By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world…


First, I would like to thank F.R.W. , Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, (The 12),and the Neothink Society, for building the bridge for all humanity.  This bridge is for all mankind to crossover, to where all of humanity should be, and eventually will be, in the future. This being a psychological bridge, that offers again all of mankind a new way of thinking.

My personal journey started in 2002, with the first letter I received in the mail, like everyone else in the Society I was searching.  Searching for the person I was meant to be, what I gained from the letters, and the multigenerational books led to and is leading to knowledge, that is truly mind blowing.

The most profound aspect I gained from this knowledge was the hoax of the god concept, ( I already had doubts) with that false concept behind me, I started the journey of a lifetime. Gaining control, and becoming the authority in my own life; opened a new world for me, automatically making me, become a better person, and putting me on the path of becoming the
person I was meant to be. This gained knowledge led to my FNE, highlighted the neocheaters, how they operated, and who they are. The things I learned was and is very valuable, with the aid of the multigenerational books, I learned there steps a person can take to assist him or her in every aspect of their life.

When those steps are put into practice, the results are a much better life with focus and purpose for instance in your personal life, your diet, your relationships, personal and social, your job, and work, with the steps and methods your job becomes not only less boring or not boring at all but much more profitable. We know there are myriads of other steps and methods.

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world, not only from the outside, but first and foremost from the inside, best of all we create our own road map to take us any where we want to go in that new world. That new world is what all of mankind needs, but is not ready for yet, but eventually they will be there. All love to the Society.

Roy Metcalf


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March 2025