Archive for the ‘Mark Hamilton’ Category

TVP founder Twelve Visions Party addresses negative rumors on the web accusing him of just using TVP to sell books and make money.

TVPNC Officers Discuss the Mark Hamilton Speech on NTR June 6th, 2010

TVP Founder Mark Hamilton on NTR May 30th 2010

May 30th 2010



When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: “The PRIME LAW.”

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the “PRIME LAW” in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD. A totally different Civilisation. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustractions.
Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: “The Highest Values of the Universe” will be able to live a creation driven life.



I immediately started to rebuild my life with the help of Mark Hamilton

To Whom it May Concern,

I wish to express how much of an honor it was to have been introduced and now become a member of the Neothink Society.

My life ended after the 9/11 attack on New York City. I was happily in business for myself for many years in the “Big Apple”, I had wonderful clients who were my dear friends, doing exactly what I loved to do and had my own apartment in the middle of Manhattan. I was very happy creating values all day, not really understanding that I was one of a few who lived a life “without burden” as Mark Hamilton would put it. I worked 12  to 15  hour days and loved it.

It was when everything changed on 9/11 that I realized how the majority of people live with their burdensome 9 to 5 jobs and not realizing that there were so more to life, the life I used to live. You see, when most people immediately lost their jobs, home and some their lives, I managed to hold it together for a couple of years with very little income and a lot of expense including staff, rent and other related business expenses.
My only survival rope was the investments I had which for some reason I couldn’t touch, and the promise of government help which never came through as promised.
Needless to say, I was forced to go out of business and find work as an employee to survive. It was then that I noticed the sad lives most people live and the oppressive nature of the work environment. This living became unbearable to me, I became depressed and sick then decided to return to England which is where I grew up and where my parents live, only to return to Florida every five months to visit an old friend.
It was in Florida I was introduced to the Neothink Society. I took the materials back to the U.K with me to study and slowly I began to understand why my life and cereer died. It was as if Mark Hamilton was talking to me, all the information in the material seem to relate to me and I immediately believed everything because I actually experienced them all.

I immediately started to rebuild my life with the help of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society. I listen to the meeting, although  =because of time differences it is the recorded version, but it has been extremely valuable and now I am building my new international business which I predict will make me one hundred times more successful. I must stress that I am only able to do this international work through the skills learned from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.


Mark Hamilton is a brilliant and honest man

Hello, my name is Joe S. and I had the privilege and honor to be invited by Mark Hamilton to become a member of Neothink Society.
Mark Hamilton is a brilliant and honest man that earn my respect and admiration for his creativity and unique mindset that was able to identify and develop a superior level of consciousness named Neothink.
He founded the Neothink Society-an organization that provides its members with prime literature, a profound and honest “secret knowledge”-as the vehicle to achieve, in my opinion, the most empowering and life lifting information on the planet.
Through the prime literature- powerful concepts integrations- Mark Hamilton provides you with effective tools to implement the empowering Neothink mentality. With Neothink you will expand your mind to new levels of consciousness and experience happiness like you never did before, outside the Society.
Life now has a new meaning to me after been exposed to the wonderful values of the prime literature as member of the Society. I learned to take 100% responsibility for my decisions and actions, taking control of my destiny following my own rational and honest self guidance. I no longer look to be guided by any outside influence or authority to make my decisions. Now I move forward and take actions based on my judgment to achieve my dreams and ambitions in life..
After reading and studied the prime literature I realized my purpose in life is to become the person I was meant to be- a Value Creator- living the life I was meant to live- an Exhilarating, Prosperous and Happy significant life!
Marc Hamilton ultimate goal is to change our present upside down society into a new Super-society where every person will enjoy wealth health and happiness, including the elderly and the poor.
In order to accomplish the new Super society, Mark Hamilton created the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that represents the political arm of the Neothink Society. The TVP is the vehicle that will confront and  dis-articulate the corrupt and decayed political system that is responsible for depriving our freedom and constitutional rights with ever increasing government regulations and political self serving laws of the ruling class.
Our career politicians no longer care to protect the well being of their constituents but rather focus on building their own bogus power and prestige making false promises they know will not deliver to induce people to reelect them.
To maintain their illusion of power they approve unfair laws that preserve their self serving interests, feeding their unearned prestige and positioning themselves in the elite class.
These career politicians along with government bureaucrats are responsible for the present wreak of our economy with their ever increasing tax laws and government’s regulations causing ever increasing cost of living, unprecedented high levels of unemployment, ineffective educational system, all levels of corruptions and a decaying standard of living.
The TVP platform- designed to protect each individual from initiated of force by any person, group of persons or government- will guarantee the constitutional rights of every individual to have the freedom to achieve wealth, health and happiness in a new Super-society of Peace and Prosperity.
Only through value creating Neothink Society, the TVP and Mark Hamilton leadership will the Super-society become a reality. He is the self leader with the highest Neothink knowledge to integrate all the pieces of the Super Puzzle that will create our new Super-society of unprecedented levels of Peace and Prosperity ever experienced in the history of mankind!
I invite you to learn more about Marc Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, visiting our website at: and
Sincerely, with love and gratitude,
Joe S


Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy

Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy

Recently I was invited to attend the Neothink® Societies “World Neothink® Day Celebrations.” These celebrations where conceptualized by the members of the Neothink® Society itself, and they were fully supported via financial funding by Mr. Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society. Not only were these celebrations held through out our country, but they were also broadcast at each location to the internet via several websites that Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society, set up specifically to broadcast these wonderful events to those members which were unable to travel to the events themselves.

This is how the society members are given an opportunity to excel in their own creative essences; and these essences promote maximum value creation for each other, and to the world itself. This is a replication of the philanthropic efforts of Mr. Mark Hamilton as shown to his members via his financial backing of this member conceptualized event.

Because I am a single parent, caring for a disabled young adult, I was not able to attend the events. As I clicked to the events in Ohio, California, and other areas throughout our United States, I became overwhelmed with the understanding of just how much love was being displayed both by the members of the Neothink® Society to each other, as well as by Mr. Hamilton himself to his members through his monetary commitment to their creative ideas!

I thought to myself about how we see a lot of wealthy individuals today who are unwilling to see the needs of the common people, much less contribute to those needs. What a beautiful philanthropic effort Mr. Hamilton actualizes with his development of his inspirationally educational writings and his invitation of membership into the Neothink® Society itself. This membership provides weekly interactive conference calls which educate, enlighten, and encourage us to live life to the fullest by utilizing the tools provided within the member website. These tools include access to the Libraries of Mark Hamilton, the Vision Business Alliance, the Twelve Visions Party®, the highly stimulating Clubhouse Meetings, recorded conference calls, Global Information Network business training, as well as highly stimulating member conversations on the website member bulletin boards, all of which provide exceptional tools for those that want to pursue their passion for living the abundant life.

The word, “Philanthropy” originates from the Ancient Greek language which meant, “ to love people.” The dictionary defines Philanthropy as the act of donating money, goods, services, time and/or effort to support a socially beneficial cause, with a defined objective, and with no financial or material reward to the donor. The philanthropy of Mark Hamilton embraces the altruistic activities such as World Neothink® Day with the intention to promote good and improve the human quality of life. Altruism, (from Latin: alter-the other), is defined as the deliberate pursuit of the interests or welfare of others or the public interest.

So Mr. Hamilton, I want to say, “Thank You.” Thank you for reaching out to the world with your valuable insights, compassionate love, and monetary resources. It reminds me of something Jesus (a highly conscious man) said to a trouble world. “Let your Light so shine among men, that they may see your good works, and in so doing bring glory to the heavens.” Mr. Hamilton again I say, “Thank you” for your great light of inspiration and hope…

Elaine Ray


“I Guess I’ll Just Stick with the Facts”….

Well generally speaking, I’m not one to get overly sentimental (though I suppose I do have my moments too). So how will I here make mention of a particular man – without getting soppy that is – who has tirelessly made it his life mission to come up with simple, honest and viable plans, creations and solutions for repairing all that has gone wrong in the running and operation of these United States? I guess I’ll just stick with the facts….

The man I’m speaking of is Mark Hamilton who has founded the new, “apolitical political party” called the: Twelve Visions Party. He has numerous publications outlining how such a monumental task as creating a new and improved United States can be carried out; his “Wealth, Health, Peace” is a “must read” and it offers detailed primary guidelines for making meaningful changes in the way this country is managed – real plans to be carried out, ensuring real representation “…of the people, by the people, for the people….”

Mark has also founded the Neothink society, along with all of its various departments that are poised and placed as cornerstones of a future America to be rebuilt in new awareness of the arts and sciences, superior medical, scientific and technological advances (including the exploration of achieving biological immortality), honest business and lasting peace and prosperity for all…true happiness. His model for America could well be a fine model for other countries throughout the world.

These endeavors in themselves are huge undertakings, but all-the-while HE manages to also be a devoted family man, an honest business entrepreneur, a wise and caring mentor and a loyal friend to all members of his Neothink society who also devote whatever time and efforts THEY can toward helping to create a brave new world for ALL AMERICANS.

How does one juggle all that in a meaningful and progressive way? It’s mind-boggling, yet he really does! So “hats off, and salutations to” Mark and his family for providing the honest hope and the reality based plans that this country and its citizens so desperately need and deserve. To say “Thanks Mark” is an understatement…but I smile as I believe I did manage to maintain most of my inherent asoppyfication! :)

Devotedly Yours Mark…Liz Szarka, New York


I Feel Lucky to be with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Hello everybody .
My name’s Issa F
I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration   to life I have gained since I got exposed to the heirlooms and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started  playing making  my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind,finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier  knowing where I’m at and knowing  where I’m /  we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier  and wealthier  and healthier  than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life,  to be and have  all of this will be gained by being  with this society and become knowledgeable with the heirlooms.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck  by allowing my self to except  Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefor I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage  where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the heirlooms.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all


Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me at a crucial time in my life.  I had gone through some pretty tough times up until then, with failed relationships, financial troubles, and depression.  Mark Hamilton’s first letter reached my mailbox at just the right time.

Organized religion was doing nothing for me.  Instead of sending me the positive message of love that was meant for us, there were fat cat neocheaters pounding their pulpits telling me just how worthless I was.  To top it all off, after making me feel lower than I felt before I walked into their buildings, they begged me for my money at the end of it all!  How dishonest is that?!

Our government was doing my family and me no favors, either.  That was during the “stimulus check” (so-called tax rebate) time.  By the government’s simple calculations, I was a single parent with two dependent children and a good paying job.  I should have been handed a fat check for $900.  Instead, I was penalized.  According the fine print (they always get you with the fine print), I made too much money.  So, they deducted percentages for that.  Second, my son was 17 years old (and in high school); therefore, he was not considered a dependent child under their guidelines.  So, I was “stimulated” to the tune of about $130, while lazy, dishonest government dependent zombies were getting full checks!  Since that time, it’s only gotten more dishonest and hypocritical.

Shortly after Mark Hamilton’s first letter, I was reading my first Neothink® Society text.  I knew I was stepping out on a limb, but WOW!! It was an eye-opener.  It opened my eyes to the farce that is organized religion.  I realized I didn’t need someone to scream and yell at me to know what was good and right for me.  I knew it all along!  I didn’t need some talking head with a “D” or “R” attached to the end of his name to tell me what was right or wrong with our Great Nation. I knew it all along!!  I realized how churches and governments have been ruling mankind for centuries through false guilt, contrived fear, and brute force, often hand-in-hand.

My life has improved drastically since my introduction to Neothink®. I no longer believe in the lies set before me by government officials from either of the major political parties.  I know that their real job is to keep us divided with hot-button, polarizing issues, while they keep lining their pockets and exercising their dishonest power for personal gain.  I no longer submit to the will of false speaking religious leaders.  I, instead, listen to my own conscience, with the full knowledge of right and wrong that I was born with.

Neothink® is not atheism, as religious leaders would have you think.  It is SEEING through to what is real and claiming responsibility for your own actions.  Neothink® is not anarchy, as government leaders would have you think.  It is self-governance and doing what is right all of the time, without loopholes and dodges. It is the death knell of petty bureaucracy and political fiefdoms.  It is seeing and defying false external authority in your life.

The Twelve Visions Party is coming!  Are sick of the status quo?  Do you want honesty from your elected officials?  Do you want accountability? Do you want your government to stop spending us all into the poor house? Then TVP is for you!  TVP candidates will be people who understand and live Neothink®.  They will be men and women of honor who do what is right.  They will be honest in their words and actions.  They will not seek office to “lead” you.  They will seek office to work with you and for you to bring us out of this anti-civilization we now live in.

Lloyd W


January 2025