Archive for June, 2010

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mark,

I am a very practical person and I won’t participate in something if I don’t get results from it.  I have found the literature, website, mentoring meetings and clubhouse workshops very valuable and enjoyable since 2005.

 The most valuable part of the literature has been, 1) the Mini day Power thinking system that has enabled me to be more organized and productive, 2) the opportunity to broaden my view of how our society could improve.

 The mentoring meetings made it very real to me that together, with your leadership and vision, I and other Neothink members could really make a difference in our and others lives.

 The opportunity to meet and learn from other members throughout the United States on the Neothink website was not only enjoyable and educational; it was profitable for my business.  I gained customers and distributors for my products.

 My passion in life is to help myself and others to be successful in every area of life.  The clubhouse meetings and workshops have allowed me to experience that.  I founded the San Francisco Region Clubhouses and often lead the workshops.

 The final piece of the puzzle that is Neothink is the creation of the Twelve Vision Party.  It is very exciting to me that you encourage members to think about how the country has been run and how we could make a difference by participating.  I believe it is important to take care of our own country now, rather than continue to rescue other countries, thereby wasting our money and people with no results.  The TVP can help our citizens to be more active in stabilizing our economy and helping all of us to be more prosperous.

Thank you Mark for your vision, compassion and caring.


 Sharon Willenborg,

Mark, I thank you!


  This is yet another confirmation that what you have passed onto the world is truth!

  Some time ago I presented my testimony but I just have to pass this information onto you.

  I began to work on my parents over the years who are 80 and 81 years young! Just since the 22nd of February, 2010 I came to their homes to begin a one-on-one work to balance them out and rid them of the clutches of the Neocheaters mind-set! Both are in good health, still drive and have active lifestyles! I did not attempt to lie to them nor did I attempt to stop their belief system. I only had them to perform the “what if” test, look at my life and use it as an example as to what they can do if they would stop listening to the third parties whether it be religion, health care, taxes, govt., economy, etc…! Instead of going to the preacher, go straight to God! Why pay for someone to practice on you when you can practice on yourself? Why stop investing if the stock market is still open? Etc….!

  During a supposedly recession, my mother is selling her home (at a good rate) and moving into a smaller home and investing her money!

   Because of the multiple vessels of Neocheaters concepts that has been in place for failure and death they had been on medication and they were not sick!

 Through simple juicing; blood pressure(through worry), achy joints, sluggish days, having chills and being cold from old age, etc…NO LONGER exists! This all took place less than an HOUR of drinking their first PARTIAL glass of fruits and vegetables! Just juicing and inspiration! I believe in results! This is not a concept in which Neothink will say nor have one to believe/think, “I got mine….to bad you did not get yours!, It is for everyone of all ages! My grandchildren are excelling and growing at a rapid rate! All of my grandchildren have become entrepreneurs on their own beginning at the age of eight, the oldest is now twelve!

  Everyone is upbeat, shining, prosperous and willing to help! Outsiders have questioned us! “Who are you?” No matter where one goes there is always a poor me! The times that I have meet a Neothinkers that is negative/down, he/she is not negative for long because they will receive nothing but unconditional LOVE, assistance from others! The millionaires, the no names, all have placed themselves on a reachable level to communicate, ask questions and provide answers.   

 I could go on and on but the key is, once one digest Neothink….so much begins to manifest that it is a shock! Initially the truth be told, I really did struggle with the reading of the 12 Visions! The magnitude of change is so great that sometimes it seems as if nothing happens, but it is! Yes, one will become emotional because pretty much all that we believe in is a LIE! Yes, one may lose a job, marriage…but you are not a failure and this is not the end of the road!

  Whether you read Neothink, TVP, the Federal laws, the Bible, change jobs, start a business….does not all of the above and more require you to CHANGE? Do not kill the messenger! Change is what disturbs most humans. My thoughts are to disturb change!

  I see friends, family, strangers, young and old change and grow in all areas of their lives! Tell me who, what do you know that has/is doing so much regardless of your age, sex, race or geographical location today? I Love me! I enjoy getting up in the mornings, I’m excited! I enjoy Life!

  Mark, I thank you!

 Just like you knew attacks, lies would come….you know all is well! I am in agreement with you and my fellow Neothink Visions! Their are no words to explain how grateful I am. Please know that your lose was not in vein. Just look at what you have gained.

Blessed to be a blessing…


Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party…

To, Mark Hamilton 

From, Pervin
Date, March 6th—-2010
  Dear Mark,
Hi, this is Pervin. I am writing to you about Neothink world. I read your several books also i am RIBI registered too. Over this decade too many things went on me, still going on. But i never stopped read those books, because i know one day i must win with you and your associates, only this reason i never stopped read as i can alive this society. Mark you are genius, nothing wrong with that. Every bad things happened from my unknown way, as i did some thing wrong with destructive government, now i know who they are and what’s they are doing against any innocent person. Although still they are forcefully involve with my personal to other area of life. But i am sure they must eliminated by Neothink Society. Their every active is very painful, as i am getting by them. Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party as you advised to me, i see how real world people are happy, other way how traditional world people are getting trouble by authorities. So far two world people, and both never mix together, because both of two opposite psychological minded people, one is up side down world, and one is straight stand up world. So NT only one way gets the new world.  Mark, i am assure you, you must be win. Because your literature open my mind and showing to me every aspect of life. Destructive government and political govt. taken away my job, money, love and other area of life. Their illusion made me pain full life, which is indescribable, but it is continuously happening. Only NT is my protection, sometime slowly, sometime don’t work. Another way TVP open my eye, like why life is not control, how can control every day of life. However, one day public must support MH and his literature, and TVP, when they will see those nature of destruction. And that time is not so far from now. One day everyone must know about their destructive formula, how they are flourishing in this world, and killing ordinary people’s life. So I advise to all other non read NT people, please read the MH’s NT literature and experience about this world, where we are and NT society where taking us. Neothink world is very exciting world than the old unhappiness world, wherever we are sinking in their hoax. I believe my self and Neothink society. Thank you.

The Twelve Visions Party will bring the new world in!

Thank you Mark Hamilton. I am so behind you 100%. I love reading and rereading your literature. The Twelve Visions Party will bring the new world in! I can hardly wait to see my friends and family happy and rich. The government have no place in business. It should be the other way around. I am sick and tired of what the government do to the people. My friends, family and myself are so ready for the change. Bring it on! I am in so much control since I have read your literature. I now have cash flow. I now have a house and new sports car. Things just keep getting easier for me. Let the new world come in! Thank you Mark Hamilton.   Russel Creamer o

The Neothink Society has changed the way I look at everything in my life

The Neothink Society has changed the way I look at everything in my life and all around me. I can not write enough about it….I want more input. I have given info to a lot of people and they are going to become a member…At this time I am working on becoming  a global member so I can be come the person I was mint to be….I Love the the books and I want …..want  more info….thanks for everything Ralph VanDyke

Neothink society means to me a new hope!!!

Neothink society means to me a new hope!!! A new civilization full of HAPPINESS  free of rulers FREEDOOM Ho!! what a joy!!!!

 TVP is the road map that will take us to the Twelve Visions World where we belong Mark I can see the light of the liberty the bell is RINGING WE ARE READY.

 This testimonial was written by 67 years old NTWARRIOR


Thanks to Neothink

My name is Mike Covarrubias, and my testimonial is or goes to Mr. Mark Hamilton who was the one to opened my eyes. His love his KINDNESS for the humans goes beyond I love Mark with all my heart although my background was RELIGIOUS I gained a lot of knowledge his prime literature that I absorbed for me it goes beyond the monetary value NEOTHINK my new mentality is helping  me to see he things what it is I creating my new world I am my own master piece…. Thanks to Neothink

Little did I know that the world’s greatest author and legend was about to captivate my heart with some of the most genius values ever created. My life would never be the same again. I am proud and most honored to introduce to the world” Mark Hamilton”. Throughout his literature Mark stresses the importance of creating values. Let’s take a look at some of the values he’s created. Mark Hamilton’s literatures, The Neothink Society, The twelve Visions party political movement, The Prime Law. These value creations were creatively designed by the mastermind genius” Mark Hamilton himself!

One of the most important value I’ve received is to help mark further  his genius valued creations, as much as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement. Deep in my heart I believe in these values Mark Hamilton has created and I’d like to join forces with those who also feel the same and want to unite as one and help Mark with his” unstoppable”, “Untouchable”, value creations. You can’t help but to love Mark and the brilliant values he’s created.

  I can’t imagine the excruciating rage and pain I would feel if I were to ever hear that Mark Hamilton and his literatures, Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement filled with creative values were gone, taken away or destroyed by some deceitful scheme that had been plotted against Mark, ruining our only hope for saving America, “Mark Hamilton”. My heart would be shattered into a millions pieces. Mark wants to protect and heal this badly wounded economy.. We need to give Mark a chance to heal this economy. We’ll be making a huge mistake, and tremendously sorry if we don’t give him a chance and hopefully it won’t be too late by them. The only hope we have is Mark. We need Mark and his creative values now!

The twelve Visions political movements platform is to make all the people rich, even the poor. The Twelve Visions Party makes politics only about protection not  about power.  Give Mark a chance to fix the mistakes that both Republican and Democratic party created” the fight for political” power ruining our economy tremendously financially. These senseless affect has affected us and now our economy is paying for both Democrats and Political parties’ mistakes.

Let’s swallow our foolish pride, let by gones be by gones and put all our differences and mistakes behind and move on. Give Mark a chance. We owe it to ourselves and we owe it to our country, and this falling economy. It’s just a matter of time until our economy crumbles and tumbles down to the ground. Give Mark a chance to save this economy now! Mark is Americas only hope…


                   Marcia our economy severely. Devastating!

I choose The Twelve Visions Party

I’m euphoric to be discovered by the NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISION PARTY

I’m euphoric to be discovered by the NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISION PARTY and a self righteous member. Parallel of the modern day Zeus’s’ lost lighting bolt which has now been found.



June 2010