Archive for September, 2011

So Bring It.

A couple of years back, I invested into a promise that Mark Hamilton made to me. Now, I am on the journey to become the person I was meant to be. The idea of discovering the hidden power within was captivating and ever since Neothink

The Neothink Society of Mark Hamilton, Today, Tomorrow, and Forever

Several years ago I was invited to experience an awakening to my life and given an opportunity to become a member of Mark Hamilton

Neothink Genius

What’s going on Mark and the Neothink society!? Several years ago I received the Neothink orientation booklet. Before I read the whole booklet I noticed some weird things happening before my eyes. I do not know what caused these things to happen, but maybe it had something to do with Neo-think’s new “technology”. I want people to know that my personal life changed exactly how it was claimed to within the society’s secrets! The most intriguing fact is what causes the life to be able to change. Initially, I doubted that I would be heavily impacted by the secret society. I read my first installment at the age of twenty three. I am now twenty eight years old and I have realized that our society is plagued with papa boys! All races have them in abundance. These are Neothinks greatest enemies! I want people to really understand that we, because of Mr. Hamilton have the opportunity to create our new world, together! Neo-think is the synthesis between the human desire and nature. My personal email has been the same for five or six years ( It means Neothink genius! This is truly the best time to be riding through the roller coaster named life! Thanks again Mark!
Christopher Williams.

Self Leader

So many partial truths abound in society, here is a witness to pure truth..

Mark Hamilton has taught us something that was lost, something that was
usurped by those who had learned to be self leaders, those that then became
parasitical by nature…
Mark has shown the light on this subject in a dynamic form named NeoThink. His father is a man of fame, he opened our eyes to a world blocked from us for more then 1700 years, we the mass’s…
All while the Elite Royal and Self Leaders of the day became wealthy and famous upon the backs of us, the creators of things of value.
They did this not in a form of balance, but in a power of deception, by cheating those they ruled as authority.
By taking our love of our creator and using it against us by twisting and perverting the truth.. all the while we believed by faith that they had the
best for us, but then… Marks family woke us back up to the pure truth the
singular lightspeed power of pure truth and the love gift that comes with it.

Imagine how today… we would not be in this world turmoil if it were not for the power of twisting the truth for profit…
We still have time to let the truth shine, we still may have the timing it takes to derail the plans of those who cheat, and decieve.

We are being awakened from our slumber , the mass hypnosis that has held down generations before us is losing its grip, the politicians are getting very concerned that their days are numbered..
I see that one of us will take this NeoThink lead, and move us past this time of stagnation and usurping values. Mark has made this leap available to us! Christ was able to bring man to conscious, this is fact.. it took a few hundred years or so to dismantle conscious man.. by deception by consistently pushing us into what they explained as true.

We fell back into that bi-cameral state we had left behind, that auto pilot self, directed by others… even those of us who love the truth…

Its not the Money that’s the root cause, its the Love of money!

Imagine what good you can do with resources abounding, what gifts we can bring!

I fall in and out of the bi-cameral state, the state that is accompanied by denial, its a debilitative state. But now that I am aware again, I no longer
have to accept or participate, I engage, I do! I am!

Inside our being we have a soul a spirit, an energy of light! If we free it
from deception it abounds and thinks much faster then our organic mind,
It is who we are… Notice when sad, missing someone, frightened, tensions
and depression is represented in our chest areas not in our brain?
That’s the center of the spirit of truth in you, waiting for you to accept it..
waiting to set you free… the truth will set you free!

Recognize that much of the NeoThink writing is designed to put your mind through a process, many things are said in many different ways to get
back to the singular truth, to deprogram our deceptions and instilling the light of truth in its place, our truth! Absolute Genius!

Kevin Nealon of Saturday Night Live used to parody what Marks Dad found, it was very entertaining.
Thanks Mark! NeoThink Rocks! You have raised the bar for humanity!
Highest regards!


Mark, I just received my third book. I have always been a hard worker and most of my energy has been positive. Now I know how to channel it. I have been successful at just about everything I tried and did on my own. I always thought I was lucky. Now I understand why I was successful and how to get to the next level. I would alway get to a certain point in my life and slow down start partying and lose most of what I worked for. Now I am aware of the high I was searching for, was the self satisfaction of the accomplishments I made. I will not stop or slow down creating new ideas because this is the euphoria I desire.
P.S. This is the first book I ever read.
Thanks Mark!

Thank you Mark Hamilton

I’d like thank Mr. Mark Hamilton all who know that
NeoThink is based on self impowerment though Individual creativity. By studying the information Mr. Hamilton has created & appling it w/my own creativity I have become more in tune w/the way a business should flow.
So to test this knowledge my family & I left the States & applied what I’ve learned & I have had some success. But now I am being tormented by those I’ve helped, so I can understand what Mr. Hamilton is dealing with & I support him & I will stand w/ him, because he stands for self improvement though Individual Creative.
I didn’t mention that I live in Tokyo w/my family & we’ve been here for 5yrs.& I don’t speak Japanese, & we live where most Japanese can only dream of living.
Thanks to Neothink & my Creativity I can live well anywhere.
Thanks Mr.Hamilton for Transendinal knowlegde you help others gain.
Keep up the good fight, because this warrior of Truth will stand w/U.

I want to think you for all you have done for me

I want to think you for all you have done for me and other people involved in Neothink , your literature has help me open my eyes to the truth and how I can live a better life for myself but the disappointing thing about the life we live is that the Government , Federal Death Adminstration and Main Stream Media wants to hold us back and keep us prisoners , by lying and manipulating us , but thanks to you and Kevin Trudeau , I do see hope for better future and I hope you keep up the good work and I will buy more literture from you in the future and alot of people have your back
Again Thank you so very much
Michael Hubbard

Neothink Literature

Here is what I can write about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton.
I love all the literature from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton is a genius! I studied very hard with the multigenerational book and I love it in a big way. It’s so amazing and why not be a member and enjoy life to the fullest by discovering your child of the past. Take it from me as I am a proud member of the Neothink Society! The TVP is the best part! How about getting rich without lifting a finger! Even better yet discover your child of the past who is waiting to be ressurected deep inside your soul. What a beautiful feeling! The wonders never seize in the Neothink Society. You have nothing to loose but a lot to gain. Take it from me I experience the great joy and exileration of discovering the child of the past. Go for it my friends and you will be glad you did. Make the leap into a new mentality called Neothink! Have fun out there my dear friends. The love in the Civilization of the Universe is outstanding,indeed!

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An EYE OPENING JOURNEY!!!!!!! Mark Hamilton has Touched My Inner Being & Awakenened My Natural Ambition to CREATE VALUE for EVERYONE. When we Create, WE are ALIVE!!! ALLEN S. JUMP

September 2011