Archive for July 1st, 2010

Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a…


This will be short and to the point.  
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a society that will accomplish what our forefathers first conceived, yet fell shot of bringing completely to fruition.  
I believe totally that the Neothink Society supported by the Twelve Visions Party will bring complete prosperity to America first and then the entire world.  
I have always believed that we as human beings are capable of conceiving and creating anything, plus nature can provide everything we will ever need.  
I also believe that becoming a Twelve Visions World is definitely an achievable goal and one that has always been our destiny.
Thank you Mr. Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for helping to make all of this possible.

Douglas W. H

Freedom of Speech


Something we are all being stripped of. This I think is blasphemy because isn’t that what our country was founded on? This I see more and more of. “We the people”, are no longer a part of our society. Neo-Think is all of that. We are the last of ‘the people’ that recognize what we were in the beginning before we had the constitution in place. We were already one people in separate living areas that recognized what we had/have, and those who “know” this are those who want to destroy us and to take us for granted. This is my testimony, not just for our Neo-Society, but as an individual, and an individual that is happy with what the Neothink Society has offered me. Even though I can’t be in it as faithful as I’d like to, I am in it as much as I am. I am Neothink in my own society here in the Hawaiian Islands. I believe that without our “kind” this world would fall into its own demise.

AloHa, Momi M. W

Thanks Mark Hamilton


The three Heirlooms I read in early 2008 were truly amazing to say the least, As I have said many times to others is the Annabelle story should be put into a movie for everyone to see, and am sure it would be the movie of the year. Mark Hamilton and son Mark Hamilton have opened my eyes tremendously with very insightful information gathered from many years of research, and feel would help everyone in the world to read these beautifully written books. I now support both the Neothink society, and Twelve vision party, along with many topic’s they educate and expand the mind, and where people can jump aboard and share and participate and listen to any subject you want to know about. The Twelve vision party will REALLY be something to look into even for the most skeptical critic’s. People will be able to hear something different other than two usual political parties and hear how it will unfold. Thanks Mark Hamilton and Mark Hamilton for these  heirloom books and what doors it has opened for me with meeting such nice people to boot.
Ron K

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of the Neothink Society for over one year.  Both of my parents (who are deceased) were intensely patriotic Americans.  I Mention this because the Twelve Visions Party embodies the core or heart of the principles which created this country.  The freedom of the individual was fundamental for our founding fathers.  Neothink Society not only echoes this important value, it provides the tools to restore
and expand the original intent of the framers of our constitution.  My mother always taught me to “separate the wheat from the chaff”:  The Neothink Society is a viable kernel of a healthy strain of wheat that we will all benefit from nurturing.  The Twelve Visions Party takes the focus off of the divisiveness of minority rights by concentrating on the complete development of the individual.  “Far easier to fight for your rights than to live up to them” (Adlai Stevenson).  For America to remain a vital and viable nation; we need the Neothink Society in our lives.

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.  He is like an older brother who guides you through the labyrinth of an antiquated and crippled civilization towards a consciousness rooted in awareness.  The Twelve Vision Party is based on the essence of truth and reason.  When I began my Neothink journey, I was concerned that my deep spiritual beliefs could be sublimated to a society which is very upfront about their skepticism of religion and politics.  The more I studied the Neothink Society and its values, I realized that not only were my beliefs respected; they are an intrinsic part of the Twelve Vision Party.  Specifically, The Ten Commandments are living and breathing through the basic tenants and intentions of
the Neothink Society.

In deference to the patriotism and love both of my parents instilled in our family for America (“The land of the brave and the free”), I support the Neothink Society.  Wake up “Sleeping Giant” and receive “the dawn’s
early light”.

Gayle G

Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer…


Thank you for your time and please read on: Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer and, I must say, a brilliant clairvoyant also. He has taken his time and opened my imagination to the possibilities of the entire universe and if you can fathom it with your ingenious mind, the existing universes also.  He has opened my mind to the possibilities of other political parties out there especially the twelve visions party. First of all, let us start with the neo-think society of which I am a part of, since I am ahead of myself. The neo-think society is comprised of many brilliant, wealthy, members of societies from around the world. We think of helping mankind and his future on this planet in the highest of all regards.  If you join the Neothink Society, you will find wonders of camaraderie, wealth, futuristic thinking from folks of all walks of life, such as brilliant scientists, actors, and all other wonderful folks from around the globe.
Mark Hamilton formed the twelve visions party and it offers many different aspects of uniting the world, and among other great aspects of serving mankind, starting with the American people-moving forward into the future beginning with the speeding up of this century’s technological revolution without any government’s suppression. The twelve visions party offers many aspects of movements to uplift us all from centuries of suppression.
So, I am asking you all out there, please continue to read the blogs about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and of showing interest in the twelve visions party and all it has to offer as opposed to this stagnant political world.

Faithfully yours, Krishna T

It is a honor to be a member of the Neothink society


Dear Mark:
It is a honor to be a member of the Neothink society let me said I been a member of the neo-think society at list (6) years and my life change for the better I became smarter and wiser…..I have a  bright future at head with so much to accomplish, went I get out of bed in the morning with great energy because I see in feel the future all because I take my mentality  to next level of thinking.
I had gain so much knowledge from all the material I study during years of membership with the Neothink society that I feel that my life is on journey to the future for riches and happiness  and good health, honestly I feel like a superman  I feel stronger and staying focused.
Said on I support the  the twelve vision party is the way of building our children’s future in for our great country ,  this twelve vision party are build on honesty to bring forward wealth and riches to everyone in the world.
The twelve vision party may well bring a better future medicine and the anti-aging cure………
Vincent I. G

That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing.


I am a citizen of the United States, and am proud of it.  However, I am not proud of the dysfunction that our nation has fallen into.  Observing for decades the steps being taken to remove our rights, even the DUTY as a citizen to disagree.  The suggestion of the removal of our Constitution, and the military policing our streets.  If you aren’t afraid of that, then you should be.
Today our only freedom of speech is if you agree with the status quo.  People fear what they don’t understand, attacking it so it won’t interfere with the present course of action.  Many are of closed mind and unwilling to accept real change.
The only way for that to happen is by bringing the people together, and awakening them to all the possibilities, that they can achieve once they are made aware of them.  That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing.  Pulling people together to make the changes necessary for our country and the world to survive as it CANNOT CONTINUE ON ITS PRESENT COURSE.
After I was contacted, I began taking the steps necessary to change my life.  I had been made aware of possibilities and set out to make them realities.  Furthermore, meeting others of like mind has made a major impact on my life, and that would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton.  It is my honest desire to meet Mark Hamilton someday, as that still remains on my list of possibilities that needs to become a reality.
Pat J

Mark Hamilton has really given this world as a whole a real purpose


For many years there has been many places that I have visited and they all had some answers to life and some made even some sense. But I had a strange inward feeling that their was a higher calling. Something else was drawing me to a real realty. As I was drawing them to me. See a lot of people will tell you they care and some are sincere but others are not. Mark Hamilton has really given this world as a whole a real purpose and meaning. That is not only balanced and fair because it is based in realty and it makes a whole lot of sense his writings are incredible to say the least. Between the society and the writings of Mark Hamilton life has so much hope and real honesty that one can take these tools which he has given us so that we can make a real difference in this very sick and twisted society that we live in. Around the world we see so much hurt and pain I can not wait till the Twelve Visions World comes. A world of peace and love and mutual respect for one another,truth and liberty and justice for all that is what our brother an mentor and friend wants for all of us a fair shake for all the world. and for that, I will always be in such great debt to such a wonderful person who is not afraid to cry out loud and show the world through his writings that we dont have to be against one another, But that we can have a real peace that can be reached through the twelve visions. P.S. THANK YOU YOUR BROTHER AND FRIEND NICHOLAS VIOLA KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!


… Yes … we need “refounders” to bring back what our forefathers gave to us.
Our ancestors fled persecution and enslavement to the feudal system, packed onto small wooden vessels and sailed a great, unknown sea to find a place to call their own (and hopefully not be killed by wild animals or wilder Indians!)
Our forefathers stood up to the mightiest nation on earth to break the bonds of taxation and slavery; a rag-tag bunch of farmers and businessmen, armed with hunting rifles, against the biggest and best armed force up to that time.
I spent 20 years of my life (1/3 of it) also defending this great nation, at the cost of my family and friends. Thousands of others past and present can say the same!
Now we hear our elected officials tell us we are “too stupid” to know how to take care of ourselves, it’s up to them to do it for us. We see our jobs, our homes, our livelihoods taken away for the basis of “equality” — like Robin Hood, our elected officials think they have the right to take from the successful and give to the lazy and incompetent!
Yes … we need, nay … we MUST refound our individual rights and freedoms. We live in the greatest time in all of history! We live in the greatest nation in all of history! It is time for the greatest individuals of all time to stand up and defend the rights of freedom, happiness, health and wealth for all. The ONLY way that can be accomplished is the TVP … check it out here:

and here:
Come join me and my hero/mentor — Mark Hamilton and the TVP in freeing the individual and rebuilding the once great nation … the US of A!

The Intrinsic Value of the Individual


The most wonderful idea from Mark Hamilton’s writings is his love and respect for the individual. He wants you and I to know that each of us is incredibly valuable. He points out the many ways that political, religious and personal ideas erode away the preciousness of our lives. By waking us up to the truth of how outside influences have degraded our lives we can begin to notice these influences and change. Often we have used external authorities as crutches to explain our personal situations in life instead of taking full responsibility for where we are at personally, financially and with our relationships. At times,I have expected God, my country, my husband, and how I was raised, to be at least partially responsible for my situation. Mark helps us realize we can throw off these crutches and live our lives with no excuses.

To me there is only one reason Mark Hamilton has chosen to be involved in working toward restoring the original reason America was founded. That reason is the intrinsic value of each individual to live freely to pursue his or her own creativity. We can use our minds to have and enjoy all the success, rewards, love and power that we desire. When people are truly free within, by being fully responsible and without by living in a country that respects the individual, our lives will be truly exceptional.

July 2010