Archive for July 2nd, 2010

Mark Hamilton has been the greatest mentor in my life


hello my name is Domenic L and i would like to start by thanking Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart. Learning about Neothink,the twelve visions party (TVP) and applying the knowledge has done more for me my family and all loved ones including my pets, more good than any combination of any and every part of my life. without Neo-think, TVP  or Mark Hamilton would still be stuck in the rut i was not being able to pay my bills, getting upset, angry annoyed, frustrated and most of all worry has dissolved in my life. now i feel happy energized rich and so glad to be alive. I would trade nothing for what i have learned and now gain. Mark thank you so much from my entire family I would like to say that Mark Hamilton has been the greatest mentor in my life. As a child I had lost both my parents by the time I was 10 years old. Raised by my grandparents, the only good advice you could get was to be a good man and work hard would carry you places. Though my beloved grandparents taught me how to survive in this mean old world, they never knew how to be happy doing it. So therefore they couldn’t pass such information on to a young man in which the world that had changed so much since they were children themselves. After years of trying to figure it out on my own, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Mark Hamilton. All of his literature and the members of the Neo-Think society have taught me so much of what I was missing in life, like how to be happy. When you drag yourself to work every day, count the hours down until you get off, countdown days until the next vacation, your not a happy person. The old saying ”Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life” is what the Neothink Society has taught me. Every question I have ever wanted to ask: What is the best way to lose weight and keep it off? How do I find the woman of my dreams and keep her? What is the best way to raise a smart child? What is the best way to make a substantial income even if I don’t have a college education? Its all the Questions and more that I really didn’t have an answer to or anyone to ask. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for everthing you have done so far, because I know you have so much more for me to learn and our Journey has only begun. You are a real life saver, for there are too many people in the world ,like myself, who just want a happy life. Who wants to see the light at the end of the tunnel, when you can have light at the entrance. Thanks Mark Hamilton for being the Father I never had.

Who is Mark Hamilton?


Who is Mark Hamilton?

I have had the great fortune of knowing Mark Hamilton for more than 15 years now.

During this time I have observed first hand the character and integrity which defines everything about this man.

Traits such as honesty, consistency, and genius all apply to his work and his life.

In this day and age, the main problem we face as a society is a matter of TRUST!

Ask yourself…

Who do you trust?

Who CAN you trust?

When you look at our current “leaders”, how do you feel?

Do you feel trust and do you feel that they have your best interests in mind?

Or, do you think that their own interests come first and foremost?

I know how I feel…and trust is not even close to it!

In stark contrast to the current state of politics and business stands Mark Hamilton and his creation of the TVP.

(Mark’s 30+ years of work are demonstrated in his extensive writings where you can get the full picture.)

But know this, his revolutionary ideas are not really “revolutionary” at all.

They simply expand on and re-ignite the very principles that this nation was originally founded upon.

Principles such as honesty, individual rights, freedom from force and fraud, the rule of Law, self responsibility, and economic prosperity for all…!

What is revolutionary is Mark Hamilton’s brilliant vision of what this nation, and this world, can and will look like when we fully grasp and implement the fundamental principles underpinning all of his works.

And what it will look like if we don’t! (see “Miss Annabelle’s Secrets”…)

Make no mistake, these principles must be embraced NOW if we are to make it safely through this corrupt era in humankind.

We are facing imminent threats economically and physically, including the loss of our freedoms etc… but their is a solution.

Today, we stand on the threshold of a new dawn for all human beings and thanks to Mark Hamilton we now know where we are going and how we are going to get there.

I sincerely hope you will join us for the ride of the millennium!

All the Best,


I joined Neothink under Mark Hamilton in 2008


First of All, I am deaf-hearing impaired person.  I joined Neothink under Mark Hamilton in 2008. I love his books makes me do it. I am involves in 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar, I creative several products, “Dream Vision”, “Unusual Benefits Cards”, “Unusual Useful Natural Time Calendar”, “Mini Budget Scratch Pad”, “13-Moon Weekly Notes”, and more… (all of it, coming soon)

Three important reasons… I know two, on both sides are very important to me and make long story short…

One Reason: My Opinion “Neothink” is A MUST, I thought “Hurray!

Neothink keep it up and keep going for our and Mark Hamilton’s sake!  I knew, Neothink are very successful, improvement for the better in this Earth and people, etc. It’s unique like flick A MAGIC came from our incredible mind. TRUST ME, worth It and it’s about special love, responsible and much more… you can do it and It won’t disappoint you.

Two Reason:  My beloved Mother had been through and passed away in 7-17-2008, age 72. I handle all of Mother’s stuff and routine at same time I keep up with Neothink but right after she passed away, I start to realize that I could not keep it up. I want to say, I wish for Neothinkthe best and be successful. To my special friends, who help me whole lots in the past, thank you for taking your time with me, my dearest friends, again Thanks!

And Third Reason: No Money to building A House Club, etc. and I will love to keep open my the fun workshop includes 13-Moon Calendar. Right now, I continue to building Website and next will be workshop project, that is my goal and I thank to Mark Hamilton for courage to all of our happiness people in this world!  Once Again, Trust me…

Join any workshops and club houses under Mark Hamilton’s variety Neothink Departments and It will make MY DAY! Thank you…

Patricia C. M

Mark Hamilton is a man who also pondered these injustices…


Throughout my life, I have wondered why inequity was viewed by so many people as an acceptable manner of existence.  The “Haves”, who truly believe themselves to be superior to the “Have Nots”, have for generations used their financial and political means to create a world that benefits themselves with complete disregard for the greater populace—the true creators of all that is value.   The “common man”, he who works for his living, is belittled, treated as unintelligent and inferior when, in effect, the knowledge and sources of knowledge that the supposedly superior society members have at their disposal, have never been available to the masses.

Mark Hamilton is a man who also pondered these injustices and pursued the reasons and causes for many years.   His determination to scientifically investigate, correlate, and evaluate the causes and effects, and integrate the criteria honestly and precisely into a formula has created Neothink.  New, neo, logic and knowledge is the catalyst I have searched for to create the changes which each of us need to truly know success in every aspect of our lives.  Neothink  has enabled my family to strengthen our business despite government projects that might have used “eminent domain” to take our land and effectively put us out of business.  Neothink  has shown us how to create desire fulfillment for our clients, putting our company in the thoughts of those who come to our store because they “feel” a connection to something that raises their good feelings.  Neothink  has reawakened a deep love and appreciation of each other for me and my husband and has strengthened our relationships with our children.

Mark Hamilton is responsible for the factual evidence of attainable changes that will bring forth the way of life those brave men we Americans call our forefathers envisioned when the Declaration of Independence created our country.  Mark Hamilton, through the Twelve Visions Party, shall bring each person the world we should have been members of for countless years.  We deserve to know the joy of life with our hopes and dreams being fulfilled and our minds free to create even greater ways for mankind to share this world.

Our prosperity and abundance, love, health, safety and life will be assured through the Twelve Visions Party and the knowledge Mark Hamilton has compiled in his multi-generational  writings.  I am greatly indebted and grateful for his concise guidance for all of humanity.

I await with true joy and pride the Neothink world!


Mr. Mark Hamilton


Mr. Mark Hamilton,

What an inspiration to create better human beings through our secret society!
As a positive psychologist I wish to share with all of our members the practical methods to improve health and prolong an enjoyable elderly life.
I am offering you my book: “Life, My Own Creation: How to Be Happy”, which I am sure would become, with all of your wonderful books, the true way to create a successful and peaceful world, through the power of our minds.
I am now in the process of revising my book to include my last two courses: “Positive Psychology for Total Success” and “How to Lose Weight Through Positive Psychology”.

I have also been having trouble with the website. I do not have much experience using the internet, so I was wondering if there was another way that I could receive information about, and/or participate in the Neothink Society’s secret meetings.
I am very honored to be a part of this organization.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

Thank you,

Graciela de R

We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now.


I have been deeply distressed to see what the politicians are doing to our wonderful country. It scares me to think that they can take over as blatantly as they have and how they are destroying a vital country as we are. We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now. We need to know that business is preserved so that we can grow again into the generous and rich country we have always been. When the government gets involved in everything, we suffer, which brings the rest of the world down as well. By getting government and politicians out of the way and letting the people use their talents, we could be leading the way to a fantastically wealthy world. Neothink has taught me just what is really going on. Greed and power are taking over and we, the people, are suffering for it. It’s past time to take action. We need to stop the power and corruption NOW!


Dear Mr. Hamilton


Dear Mr. Hamilton:

       The literature that I recieved from you is immensely important to me. It gives me great inspiration and hope for a better world. Tell me what I can do to help stop this threat to you. Reading your material gives me the drive to go on, and to hope for a better future for everyone!                                         


                                                                           Leslie S

Neothink Society literature is phenomenal


The value I have found in the Neothink mentorship and Neothink Society literature is phenomenal, I thank you here then personally for the pleasurable experience of being in the NeoThink Society.
J. H. L

To an uninformed public:


To an uninformed public:

There is hardly a day goes by when I am not aided by the teachings and values that I have learned from the Neothink Society.  Mark Hamilton is a living, walking breathing inspiration.  While he is present with us on this ailing planet, he supports us with his powerful, harmless, nourishing visions.  He is a true visionary, who has dedicated his life to improve the human condition.  He actually proves to us that we, as human beings in an evolved state, can revolutionize the way we think.  Imagine that.  We can actually become conscious human beings who can control the way we think.  Not the way others want us to think, but the way we, ourselves want to think.  He has taught us that we have choices to consciously change our lives for the better, in business, and the arts, and education.
Without Mark Hamilton to remind us that we don’t have to accept war as an option to solve differences, without him to remind us that we don’t have to accept greed as a way to live, without him to remind us that we don’t have to accept disease as a normal part of our lives, without him to remind us that we don’t have to support corruption in our government, we will suffer great losses–greater than you can imagine.  I dare say that we need to do our part in avoiding extinction through the hellfire of advanced weaponry.
We don’t have to live in the dark ages.  Join Mark Hamilton in his efforts to prove that honesty is a great weapon to fight evil.  Honesty  never lets you down, and Mark Hamilton never will, either.  All you have to do is to test the waters, so to speak, and find out for yourself.  He asks, “Who are you going to listlisten to?”  Those that  never have to prove what they are promising,? and are you going to listen to those who blindly believe what can’t be proven, and want you to accept their “beliefs” as being written in stone?  Mark Hamilton is a literary genius who can identify the difference between good and evil, and has a valid format for change that can literally bring happiness, wealth, and well being  into your life,  His sense of humanity  can transform your life for the better, beyond your wildest dreams, as he has mine.  Mark Hamilton has done more than enough for us.   It is time for us to support his work.
You will have nothing to lose to explore what the Neothink Society can do for you.  Join before you realize too late that the opportunity to lift your  hoodwinked life out of the darkness is happening now, and this Neothink organization  really cares about you, and that you must act soon.
Best Wishes to you and your loved ones.
Joan P

Mark Hamilton is a great writer and a true neothinker.


The Wind Met The Waters And Calmed my Soul

The TVP movement is going to be a success.We all  have suffered deeply by the choices the current government has made. I know I have personally the list can go on an on. I will tell a few of my sufferings briefly. Medicaid the doctor who treated me who just give me medication for my condition, well my condition worsened I told him I need surgery the pills are not helping. He did not help me all he could so I suffered greatly. I lost hope and quit the program. I said I will get better the best way I can by myself. Well it worsened , I ended up having the surgery at my expense that I did not have. Just so, I had doctors who did care and it felt wonderful. Medicaid worker: Mam you cannot file a complaint unless you are in the patient first program…….Then she goes you have the right to change doctors. The govermnent had me under, my mind could not function with all the stress and the turmoil that went on everyday in my life. But that is not important.

I wanted this for no one else that is my complaint about this doctor. I did not want anyone to go through what I did.The rules for medicaid are unfair. The goverment can cure diseases IF THEY WANTED TO. But us and our families are far more better at suffering to death. They say (the goverment) we will just give them pills to temporarily fix thier problem.The pharamacutial company has to make their money for them.

Everything about our government is unfair. Another thing about this goverment situation WE WHO ARE OR WERE IN DEBT. THE GOVERNMENT HAS SILENTLY KEPT DEBT LAWS FROM US.THERE IS A STATUE OF LIMITATION ON DEBT. I had been in debt for years over seven. The debt laws vary from state to state then they start over if you claim the debt.If I had knew this when I was being sued at age 24 this would have never happened to me. I had an old bill from a dental financing company.I did not speak to anyone for those years that passed. I knew they were calling. If I had the money I would have paid. The mail came you need to appear in court you are being sued for $1597.00. The paper said if you do not want appear check here , I did (they automatically won the settlement). The lawyer knew when he was hired I did’nt have to pay. But, He also knew that if I did not know (this law) he could get his money and they could to.Then look at all the people who have filed for bankruptcy and may have not had to ,because the statue of limitations had passed on the debt.

Obama he is going to do this and that. I saw a commercial he is going to help the people in debt call 000-000-0000 , they are going to set up a payment plan with all your creditiors. But what if some of the people’s debt is past the statue of limitations in thier state. The creditiors will still get paid.That is so unfair. Why take our money if you don’t have to.We need our money. Don’t stress us out we need our health. We have families who love us. This is so unfair.

The media is even unfair. They report what they want when they want. They edit and enhance. In the future we should have our own station.

What person does not want health, wealth, and safety and what has The Goverment succeeded at doing besides tricking us?


Mark Hamilton is a great writer and a true neothinker. Mark get straight to the point. He speaks nothing but the truth in his work.I am so glad to be part of this, I’ve never been accepted. But since I have been accepted it feels really good!!!!!!!!!!



Tiffany B

July 2010