Before I ever met Mark Hamilton, read his literature, or found the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party…

Dear Mark,
Before I ever met Mark Hamilton, read his literature, or found the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party… my life was a mess. I was extremely depressed and didn’t understand why because I had a lot of really good things going on in my life- two beautiful children and a great husband. Yet, I found myself sad and depressed and wondering why I was here- on earth, what my purpose was and were my life was going. I felt completely worthless.
Since Mark Hamilton found me, and since integrating his literature, finding the NT society and discovering the TVP movement everything- every little part of me as an individual inside and out, and how I view my life has changed. Mark Hamilton has brought me into the light. He has showed me who I am as an individual and the power I posses as an individual. He has shown me the power of the mind. He has shown me that we can use that power honestly to take control of our lives and futures. He has shown me the power of the person and what that power can become when the power of the people join. I love Mark Hamilton as a daughter loves her father. Mark Hamilton is the “father” of this movement. His literature means the world to me. It will not only guide me but my family as well into health, wealth, and full and prosperous happiness. I now know with great certainty that I can achieve great happiness and great wealth. Not only do I know this with great certainty, but I know I’m worth it!! We all are. The Neothink Society has pulled me into another level, another realm of love and power. A level I never knew existed and now can’t let go of. Success of the TVP movement means freedom, prosperity and love not just for me, not just for my family, but for the world as a whole.
If, for some reason Mark Hamilton were to be silenced, his literature erased from the earth, or the TVP movement silenced…that would mean ever growing chaos not only for me as an individual, not only for my family and loved ones, but for the world as a whole. And that ever growing chaos would in fact lead to the destruction of our civilization and our world as a whole. So this movement is the MOST IMPORTANT movement in civilization ever. This movement is the movement to end ever-growing chaos and find and create ever-growing peace and happiness. This movement will change the world.
I know my life’s not perfect right now, but I know I can achieve my view of a perfect life with the knowledge, love, and consciousness I have acquired with the help of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society. And through the TVP so can the world full of lost individuals.
Peace and love,
Rashelle P.


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March 2025