Archive for June, 2010

In May 2007 I received an invitation from Mark Hamilton to read an heirloom book that would change my life.

As I passed through life, I swore I would write my story when I reached 80 (if I still remembered everything).  Well, I’m not eighty, but what a journey I am experiencing.  I was one of six children born in the middle of World War II. My parents were beautiful and loving and I felt lucky to be one of their children. Dad was fighting in the war and shot three times before going home. We were raised as proud Americans and very honest people. Were lucky or unlucky enough to trust. We stood up to our word and if we were wrong were strong enough to admit it. Then after 18 years old went out into the world only to discover how hard it really was. People were not always nice or trustworthy. The government was something to stay away from. Taught us how to lie and cheat when filling out our taxes.  As the years passed by and I saw abuse after abuse with children and animals and myself, I went more into religion for an escape from this society. I loved Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit as I could always count of them because I was actually talking to myself. The last few years I learned about the abuse the priest were molesting young boys in their congregation and were allowed to do so with little repercussion. Why would God allow this? So I started doubting the church. The only thing left was Heaven. I wanted to leave this rotten earth so bad that all I wanted to do was go to my mansion in Heaven where everything was Honest and true again. In May 2007 I received an invitation from Mark Hamilton to read an heirloom book that would change my life. He made it sound to interesting that I thought “What the Hay” I’ll check into it. So I ordered the book and read it. It took my about a month. I didn’t understand everything but did absorb it. Then I ordered a second book, read it and was shocked with the honest, eye opening information I read I started feeling better about myself and then the third book flat opened up the world to me. What a shock it was to learn what we are, where we came from and where we are going.  We do have a future filled with honesty and love and wealth right here on earth. The only thing stopping us is the dishonesty, envy, jealousy, that we are living with today. We all have to realize how important each one of us is. Take the time to study the books and meet the best, most honest and truly lovely people we all are.  We are now admitting we have a broken system and all know it but don’t know how to fix it, well now we know how to fix it. We need to take the leap into consciousness and know ourselves. We have a mentor, Mark Hamilton. You noticed I did not say leader, because you don’t need a leader anymore. There are many rotten, dishonest people that we have to overcome to advance into the beautiful future that is awaiting us. All we need to do is stand up to all of the wrong and right it. Check it out for yourselves and you will finally live the life you are meant to live. You are not alone and you are not crazy. You are a very intelligent person and deserve the best of everything.  This is my story and I am happy to be here to tell it. Pat

Neothink puts together the puzzle pieces…

No other political movement has these needed dramatic ideas which we need right now. Half measures offered by both major political parties will no longer work to solve our problems. We simply can no longer afford the welfare state, period. We need to return to the original mission of government. National defense and local police, courts, etc. to protect life, liberty, and private property. Only Neothink incorporates all these ideas without harmful religious influences or anti-business socialism. Neothink puts together the puzzle pieces in our minds without the need for a cult-like political leader telling us what to do or how to think.

Neothink helps the individual above all else to achieve his/her dreams and think for themselves, the opposite of cults and most political movements. I have the highest regard for this new way of thinking.

Joseph G

As a relatively new member of the Neothink Society…

As a relatively new member of the Neothink Society I would like to take the time to express my appreciation for all I have read and learned. The timing of this new knowledge is critical as our society is at serious cross roads now. Our government is now spending about $2 for every $1 in tax receipts with no end in sight. Neither political party seems to have the will to do what is needed to solve our problems. This explains the growing dissatisfaction expressed by the American people in such movements as the Tea Party’s occurring around the USA. Even Congressman are retiring in high numbers this year as they don’t know what to do or realize they will be voted out of office for their failures. Neothink has real ideas to solve these economic/political problems: return government to the roots of our founding fathers. Sell off government assets to pay off all the money owed the American people for unsustainable Social Security payments and other entitlements. Close down the big bureaucracies like the FDA which harm the American people by keeping lifesaving products off the market in the name of big brother protectionism. Restructure our tax system by eliminating the IRS and switching over to a national sales tax. Trillions of dollars will return to the US if income tax doesn’t have to paid on these offshore bank accounts and investments. Immediately prices will drop as corporations do not have to pass on the corporate income tax to consumers. Innovation will increase as the silent partner, the IRS, is out of the equation in business. Jobs will again become plentiful as labor costs will drop for corporations and small business alike. Unproductive tax shelters will become a thing of the past. Innovation will become rapid in many industries (like the computer industry) with the heavy hand of government lifted.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for inviting me to become a member.

In life there is always the ongoing struggle between good and evil. I would like to assure you that the teachings of Mark Hamilton are definitely in accordance with the good side. The Neo-think society is an absolute value to anyone whom so ever decides to join. Thank you Mark Hamilton for inviting me to become a member.

Larry Johnson (Coordinator-Jersey Central A-Team) talks about how Mark Hamilton infulenced his life

A special note of thanks to you and the Neothink Society.

I’m a individual that is partially disabled and would like to send a special note of thanks to you and the Neothink Society.

Before I knew about the Neothink Society I was a individual that was making a living, just trying to survive.

Throughout my life I’ve searched for truth and through trial and error, I’ve found out what will stand or fall in objective reality.

When I joined the Neothink Society I was shown how to find my special skills and use them to my maximum benefit, and thus society’s maximum benefit too.  In other words, I was shown how to become the person that I’m meant to be.

For a moment, I would like to talk about a totally different subject as I was once told that money was not very important.   Well, all I have to say is that I put money right up there with oxygen.

To me money, oxygen and the Neothink Society are all equal.

Good work Mr. Hamilton!


Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you

Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you, for having us in your heart. From the information about the Neothink Society, that I have read, I am so pleased to learn that you have a passion for “freedom and justice for all”. I can relate to the desire that you made so clear, in your writings, that you want to see our country and our world at peace and our families living without a forceful negative government. Your teachings have shown me the beauty of a strong family life and deep respect for this beautiful land that we live in. It is a pleasure to embrace the Neothink Society. Peggie P

Neothink and my true friend and mentor Mark Hamilton

To anyone who is in love with oneself and wants to change the world, all through your life you know that you are important, that collectively as a conscious thinking human being that you are the most important person in the hole universe, don’t you? Well if you don’t you should. let me tell you about my growth in life at this point in life after being blessed with Neothink and my true friend and mentor Mark Hamilton and fellow members who truly care about ones future, weather you believe it or not we are all in for a momentous change and growth in every country in the hole world, everyone is madder than dog shit in tax, everybody is demanding change, we as conscious thinking individuals all have dreams we want to achieve and will for we as conscience thinking people see through appearances and the lies that authorities have been shoving down our thoughts for 2300 years, huge change is here to stay, I’m here for the rest of my life to create values and help everyone I can to start living ones life and be free, and full of joy, and love, thank-you my dear friend Mark & fellow members i love each and everyone of you.

I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party

I want to begin by saying thank you all you have done for me.  Before finding you and the Twelve Vision Party, I thought the US was on the wrong path and going down the path to destruction.  I have not seen anything lately to change this view.  I could not see a way out of this mess the politicians and power elite in this country have created for us.
Then,  I found you Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party and for the first time in about 40 years I felt alive again and I started to dream of a long fun filled life with new hope for the future of our civilization and our planet. Yes, with your help and writings I have found my Friday night essence and have started to live the dream. 
With this new found zest for life my energy has returned and I am looking forward to working to help establish the Universe of Consciousness and the Twelve Vision Party.

Neothink Society, Twelve Vision Party and all the people…

Dear Mark,
Neothink Society, Twelve Vision Party and all the people who are around it. When I first got my invite to get my first manuscript, and heard how special I was, It grabbed hold of me, by your words and the way you said it. This first manuscript was like an adventure into a world I have never seen before in my life it was like Avatar. So much Peace and bliss also Amazement and Awe. I was so thrilled when I got that first manuscript and what you said at the top of the manuscript, intro, and everything in there paint such a masterpiece. But I could not use it for I was stuck in the Anti-Civilization white hoaxes B.S that I could not get out of the endless ocean of lies, illusion and deceit. But I keep it safe and in great condition. As I got manuscript number 2 and read that I could see that we will not be an anti-civilization for long as your 12 visions showed. That we will have wealth beyond all as well as love and compassion for our fellow man beyond anything we have ever felt in the history of this Earth. Plus NO NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST and PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND PERIOD is AMAZING. Also that the advance in Earths Technology will be 100 TO THE x100 POWER is Astounding. If we Advance that fast life will be a blur as new technology comes out to replace old technology. That we will all be geniuses and that we will all find our Essences  and be happy at the job you are at cause it won’t be a Specialized Job with it’s Dead End Cog in the Wheel Lie that keeps businesses going but that all will be geniuses that produce real values to the civilization. And that we will go from an Anti-Civilization to a Twelve Visions World is Awe Inspiring. When I got the Third manuscript I know it will happen period. This book revealed what it will be like to go thru the different phases and that we are prepared for the future no matter what it will be happening. I know that everyone needs to WAKE-UP from this MATRIX ILLUSION Dream State of staying small or not smart enough, or can’t do it attitude cause this is going to happen weather now or later so be prepared cause it is going to be a blissful life for you, your children grandchildren and so on. Do you think we are going to be in a recession forever ha! This will pass as will all the troubles that this world has seen. We will all create and blissful, peaceful future and it will happen.
Thank you once again to me greatest Friends,
Mark Hamilton, Mark Hamilton and The NEOTHINK SOCIETY you are all creating the BEST FUTURE THIS PLANET HAS EVER SEEN OR WILL EVER SEE. I LOVE YOU ALL.
 Your Friend Forever and Ever,

June 2010