Archive for July 6th, 2010

It Happened Again!

I can hardly believe it! The bumps had bruises of life had me down again, but then something happened! I went back to the Neothink® Society website and got involved in a few of the incredible opportunities there, and here I am: FEELING GREAT AGAIN! What a Gold Mine of life enhancing interactions I’m finding in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society!

AH! Another Victory!

Do you ever get tired of WINNING IN LIFE! I LOVE every SINGLE DELICIOUS VICTORY! I Relish these incredible and wonderful and ‘OH SO SATISFYING’ VICTORIES!
What is a VICTORY? It is an accomplishment that fills you with pride! Your hard work brought about SOMETHING REALLY REALLY GOOD!
Since reading Mark Hamilton’s coveted Neothink Society Multigenerational Manuscripts, now just three years ago, my life has been filled with MORE VICTORIES than … than my entire life before this point!
I can FEEL myself moving up to the next level! Here I come! And all around me, my loved ones are quietly discovering that they too LOVE to WIN! All around me people are WINNING in LIFE! VICTORY for ALL HONEST PEOPLE!
Come join the celebration!
I’ll see you in the Neothink Society Website!

Child of the Past

We really do all have that wide-eyed innocent child of the past living in our hearts! Mark Hamilton! How did you do it? How did you learn how to reach out to that part of me – to stimulate me – to inspire me!?! How did you weave those amazing inspiring stimulations into your Multigenerational Manuscripts? And thank you so much Mark Hamilton for envisioning the Neothink Society! Where else could I meet so many wonderful people!?!

I can’t be thankful enough for the marvelous text that I received from you. My life is full of adventure now.
I don’t live like have boundaries. My income has increased. I have enough to have money for rest of my life with savings. I’m doing more of the things I really want to do. I’ve kept all the books. Each reading brings new visions.
Thank you so much.

Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton!

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for me. Reading your literature and being a part of your Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party has completely changed my life.
I am an entirely new person since you stepped into my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you, however I know I would not like that place in the least bit!
Learning your knowledge and applying it in my life has given me countless blessings. You are a truly wonderful man who deserves world wide recognition and the Nobel Peace Prize if you ask me.
I feel so blessed and lucky to be part of your Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have finally found my home after decades of searching.
Thank you,
Jeff Smith


More accomplishments to celebrate! two more projects complete! Mark Hamilton’s mini-day system, coupled with PowerThinking make getting things done SO MUCH EASIER! BAAAAAAM! DONE!
Time to celebrate and enjoy these sweet feelings!

Love Led me here…

… me to this wonderful group of friends who have passion, love, happiness, and pride in what they do. When others are daily experiencing skepticism, doubt and are living discouraging lives, the members of the Neothink Society® are full of hope for the future.
The hope is the Twelve Visions Party® a grassroots effort of many who plan to bring “Wealth, Health, Peace” which contains “The Most Ambitious Get-Rich Program for the Masses In the History of Mankind”. How will that happen? Simply, with a vote in favor of Individual Rights. If anyone reading this has skepticism and wants to do an analysis, please visit to understand how easy this will be and how the Twelve Visions Party®, founded by Mark Hamilton, offers the opportunity for men, women and children to finally be free.
As families share the Prime Law of Protection they will no longer be content with the Ruling Elite deciding how they spend their days. The Neothink Society® is scattered throughout the United States, and several foreign countries, and their teachings can show you how to step into the role you have always wanted. The life of your dreams. The movie the Secret revealed how powerful your mind is; now, you can use that knowledge to change the political structure in this once strong Country, too!
I am grateful to Mark Hamilton who is not anything like the scam artists, and hucksters that are out there in these times trying to make a dishonest buck. He is a loving, compassionate, honest businessman who is giving others a leg up!
Come learn more about us by going to
Jill A. Reed

Neothink and all the rest……

I have to go to school pretty soon but I just cant wait to do this!
I cannot believe how fast my life has changed ever since Mark Hamilton bought himself and the multigenerational manuscripts into my life! I was going nowhere and FAST! Until I was finally bought back to reality and yes reality hit me hard and fast. It hurt for a while yes it did. But I picked myself up, I love learning new things and everyday is a new opportunity for that to happen. Mark Hamilton has changed my life, my heart and there is just no stopping him (thank golly).
I am extremely motivated towards the state of mankind. I am willing and ready now to do anything and everything possible in my power. This regular young woman, 20 years old living in Chicago, Il. I am willing and ready to do whatever it takes and so should you! Nothing can compare to the feelings, knowledge and understanding that I have receives from Mark Hamilton and Neothink. Well I’d better get ready for school!
Stay Fresh my friends -Tamarah

Thanks (NEOTHINK SOCIETY) & MR Hamilton

I believe in the TVP, and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Chapters yet haven’t made much progress due to the fact I bit off more then I can chew as I wrote Terri earlier, yet I keep up with everything as best as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, never-the-less I hadn’t met the gentle man yet and am sure one day I will, yet these books are filled with a richness of knowledge that can not be found elsewhere, I admit that. These are the rarest books I had ever witnessed in this context. However, I have two sets of them, one being from the fact the US Post Office had lost a letter paying for one of the Miss Annabelle’s Secrets Books, I have three copies of that book as a result of theft in the US Post Office. I had contacted necessary places and they had yet resolved the case nor compensated me for the lost money that was mailed to them in the mail. Too, to open a bank account, my own, I had been waiting for TCF to clear the Identity theft case that had taken place against me while I was signed up with Neo-think. This is the Bank at the Corner of Larkin and Theodore Street in Joliet. I filed an Identity theft report to the Attorney General and to the Cresthill Police Department and to the Banks and am still waiting for them to solve the crime that had taken place against me, which there was names mentioned. Mr. Hamilton and Steve Fagan stated in the literature if you have any threat problems, call the police. I did, which was on this identity theft where they stolen my bank checks and debit card and forged my name. I would like to open a bank account and clear my credit so Terri and I could begin working on the things we started a long time ago, and we are just waiting on this one thing. What is wrong with them?!?!?!?
Anyway, I am fairing well to say the least. I did get hit by a car the other day by accident, yet that wasn’t anything uncommon from my teen past. This is one reason why I have these other designs for the city transportation sector in Joliet, yet I don’t feel like just giving it away for free without some form of payment. All those freebies I sent out there, I thought someone would eventually provide free back while i was in the time of Bank ID theft and had a police report filed. I need this cleaned up, it had been over two years on this now. I wish all of you well, and please tell Mr. Hamilton I said hi.

Finding Me.

I am very grateful that Mark Hamilton had found me, I was going through some
hard times in my life at that time. I did not know were to go or what to do.
So I decided to order his books. And when I did receive them, I was really amazed by them. I had read half the book and felt something really strange had happened, it’s like this overwhelming feeling came over me, like all my problems had vanished. I felt more confident in myself than I have in a long time, before that I did not care. I began smiling more. I was thinking wow there really is hope out there.
Thank You again for making my life worth living. I could not have done it without you.
Michelle Anderson.

July 2010