Archive for July 4th, 2010


Iam 80 years old and I will tell you the world has never made sence to me until I joined the neothink socity I though we were doomed. From day one I began to see how we got in this mess and how we can get out of it. Iam 100% for the twelve vision party and hope I live long enough to see it in action I will do everything in my power to see that happens. Thank you Mark Hamiltom.
Melvin G Cornwell

My Short Story

Thank You Mark Hamilton for choosing me as one of your heirloom members. It has opened my eyes wider than I thought possible. The growth I have seen in myself has been challenging. Those of the anti-civilization have been trying to bring my new essense down at work. But I am persevering with a high cost. The authority I previous had on the job has been taken away because those who are trying to bring me down have managed to place me on company probation for a 30 day stint beginning Jan. 9, 2010. These people are haters, they are mean, and downright liars. So I have been keeping low, but it difficult to stifle progress to a new future. I have my resume out there for more than 40 positions which are on job freeze should one open up I will move on. I have been talking to friends about the TVP and are in agreement. No-one seems to want to organize in this area for fear of reprisal of some kind. Can someone give me some pointers to this end?
Wilfred C.

It Can Change Your Whole Attitude

I have been active in the Neothink movement for four years. I have heard from numerous people of how Neothink has changed their lives always for the better.
So join the movement and see what it can do for you

Post America?

This morning I saw a picture of our commander and chief holding a book, with a page marked. The title of said book is Post American World.

Knowing the New World Order is the agenda is a start.

The time to act is upon us.

My dream is to live in a fair and honest world. With a science, business, art based government. Whose goal is to protect her people.

The goals of MR. Mark Hamilton provide for such a world.

A easy choice for me.
1 Wealth, Health, Peace
2 Opression

Can YOU decide?

Wayne Z

A new life


Thanks to NeoThink, a new way of thinking and Mark Hamiltion as our mentor. We all will become wealthy in the cilvilation of the universe.

Neothink Man

Every day I contemplate what it would be like to live as a Neothink man in Mark Hamiltons’ book The Superpuzzle. Imagine living in an environment where every individual integrated honesty and reality for the greatest benefit of themselves and others in society. I have only experienced this feeling when I have been with other members of the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is a major puzzle piece necessary to advance society into the Twelve Visions World. The ultimate success of the TVP will create the environment that individuals need to live life for the greatest benefit of themselves and society. The people are looking for a viable alternative to the status quo that has not been previously available. I personally have been involved in a struggle for survival that gives me the first hand knowledge and perspective to relate to the man or woman working for the survival of their family. We in the TVP have the honesty and passion to shift the balance of power toward a peaceful and productive world of the future as described in The Superpuzzle. This is my chance to make a difference.
Live long and prosper,
Michael B

Our Reason For Living: TO BE HAPPY!

Well, well, well. Honesty is self-evident, isnt it? Take a GOOD and HONEST look out into our society right now and see what career politicans have done to the world. What else will we endure before everything gets better and not JUST better mind you but OUTRAGEOUSLY AND STUPENDIOUSLY FANTASTIC for WE THE PEOPLE. When I look out across our country (USA) today I see far too many people suffering. I see way too many people fighting. I see innumerable people struggling to make their life what they have always dreamed it would have been. Then I see many other people who have given up. Now if you have the ear of honesty you will see this is the way it is up to this point. Since this is true, why are career politicians the so called “peace keepers?” Will the career polticians please answer that? They will just use their so called “Facts” to mislead THE PEOPLE, drain THE PEOPLE and abuse THE PEOPLE. Career politicans have for far too long messed with the way things are going to run. Now WE THE PEOPLE participating with and in TVP are going to change absolutely EVERYTHING you are going through today/tonight (whenever you are now reading this). You read that right: EVERYTHING of civilization is GOING to change. We have with TVP KNOW that we have honest power and are rising to the levels that we desire to rise to. No, we dont need career politicans regulating the economy (which is another way of saying “I Rule You”). Rather we need compitent career market driven business people CREATING the economy and raising up WE THE PEOPLES standard of living. I may only be 26 years young here but really look out into the world and ask yourself “Is this what I REALLY want?” If no, which I guarantee it isnt, then TVP needs YOU THE PEOPLE to stand up with us and say “no” and say “YES” to TVP and CREATE a major change in the country. First to our country and then to our world. We have an enormous responsiblity to care for our planet and career politicians do not care about that. Only if it fits under their self-angradizing schemes to rule, will they “care”. Some “heart” they do have. But no matter because TVP is the best thing, directly beside The Neothink Society, to ever have been CREATED! Just continue to check out and absorb EVERYTHING here. Integrate EVERYTHING here and watch if you dont feel happier! This is Patrick Bundy and I leave with this: ITS TIME TO PARTY!

“Butterflies are Free”

I think there was a movie called that once.I never saw it, but the phrase means alot to me now. Suppose a butterfly never got to complete it’s metamorphosis from a lowly worm to creature that uses currents of wind, created by it’s own new wings, to travel in a beautiful form of true natural art. Suppose it was stopped mid-life to evolve any farther than worm on the ground. The beauty of the creature would never be recognized. Well, that is exactly what Mark Hamilton made me realize through his genius literature, had happened to the human beings on the planet earth. A force they could’nt see because they and their ancestors had been blinded by false truths that they were done evolving. That the ancestors we have were exactly all there is to humanity, no more. You get to a certain point in life and then stop and just wait to grow old and die. That my friend is giving up on your own personal evolution, to become the Butterfly type creature we were all meant to become. We through the beliefs most humans believe, are stuck in the lowly worm phase. Mark Hamilton taught me that I can evolve just as nature intended. Armed with this knowledge, I’m on my way to evolution, thanks from the center of my heart Mark Hamilton, You Rock…
Sincerely, Jon Running

Change is possible

Throughout history, mankind has been put in situations that forced change. It started with consciousness. When we were able to say I am, that is when we began to understand our power to change our situation. We developed the ability to control fire, invented the wheel, and eventually we learned how to fly. Mankind changed from being controlled by nature, to being able to have some control over nature itself. We have the power to create a world how we see fit. We can unite to create peace through love or we can separate and start wars because of fear. Throughout history we have faced the choices to go one way or the other. Somehow, we ended up here. We will continue to face crossroads. Slavery in the late 1800’s forced us to decide. Oppression and genocide in the early 1900’s again forced us to decide. Today, we are faced with a less clear decision. Our government has been deceiving us through a controlled media. They have been coercing us and trying to steal our rights. They have been suppressing us using a monetary system that they control with the Federal Reserve System. They are doing all of this in such a way that the average american is unaware. Slowly but surly, they are attempting to take away that which america has always stood for. A government for the people and by the people must be re-established. The choice that we must face today is just as relevant as slavery was in the late 1800’s and genocide was in the early 1900’s. Today, we face a dying freedom to be that which we are. We are being forced to open our eyes, the eyes that have been shut by a political and social spell that has been cast by the elect. We need honest people to lead this country. The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party represent a nation of true Americans who want to bring fully integrated honesty back into a government for the people and by the people. We are the revolution! Together, change is possible!

I Believe

I believe our country needs an uplift.
Our country needs the Twelve Visions Party to elect honest business people into all public offices. Do away with career politians. Do away with lobbyists.
Give government back to the people, for the people.
I want to help elect Twelve Visions Party persons into government offices.
I want all people to become rich including the poor.

July 2010