As a relatively new member of the Neothink Society…

As a relatively new member of the Neothink Society I would like to take the time to express my appreciation for all I have read and learned. The timing of this new knowledge is critical as our society is at serious cross roads now. Our government is now spending about $2 for every $1 in tax receipts with no end in sight. Neither political party seems to have the will to do what is needed to solve our problems. This explains the growing dissatisfaction expressed by the American people in such movements as the Tea Party’s occurring around the USA. Even Congressman are retiring in high numbers this year as they don’t know what to do or realize they will be voted out of office for their failures. Neothink has real ideas to solve these economic/political problems: return government to the roots of our founding fathers. Sell off government assets to pay off all the money owed the American people for unsustainable Social Security payments and other entitlements. Close down the big bureaucracies like the FDA which harm the American people by keeping lifesaving products off the market in the name of big brother protectionism. Restructure our tax system by eliminating the IRS and switching over to a national sales tax. Trillions of dollars will return to the US if income tax doesn’t have to paid on these offshore bank accounts and investments. Immediately prices will drop as corporations do not have to pass on the corporate income tax to consumers. Innovation will increase as the silent partner, the IRS, is out of the equation in business. Jobs will again become plentiful as labor costs will drop for corporations and small business alike. Unproductive tax shelters will become a thing of the past. Innovation will become rapid in many industries (like the computer industry) with the heavy hand of government lifted.


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March 2025