always without so much as a thought about it. Well just because the government says it’s bad doesn’t mean that it really is. Please seek to find the truth before you judge. There is two sides to every story, and in there lies the reality that the truth is not always as it is portrayed. I am a firm believer in all that these teachings have to offer, and owe great wealth and prosperity to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society for all that I have achieved. And there is yet so much more to do.
I am a person who now challenges my mind and my physical ability on a daily basis. I have gone far and looking forward to going further. I am currently in the beginning stages of Launching my own business, and this would not have been possible for me without the influence of this learning. It set me on the beginning path to where I am now. I am looking forward to the future and pushing ahead a blossoming and growing highly successful business. I live everyday now with enthusiasm, and a zest for life, that was not possible for me about four years ago. Anyone can achieve great success with this information, but you must first open your eyes and then your mind.
There is a great quote that I recently read that I have adopted and am currently referring to as a reminder whenever needed. It is as reads below.
If everyone in the world followed the quote written above, we would have very few problems in society. Only the ones technology cannot solve yet. Simply because following the quote above forces you to use your energy (negativity included) to search for the answer through knowledge and a true understanding of others views. So many things in life have many correct answers, depending from which view you are looking. The solution then becomes one that everyone can live with.
So please do the work and put in the time before casting your ballot. Don’t let someone else do your thinking for you. Take control and you may be surprised what you find. You will certainly be surprised by the results. Become an achiever and leave behind the follower. Make a turn in your own life and see where it takes you. If you read the material as I did, you may not even see it coming (success).
I wrote this testimonial, without provocation. I feel compelled to give something back, and this hardly even makes a dent in what is owed. I can never repay Mark Hamilton for what he and the other members of the Neothink society have taught me. I am forever moving forward and who knows how far life will take me. All I know is that I will keep moving forward and enjoying the ride. My achievement in life is only held down by my own imagination. I will forever be inventing new ways to achieve, and keep raising the bar as I go. Success is limitless with the right mindset. The literature is here for everyone to enjoy so please indulge yourself, before it is gone forever.

I found in your books TRUTH and HONESTY!

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I have to Thank you and Neothink from the bottom of my heart! I was down in the dumps and had about given up on everything last January because my health was not good and although I was improving health wise I had nothing to do with the rest of my life. Then I received your books and everything changed, I found in your books TRUTH and HONESTY! I also found my Friday Night Essence which is photography and it is even better now with the new digital systems (I hated the dark rooms and chemicals.). I have restarted my photography career and company because of the understanding and confidence your books have helped me acquire and I already found a client and did a photo shoot for them and got paid. So I am now a professional photographer. And I am looking for more people to do photo shoots for. I also want to be even better at photography so I enrolled in the New York Institute of Photography to improve my skills. Because of you Mark I have a new lease on life and a Reason to live! I also discovered through you The Twelve Visions Party an Neothink that it will be the best thing that could happen to this country and the world for that matter. The love and honesty the Twelve Visions Party represent is wonderful and amazing. Everyone I have talked to in the Party is wonderful and very friendly. They even help me with my business. I have read the books all the way through and have started rereading them and am getting more from the 4 books I have every time I read them. I have found that one reading is not enough I have to read them over and over to understand everything they have to offer. Through you Mark and now it is our Neothink I have a vision of a happy life and the ability to make it happen. I can not thank you enough! I am usually not this verbose but you, Mark and Neothink are so fantastic I can’t help it! Oh I am also improving my diet so that maybe I can live longer. So with all the love in my heart I say again Thank You!
Sincerely: Your Friend Forever!
Martin A Randolph
DeLand Fl.

I went through “Wonderful Mark Hamilton”, who encourage us…

I went through “Wonderful Mark Hamilton”, who encourage us for the better life and mind to understand it better. We really like to be responsible and “Believe It! or Not” Oh, It’s FUN. This is for everyone includes kids… is like A WOW !
I love deaf, hard of hearing, any handicap INCLUDES hearing people and no matter how rich or poor people are…, I want all of them should..
(not should) but it’s… A MUST to VOTE for “Twelve Vision Party”
(2012), I know, we all deaf group will be bright and happier after we learn how to face the TRUTH and comfortable make MONEY BY OUR SELF, YEP! This is TRUE… We do not want to depend on our government with less money, RIGHT?? This is what… You are the leader, I am the leader and everyone is the leader, too. We are stand up on this EARTH and who we are. We have dream and do it like kids, we normal peace mind and do things.. its fun, right? We are back where we have A Good Spot then Move on…
PLEASE Wake Up, we can do it and do not forget to VOTE “Twelve Visions Party” in 2012 and Do not let it “SKIP” by… it’s only ONE TIME VOTE for 2012 and Next will be many years to have another vote… If we do not vote in 2012 and it will be horrible and Sad World and its like TOO LATE. We do not want to see our unhappy and depression kids in the future. They will not happen like we have, when we were little kids (Our past kids always have fun and more happiness with a peace mind and create lots of things, Right?) Please VOTE in 2012 for our future kids for Heaven and Earth’s Sake! Thank you for your time with me with Greatly Appreciate It! I am deaf woman can write this value testimony, Patricia C. Meek
In the beginning, I truly did not understand what Mark Hamilton was telling us, teaching us. It seemed to be the opposite of everything I had learned. It was in fact, scary. My generation was taught not to question authority! After all, “they” knew best!
But, I now know that I have received one of the greatest gifts of my life. I have been given an opportunity to read, and question, and learn the truth for myself! I have been given a brain and a heart and a pair of eyes to read and understand the truth, the real meaning of life. A life full of hope, and peace, and health, and prosperity. Can you truly say that anyone else, any school, any leader, any political party, any government, any religion has even attempted to give this gift to you? Or do they constantly tell you what YOU have to do, give, and sacrifice? Is it for the good of the greater number? Really, do you see the greater numbers getting better or worse?
Do you listen to the “news” and shake your head? Have you had conversations with your family and friends as to why the news is ALWAYS “negative”? Do you believe the “stories” or only half of them? This is a common scene in any household or neighborhood. At some point, you have to ask, “Why?”
Have you ever asked yourself who owns the “news”-literally? Have you every wondered who decides what is presented on the news ….and what is not? Who decides what our children are taught……..or not?
Please join me in entering the most exciting time of our lives. A time when we have the ability to learn how life was meant to be lived (a life of fun, and love, and prosperity) -allow Mark and those of us who have learned the truth to share our exciting new future with you!!
Why? Because if you are really truthful with yourself, you are not happy with your current life. Have you laughed today? Have you smiled? Isn’t that the signs of a truly happy person?
Are you tired of the haves and have-nots? Who said it has to be that way? Is there another way?
Why haven’t you been introduced to this before? Who has been controlling what you are allowed to see and read and hear?
Why should I listen to Mark Hamilton? If your life is not as you thought it would be-why not? Who stole your childhood dreams and why? Do you have a dream and are you working your way to it or just drudging through life? Waiting for tomorrow to bring more of the same, day after day, year after year until it is time to retire and then die. Who says it has to be this way?
If you want to feel “alive” again, it’s time to seek out a new way, look, learn, listen, and THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! What is Mark Hamilton offering versus those who are currently in “power”? A life of happiness, prosperity, freedom, and one that offers a beautiful life -one that you look forward to every day! He is NOT offering to replace one bad scene for another, one bad party for another, just another empty promise. Mark is offering an education on how to get to “the other side of the tracks”-for EVERYONE!!! Take a look at what Mark has to say-really, what do you have to lose? More of the same old same old??
Will the news media support him-no. Why? Will the government support him-No. Why? Are these entities truly looking out for your best interest-or their own? Only YOU have the power to listen, learn, and decide for yourself and your family where you want to be in a year, five years, and ten years from now. Let’s say Mark is just offering one alternative. Why not decide for yourself which path you will take?
How do I know? I was in your exact shoes just three or four years ago. Now I wake up everyday with a smile on my face and looking forward to a new day. My family is learning the things I wish I could have taught them years ago. Our whole family is turning a new page, and life looks pretty darn good from where we now stand! Isn’t it worth a try? What Mark Hamilton is trying to share with us can’t cause any harm, but it can help thousands, millions. Why not decide for yourself rather than let others decide for you?
R Cox

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and their fellow man. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer can no longer prosper.
Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in ruling class abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.
The Twelve Visions Party will open the floodgates of prosperity, break the walls of oppression, and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over Himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for others.
The Constitution tries to communicate that Man has inalienable rights and that He is bound by the Laws of Nature. The Prime Law will secure that fact and government will have no choice but to obey Natural Law and integrate justice. The ruling class and other bogus authorities will no longer be able to “change” reality according to their whims and put Man under an illusion that He is incompetent and can’t live without them.
Without Neothink and the TVP Man is headed for an even MORE difficult time in discovering what it really means to be happy, in control of His destiny and without subjective or objective constraints. With the ruling class, the individual is just part of a machine producing for the ones that run and maintain it. He has limited sovereignty and authority over His life. His individuality and essence are suppressed and He is unaware of the quality and importance of His being.
With the TVP, Man will begin to realize the value of His consciousness. With His ever-growing self awareness He will begin to appreciate and even love other conscious beings exponentially. He will want to make His world a better place through value creation using His precious mind rather being a drone serving robot in a dead-end, mindless non-living job.
Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and self-leadership will win over those who wish to destroy us and over those who choose the lazy and incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use of deception and force.
I am extremely grateful for Mark Hamilton sharing his knowledge with us. It will lift man to his final evolution into the Value Creator He is born to be.
May You be blessed forever!
Stephen J. May

March 2025