After reading your Prime Literature…


Dear Mark Hamilton,

I am writing this letter to express to you my deep and heartfelt appreciation for the tremendous positive impact you have had on my life. I am truly thankful that there is someone like you spending his precious time thinking about, and developing methods his fellow human beings can use to live healthier, happier, and more prosperous lives.

I have been a member of your Neothink Society for almost four years and I have discovered the life I was meant to live. I now believe there is hope for all mankind to contribute to society in a positive way which will bring a rewarding sense of fulfillment to their lives. After reading your Prime Literature, I now realize the purpose of life is to live happily and prosper. Previous to being contacted by you, I was growing more and more anxious about the years passing by so quickly. I was playing out the back nine of my life, and quite concerned about what lay ahead for me as I grew older. Now as a result of my association with you, and other Neothink Society members, I am on a path which has brought me great happiness, personal growth, and a renewed jest for life!

I have read about, understand the principles of, and believe in your new Twelve Visions Party. I believe it supports what the “Founding Fathers of these United States” originally intended when they developed the Constitution. I believe that the Founding Father’s purpose of the constitution has been lost over the years with the ever expanding size of the government, and it’s involvement into citizen’s lives. We have lost focus of what “Government for the People” is supposed to mean. I believe the Founding Fathers created our government to serve “We the People” It was not their intention for government to be involved in every aspect of our lives. We were meant to be self leaders responsible for our own lives. It was not meant for us to be totally dependent on the government which is where we are heading. Because of you, I now take responsibility for my own life, and do my due diligence to research all aspects of my life to care for myself and my family. The Twelve Visions Party will provide personal protection for all citizens and at the same time allow individuals to pursue the lives they were meant to live.

Thank you for all you’ve done, and continue to do for us!

~ Bruce A.


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March 2025