Archive for July 2nd, 2010

Go Mark Hamilton! The hero of the day!


There is nothing like Neothink. I have looked elsewhere.  The TVP has objectives that are superior in both value and complexity to those of the present system. The intelligence and precision needed to achieve a Twelve Visions World fits well with evolution. Neothink is possible because of pure love of life and unobstructed thinking. It is designed to help humanity in ways our current government and any other form of government ever could. Freedom and empowerment to the businessman and entrepreneurs is what we all need. We all need of each other but not with the current system that blocks creativity, and wastes more money than it portrays to save.

Neothink is meant to make the people better able to do business and prosper. Its literature raises the competitiveness and conscience of its readers. Without Neothink, the world has no competitive advocates for human prosperity through reason.

Go Mark Hamilton! The hero of the day!

thank you for sending me the letter…


Dear Mark,
I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society prior to receiving you letter I was existing in a rut running from home to work, work to home day in and day out. When I first received the letter I was leery and not sure whether I wanted to return it and I didn’t. A few weeks later I received another letter. I read the letter and was very excited about it. I set it aside and forgot about it until Thursday. I picked it up and discovered it had to be returned by Friday the next day.  I panicked because I feared I had lost my chance to join the society. I discovered I could fax the return application.

A few weeks later I received my first Heirloom book and started to read it. I got excited. I couldn’t put the book down. I read it every chance I got. I carried it to work and read it whenever I could. Before the start of work, at break times, lunch etc. If I could have figured a way to read while I was driving I would have read then too. I completed all three Multigenerational manuscripts by July of 2008. Some where i read that I had to complete the Multigenerational manuscripts before I could join a club house.  I wanted to meet the people.  Early August I met Steve Fagan the first time for coffee. The end of August I went to my first club house meeting with the Tri-State A-Team of North Jersey. I enjoyed going to the club house meetings because they were very well organized well run and fun to be at.
February 4, 2009 I registered New Jersey Creative Visions LLC and started the Neothink A Team of North Jersey. I’m still active with the Tri-State A Team of North Jersey as well as managing my own A-Team. I just love working with the people in the Tri-State A-Team.  I also signed up as a delegate for the TVP and attend meetings every month. I have been so very active with all of the events that are going on its seems I never stop having fun.  I have meet so many new people and made so many new friends it seems my life was so boring before the Neothink Society.
Thank you very much for providing the opportunities.
With Love
Your Apprentice

Bob McC

Mark Hamilton is the person who makes his living from helping others


I had been living in a very negative environment for a long time. For certain reasons I am unable to explain it right now. I tried very hard to break out, change and move on many times. I guess I was making the same mistakes and my situation wasn’t changing. I read lots of self help books, learned to meditate, but my negative environment and state of mind did not let me change. When I read first letter that I received from Neothink, I didn’t believe everything it said, but I actually felt special. I was waiting for those letters because they made me feel that I definitely deserve a better life. If I exist, I should become what I always wanted to be and find happiness. This is hope that Neothink offers to people. I believe such hope can be a first step for a person to start the process of change. There are many people out there that need some sort of push, support, guidance. Who out there can provide it and almost for free? Some people have good environment, but most do not. Mark Hamilton is the person who makes his living from helping others. It is what it is, and I did pay for 3 books, but I received so much information. If I didn’t want to change, I wouldn’t buy them. However I am very happy I did. They pushed me toward change. Mark Hamilton made sure we don’t just read and forget, he kept reminding us how special we are and that we need to continue to learn more by going into free meetings which continue to support, teach and educate. Yes, there is a web site that requires fee, but is low. There are so many things out there that require so much more of investment. I believe Neothink and Mark Hamilton helped me personally to understand that I can change myself and my life. I am not the same anymore. During the time that I had been involved in this education and I started only one year ago, I can see that I am different. I used to be very negative and didn’t think I can, deserve to change, have better life. Now I am on a way to a better life, I know it and I feel it.

Many environments can be very confusing. Families, jobs, situations, own mentality create negative environment. A person sometimes is unable to recognize that his situation and what is going on is not right. Life is short and if we live the way most people do, don’t try to change for the better, we will die miserable, not knowing what happiness really is. Many people are unable to structure their lives in such a way that they are happy. People around can make you feel that you are selfish if you want to find happiness, if you refuse to live your life the way they do or many miserable people do. They even tell you ‘What? You think you are special, a prince or a princess? You have to work hard as everybody, don’t try to find an easy way’. It is a wonderful thing to work hard, but why a person has to work hard doing something he hates? Why can’t a person find what makes him happy and work hard doing that? Creation is wonderful thing, but not many are able to build their life in such a way that they make a living from creating something they like or love.  Neothink Society helps us believe and think that it is possible. And if people believe that something is possible, they can go so far ahead. Neothink gives us strength to go on and have a positive outlook on life. It even gives us hope that life can be immortal. How great is that to believe that may be you won’t die? If science and health studies won’t be stopped and we will find a way to live longer? I believe Mark Hamilton is a great person who is trying to help people have better lives. I think it is a wonderful way to make a living by making people happy.

I will educate my children with Neothink literature. I think it is necessary for children to see what is and stay this way. There is so much wrong in this world. If children see it starting from childhood and know how to deal with it, they will not loose as much time as my generation did or people who are older. There is always someone who is doing wrong things or takes advantage of others. It is good to be able to see that and try to stop such people. I believe I would probably not be able to be where I am now if not for Mark Hamilton and his vision. His education is necessary.

Lana G

The society is the best thing that could happen to me


The society is the best thing that could happen to me, it has provided me with several tools that i will use to better my life. Long live the society. To get rid of it is without a shadow of a doubt a crime and should be un heard of. Without it the world would greatly suffer. Hope to show everyone that the society should and must stay. This is my testimonial. Chris P

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity


Dear Mark,

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity to receive the Package.  I chose to go forward, knowing the discovery, and the discovering cycle seemed  to be on target with recent events in my life. Upon reading the Orientation Booklet excitement filled the air. The Package arrived and after reading and assimilating the information a definite “ah ha” experience happen.  Armed with the Secrets, plans are in place for a start-up business that will bring great value to mankind. Understanding the meaning of “value creator” this concept will be implemented to achieve limitless growth.  The plan is to create a living business with Neothink strategies and Neothink concepts.  I must express my sincere thanks for you mentoring me on this journey.

Cecil B      Laguna Beach, CA

I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton


I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton and his TVP, the Neothink Society means to me. My first contact was when I received my Neothink book and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. The power of Neothink is so real all the feelings that was going through me that day and night I will never forget, It wonderful, fantastic and I loved It, I felt like a child again. I am in my late sixties not a educated person, left school at 14 went to work with my grandfather whom I loved, went through many hardships in my life, All through all my life I have been always searching for that something I could not find, until I got a letter from the Neothink Society, That was the starting of my new life, I am now moving in the direction of becoming the person Im meant to be, thank you. Mark every word in all your literature is right, It has opened my eyes to all the corruption, greed and lies that the Governments and Neo Cheaters are doing to us all, it must be stopped. Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who are the Voice of Honesty with the Universal Law (Prime Law) must not be stopped. Only by Depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were meant to live. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, TVP have their way and means to turn the U S around once again to make their Country a World Leader.  Thank you I am with you all the way.  David .

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom…


I am sharp enough to know that this great republic was not made great by the current “powers that be,” but rather by its great people.  America’s forefathers began in bondage and later began attaining freedoms for themselves, their progeny, and for naturalized Americans, through honoring “…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence.

I know that as a whole, the current powers that be, ever increasingly stymie those great people who are simply endeavoring to pursue their inherent freedoms.  Those powers have done so in dishonesty and tyranny born of their own irrational fears of losing their wealth, their power, and the chokehold that they have on the people.  They have also taken their dishonesty and tyranny, while in pursuit of ever more ill-acquired wealth and power, outside of this country and into foreign lands.  They have misused monies belonging to the people and have thrown America into debt on an unbelievably outrageous scale.  They have created a nation of dependents living in fear and despair.  They have polarized the people into rich – poor, powerful – powerless, those that feed off the broken backs of others – those that can’t see the way to feed themselves…you get the idea….

I also know that the great people of this great land are waking up to the dishonesty of those in power.  They want their freedoms restored and they want a government that will not place a yoke on them, will not deal dishonestly with them, will empower them, and will help them learn how to make-themselves-over into value creators that can hold their heads up high with pride – once again restoring inspiration, creativity, dignity, and glory to America.

Those waking up need someone peaceful and great, bold and intelligent, to take the lead in offering a completely new type of political party with fresh ideas for a unique system of government.  I know of only one such person and one such party – Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party.  No doubt the powers that be will vehemently and dishonestly lash out at him, his party, and his Neothink Society; but no matter, because those Americans tired of the lies, those who know a good and honest man when they see one, will call out in support of him…they know they must, for their freedoms and livelihoods are at stake…freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for all is at stake.

To me, Mr. Hamilton represents hope, knowledge, freedom, and abundance for all.  It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to roadblock him, for in doing so they would be blocking honesty from reclaiming its rightful foothold in this country.  Each individual has the right to present his or her ideas – unencumbered.   No intelligent person needs the current powers that be, government officials, controlled media, slammers, flamers, mudslingers, and the like, to decide for him or her, just whom he or she may give ear to.  Each person needs to decide for himself, or herself, whose ideas of government are best suited for the betterment of his or her own life, for the children’s lives, and for the country as a whole.  The corruption and the controls employed in silencing honest opposition must and will stop…the people are calling for it.  The great people of this land need honest representation, they will claim it, and they will have it.  – Liz S., New York

Thank you for your literature


Thank you for your literature. It wakes people up! I reread it and reread it. All innocent people should read it. I know for sure you are the real deal! I am behind you 100% .  I know you work very hard on this for 30 years. Thank you. It took 30 years for you to build a financial boat of freedom for everyone to get on. Thank you. Good honest money will point the way to real freedom. Politics will not. People can see that! Everything you say is true. I am very excited about voting in a tvp president to help change the world. I am very excited about seeing my friends all over the new world live in happiness. Thank you. Russel C. of Indiana.

Mark Hamilton is one of the noblest, honest, and heroic humans on this planet


My Testimonial

As far back as I can remember, my child of the past and I, had been searching, searching for that something I could not identify at the time.  Until, one day about six years ago, that which I was searching for found me, it came in the form of a letter. It was addressed to me from a man named Mark Hamilton.  From that time on, until this day Mark became the major factor in my life.

His honesty, his openness, his to The point showed me what really is.  Sadly to say, my parents, although they tried never could show or tell me what is, because they did not know.  The Educational system could not, because they did not know, Religion.
could not they were too blind, my Government could not. Mark Hamilton could, because he had the knowledge a New way of looking at life. He was and is able, not only to show me, but millions of others around the world.  That all of those unanswered questions that mankind has do have answers.

Mark is a great teacher, a teacher that transcends all of this planets teaching.  Mark is a value creator, that out produces, out performs, out competes all other competitive concerns, this he teaches to all he comes in contact with.  My life has changed in every aspect ,now I also know how to create values not only for myself, but for the rest of society Mark…is the one human on this planet, that can and will take All mankind, each and every human on this earth to the very, pinnacle of where mankind should be.  There are many negative individuals, that do not know Mark Hamilton or his…works, but still spout negatives, with a lack of anything positive to offer.  To those individuals with those biases I submit: Mark Hamilton is one of the noblest, honest, and heroic humans on this planet.  Mark take your place with the other great masterminds of mankind, past and present, Mark has many publications to aid and guide mankind to that pinnacle of life,t o a new world.

Roy M

I want to thank you, Mark Hamilton for your…


Mark Hamilton,

The ability to stimulate thinking that goes beyond the realm of typical thinking and knowledge has been the change that I personally encountered since I have been a member and apprentice in the Neothink Society. I have been exposed to a body of knowledge and wisdom that has generated a new found confidence in my ability of understanding and the comprehension of ideas, past and present .The insights gained thru the step by step reading and discussing of the literature has not only been emotionally profound and mind transforming but uplifting.

Also the emotional feelings and sensations from striving to make that what I know into my concept of reality has been one challenge. The second challenge is to apply that what you now know to the known .Given the fact that cynicism is a part of our culture and if you are not skeptic and indifferent then how can you fit in?

The empowering change of life that I have undergone since my introduction to Neothink has been a catalyst for real growth for me and my new way of thinking as it relates to viewing the world. I was able to power think my way thru a difficult and accelerated Master’s in Education program with honors.

I have started an Educational Consulting Service that is moving in the right direction and I am a home business owner. What value producer I will be remains to be seen but without this Neothink and the guidance of Mark Hamilton, I would not be so productive. and make efforts that is the only source of genuine power and prosperity and happiness.

Yes, Man in his attempt  to see the world from various points of view can sometimes be inaccurate. However the convention thinking is one thing and due to the socialization process… We are all inclined to fit in or not fit in. Neothink has changed that.

I really have gotten the biggest kick out of being a reader of the Children’s Book that was part of the experience and to read that to children and see how immersed they were to the stories helped me to relive and stay in touch to the Child in me.

I want to thank you, Mark Hamilton for your dedication and your willingness to be a change agent for me and anyone else that has been willing to strive for the good and strive for what is needed for all.

I remain staying the course and I know you will as well.

Thank you,


July 2010