Because of Mark Hamilton


The Motivation to Move the Twelve Visions Party Forward

The Need for Integrated Honesty for all people is needed now!!!!!

There are many agendas each of us creates while we journey through this wonder called life.

Life itself and especially life activities affect each one of us.  People, Causes, Events Policies and Procedures each affect our thoughts and feeling.

I for one have personally felt the lashings from a legal system that appointed itself the decision makers for us, the people.

Make sure the policies and rules are in their favor and away from the rights; of the people, overall.

We all have a story to tell, how the govt. and its legal support is misusing its positions and continuing to break down an already very broken system.

Look to yourselves and examine your motivational level to want to make a change now, and effectively move forward for the rights of all people, not a select appointed few, which is creating major disastrous results.

I for one personally know:     My Motivational Real Life Story

My brother was a Civil Engineer, who was killed on the job site in 1975.

The corporation along with the legal support system, said to my parents and his wife

(Who had 2 young children 1 child 3 years old and a 2nd child just 3 months old), that he just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Just an accident, and gave their condolences.

Offering dishonesty and creating an Illusion

And now: to make a very long and drawn out story short.

The honesty is:

My brother was killed by a crane operator who happened to be drunk while moving his crane, at a time it  was not suppose to be moved, and a block of cement fell off of it’s holding apparatus, and hit my brother, my brother was thrown  23 feet down into metal and steel, and was crushed

Highly respected legal system members covered up the crane operator’s negligence.

It took years of aggressive investigation and major fortitude to unlock the honest situation.

My father died heartbroken never knowing the honesty of the situation.

I for one sat in a lawyer’s office and was told this out right lie to my face by a well upstart legal representative, who knew the truth, but blatantly, lied to cover up this terrible incident.

My brother was a human being, a man, a son, a grandson a brother, a husband, a dad, a professional Civil Engineer; he was a law-abiding citizen who followed the rules of govt.

And he was only was 28 years old young man when he was cut down by a drunk crane operator, who had no reason working on a job site in such a condition.

To make matters worse the system belittled his valuable life by telling an outright lie to cover themselves save a buck, and their reputations.

This type of behavior is not acceptable to me, it never has been.  I have been dealing with this disgusting situation for 34 years.  It is embedded in my gut and I always knew that I would have the opportunity to eradicate such behavior.

Neothink has helped me turn my bitter anger into a form of action, yes, a form of action.

An active organizer to move the Twelve Visions Party forward


I know this is just one man’s story and, out there, there are many human beings with such horrendous and dishonest stories.

Well, today I am so glad I held on for the last 34 years. The Twelve Vision Party is now in my life and I can contribute by making a change in this terribly broken system, with neocheaters: filed with greed, dishonestly, self- righteous behavior.

I for one, have the fire within me, so go ahead and watch me burn, it will be quite dynamic and worth watching the brightness of the light I will be create. Yes, I have the passion, but again, Due to Neothink I have a healthy forward moving passion.

And now a word to my brother Big Brother Jimmy

James A. Fagan my dear and beloved brother,

Jim: The Twelve Visions Party will help us get back to the true honesty and foundation our Founding Fathers started for this country.

I promise: I for one will work aggressively to make this a reality.

Jim, you were a wonderful human being, and believe me I will work daily to move the

Twelve Visions Party into reality.  My pledge this promise to you my dear big brother.

I love you, you are daily in my heart and I will see you again in the Civilization of Universe.

Jim, Big brother, you are a burning light in my heart and believe me we will be together again in the Cof U.

The Twelve Visions party will be a major puzzle piece to make this happen and offer us the opportunity to be together again.

I love you Jimmy

Steve F


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March 2025