Archive for June, 2010

With the Twelve Visions Party and the TVP Movement, Happiness, Peace, and Security…

When I got my First Invitation from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I was dealing with Depression and Anxiety. I opened the letter and read it, and at first I felt its just another sales ploy, but as I read the letter, I felt like there’s something interesting about this, I felt if this can help me to feel peace and self-assured, that would be great. So I got the literature and read it, and studied it and I’m amazed. I’m happier, more at peace and the future looks brighter and promising. I’m not prosperous yet but I’m working on it and I know by using the Tools in Mark Hamilton’s Literature, I can confidently succeed. To have enough financial freedom to have and do the things I only dreamt of, and feeling never ending pleasure in achieving my agendas. Right now, my family is happy to just see me being more pleasant and cheerful and equally so, they look for that lasting future. If everyone could receive the same benefits from this Literature of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Workshops, then everybody could live, with lasting Happiness, Peace and of course Security. With the Twelve Visions Party and the TVP Movement, Happiness, Peace, and Security will be achieved for everybody. Even the poor will have Peace, Happiness and Security and never ending prosperity throughout the world. Otherwise, without the TVP Movement, the Twelve Visions Party, and the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s Literature, things won’t get any better, probably worse. Thank You Mark Hamilton and Neo-think Society for everything.                                                                                      Greg K.

With Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party we can empower people…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I am sending this letter to outwardly state the power and change that finding and knowing Mark Hamilton, and Twelve Visions Party has made on myself and my family. It has given us the tools we need to get past all the dishonest illusions that have been put in front of us as baby’s and even before we were born.

I have such a sense of gratitude and gratefulness for the opportunity this opens to the world. With Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party we can empower people with the right knowledge to leverage their strengths, and the tools they need for an exceptional life. They will want to live forever!!!

Real life strategies and proven fundamentals well help us thrive in present time. This is what Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society will create. 

Learning the REAL truths will help us all embrace-not fear-change for a beautiful world with body mind and spirit in balance. This world and us as humans need to take back what was rightfully given.

Thank you to the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton for opening up with the truths and being brave to take a stand to empower people to take back the beautiful creation of life.

With love for human life,

Renee Maira

Before Neothink, I was lost and stagnant

My name is Andrew Y, when I was introduced to Neothink just over three years ago, I had to be apart of it. Before Neothink, I was lost and stagnant. The love of my life, left me and I lost hope. When Neothink came to me, I was astonished. I read the literature and it motivated me to keep going and improve my life. And help improve other lives. I am doing that. Since then I have moved up in the company I work for. I have a lot more confidence in myself and have met great people and friends with Neothink, and recently met a great woman who I adore.  There is a lot of great knowledge to learn through Neothink and I am still learning, but the rewards are endless.

The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me

Anwser: The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me
to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered society of idiots.
The world has gone crazy, I’m free with my own thoughts and answers to a better
place to live and work and hope for my Grand Children and future generations.
It also has presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.
To have wealth, health, love, peace and respect for each other is the goal of the
Neothink Society through the formation of the Twelve Visions Party this is very real.
Last: I’m 81 years old and it gave me reason to live to be a 100′
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G. Cornwell

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM


Myles Conefrey Testimonial


Myles Conefrey Testimonial about the greatest value on planet earth, the coming of the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, who will become our heroes in protecting individual rights by restoring amazing values to our Society our friends, family and co-workers, all our loved ones, and to the entire world.  This is the one and only Party that offers Americans HOPE.  This is not a dishonest illusion, but PURE and SIMPLE FACT.  I suggest that everybody learn all they can about the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, its PLATFORM of the twelve (12) steps and our great intentions to help this country out of its present mess and debt it is creating daily for the next several generations. 

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM, one that I can support 110% + and feel great about doing so.  I have read several manuscripts of Mark Hamilton and his family and have found no more valuable reading anywhere else on planet earth.  The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM has so much to offer everyone who has an open mind and a willingness to create values for themselves and all their loved ones.  I’m now 71 years of age and in my lifetime I have never seen a Platform that could even hold a feather to the TVP PLATFORM.  You owe it to yourselves to read and learn all you can about the TVP and what it stands for, once you do, I’m sure you will have no problem joining and supporting our efforts to create a much better tomorrow for our loved ones, present and future.

Please go and take a look at all the emotional testimonials that are available at more than 20 websites starting with and continue from there and also see the individual video testimonials.  These great testimonials are value reflections of the individuals who have felt such great happiness and NEW HOPE for our SOCIETY and the future of America and the World.

This is a PLATFORM that will change the World, as we know it today, into a form of government and individual rights for all.  A government that will not only work here in the United States, but has the potential to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the world.  The TVP is the PARTY of NEW HOPE and need your support in our uphill battle to correct the present situation, not only in this country, but throughout the world.  The (12) TWELVE VISIONS could be considered to be the (12) TWELVE MIRACLES of the 21st Century.

I, Myles Conefrey, first got involved in mid-March, 2009 when I first started reading Mark Hamilton’s Literature and several interesting Testimonials from people in all walks of life.  This information made reference to the greatest kept secret of all times and for Money, Power and Romantic Love, and that something astounding is about to happen in my life!  The knowledge obtained from Mark Hamilton’s Literature I found to be the most interesting literature I have ever encountered in my lifetime of 71+ years, and should be required reading for high school students today because it offers those students a glimpse of what they can obtain in the years ahead with the most phenomenal personal abilities that lead to enormous wealth, health, love, and peace.

Become aware of what’s coming down the pipe-line.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is not a political party but, will be offering methods to help change the USA and eventually the World for the better.

Mini Day Power Thinking and Neo Tech is coming.  Depoliticize and down-size government:  Anti-Political Party.

The politicians are the problem, not the government.  We are not changing vehicles, only the drivers.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is the Business Man Party and we are trying to change the way the government does its business for the better and for each and everyone who wishes to have their individual rights back.  Come join us in working with the concepts and not the processors that our present government produces.

Join with us in the Forward Movement and Forward Essence – Wealth, Health and Peace, PRIME LAW FOR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

We the people of America, feel the new emotions, the cause of what we hope to achieve.  Come and take part in this movement for a better day.  Every vote will count for a TVP candidate in all upcoming elections.

Integrate principals, develop family enterprises, unlock doors for the next generations – for our children and grandchildren, lean about the law of attraction, believe in your dream and it will come true.  Move forward with your dream by becoming involved and understanding and integrating these great opportunities and NEOTHINK principals.

If you are not going to INVEST IN YOURSELF, who are you going to invest in?  Come and build relationships and social integration.  Learn and understand the difference between Value Production and Value Creation in your life.  Come and learn more about the Prime Literature and exchange ideas with other people who present their values and give their reason for coming to the TVP Clubhouses in their area.  Remember, (There is Power in Numbers) so, come and integrate your value added concepts.  Learn about Thought, Discipline and Control, Stimulation, Education, and Integration for a better tomorrow by checking out the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM.

Join in the FORWARD MOVEMENT, THE FORWARD ESSENCE and help create the world you want to LIVE IN!!!  Help remove the ruling class and the suppressed class will rise up to bring about Wealth, Health and Peace not only in this country but eventually throughout the World.

Join the TV – TWELVE VISION PARTY, they understand what needs to be changed and they will work for us and our individual right under the PRIME LAW.

I simply do my best to apply the concepts that Mark Hamilton shares

I am writing this email to you after listening to one of the many conference calls. I’m sharing how much they’ve encouraged me to keep believing in me and the knowledge I’m gaining has improved my life immensely and will continue to improve the rest of my life for the better. I simply do my best to apply the concepts that Mark Hamilton shares with like-minded people who want to improve our society for all people.

As I heard a member,  Diane sharing her five F.N.E’s discoveries, my eye’s welted up with big tears and I’m still trying to hold my tears back because I don’t want my parents to see me cry, cause they won’t understand at this time, that my tears are really tears of joy and acceptance that upon hearing Diane’s testimony it’s touched my core essence on a deep level.

It’s amazing to me how Diane’s F.N.E.’s are similar to my current lifestyle…

I’m now my parents legal care-giver, gardening is a therapeutic activity for me, I enjoy being of service for my family and for other’s. I love learning; especially learning scientific information. I truly enjoy quiet time so that I can read and meditate on what I’m reading. I love animals and all of Mother Nature and I love tennis too!!! :-).

I believe now that I feel this acceptance of my new way of thinking and feeling for life is solely because of the information that Mark Hamilton has graciously provided for me to read. I can now believe and vision my financial situation definitely improving!
Oh my gosh! I’ve had multiple F.N.E.’s all this time! I’m so happy to have heard Diane’s journey to her F.N.E.’s and most of all sharing that acceptance of herself.

I feel the tears in my eyes, were heart felt acceptance, of accepting me for me.

This knowingness that I’m in my F.N.E.’s and have been for awhile now is truly an awakening for me!

Tonight’s call was a miracle for me to hear, cause I feel like a big heavy weight of dissatisfaction with myself has lifted, I feel so happy inside I just want to close my eyes and soak all of this truth in!!! 🙂

I’m so very grateful for all you, the Neothink Society in my life…Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 🙂


Belinda Campos 

Pasadena, CA.

Prime Law

A Universal Wish

The Neothink Society is a group of business men and women…

Myles Conefrey Testimonial

Neothink Society

Myles Conefrey’s testimonial about the value of the Neothink Society and their willingness to reach out and help people everywhere in all walks of life:

          The Neothink Society is a group of business men and women who operate every type of business known to us today.  Their marketing masterminds or like-think minds come together for limitless wide-scope integrations to produce evermore competitive values for others and society.  Business demands greater and greater integrations achievable only through Neothink methods, and supported by the Neothink Society.

          In addition to this, they support the newcomers through the Business Alliances training programs.  They mentor us with those conscious minds of knowledge show us methods and ways to improve our jobs or business ventures.  They are a very loving and caring group of individual business owners who are sharing the Neo Tech System that identifies the fundamental natures of business (i.e., integration) and man (i.e., thinking), when properly brought together, they bring on something so synergistic (i.e., integrated thinking) so that the ordinary person experiences success and wealth.

          The Neothink  Society helps develop new concepts and ranges of integration, and brings conscious thoughts into separate groups and those groups into new units of knowledge and concepts, and they share these new knowledge and concepts with the ordinary person to help him/her advance in their present job or to venture into a side business of their own.

          The Neothink society works close to their Mentor “Mark Hamilton” and the many Society Teams throughout the United States and around the World.  The Neothink society uses the proven Neo Tech System that allows you to remove all current limitations in your day by day routine and thinking and you begin to acquire an integrated power that takes you into the new experience of rapid forward movement toward making money, and evolving into a Neothink mind with strong Entrepreneur power.

          I, Myles Conefrey, have enjoyed the support and training I’ve received from the Neothink Society members and the knowledge they have passed onto me as great value creators.

The new Twelve Visions Party® will be a welcome contrast to the current “Collection Government

Because of Mark Hamilton and his fantastic literature I am now a self leader:

I want “a Protection only Government “verses “a Collection only Government:”

I am a 90 % disabled “warrior Mormon Monk” because of the “Collection only Government” we are under now and the Zion Occupational Government:

The new Twelve Visions Party® will be a welcome contrast to the current “Collection Government.”

I now know how to legally replace and/or shutdown the I.R.S. and its divisions:

I am the Founder of “The Secret Snake Style:”

The new “Military School of Genius’s” will outperform the current military.

I want to personally thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for that entire work he has done for me and is still doing and is creating for me.

Mark Hamilton is my true friend.

I consider all who go against my friend as an enemy:

I believe in “Best Friends, Worst Enemies.”

If anyone wishes to attack Mark Hamilton, Please consider attacking me first:


Ralph Merritt:

June 2010