Archive for June 29th, 2010


Recently a realtor was sharing an experience with me after returning from an assignment. He shared that while out taking photos of a foreclosed home, a gentleman from next door approached him with regards getting some information about buying a home in this market. The ironic thing about this situation however was the strange odor that surrounded this man. The neighbor smelt as if he was smoking; not the ordinary cigarettes but a drug or substance of some sort.
After hearing about this experience, I immediately recalled another sharing that I had from a co-worker. She had moved out of her parent’s home when she was twenty one years old and moved into a neighborhood where her father grew up. Her  father however, who felt that she left home too soon, often offered to give her a ride home from work so that he could spend some time with her. On the way home she told that her father while driving would point out to her the different places where he spent his time while growing up. One of the places that he indicated to her was a little shop in the neighborhood where he frequented to buy ‘drugs’.
When I first heard that story, I was in awe. It was challenging for me to accept the fact that drugs were so readily available or that a father would proudly share with his daughter that he indulged in it.
In contrast it is so refreshing to think about a time to come when we would live in a world free of illegalities and abnormalities that are dealt with by simply sweeping them under the carpet or by turning a blind eye. A time when we can have a government that we can depend on to enforce protection laws. A time when a government such as the one that the Twelve Vision Party (TVP) can bring about, will place human rights at its helm. A time when a government party such as the TVP would have what it takes to deal with law breakers, crimes and to enforce protection laws to make for a better nation and for a better world.
Just be!


Recently a realtor was sharing an experience with me after returning from an assignment. He shared that while out taking photos of a foreclosed home, a gentleman from next door approached him with regards getting some information about buying a home in this market. The ironic thing about this situation however was the strange odor that surrounded this man. The neighbor smelt as if he was smoking; not the ordinary cigarettes but a drug or substance of some sort.
After hearing about this experience, I immediately recalled another sharing that I had from a co-worker. She had moved out of her parent’s home when she was twenty one years old and moved into a neighborhood where her father grew up. Her  father however, who felt that she left home too soon, often offered to give her a ride home from work so that he could spend some time with her. On the way home she told that her father while driving would point out to her the different places where he spent his time while growing up. One of the places that he indicated to her was a little shop in the neighborhood where he frequented to buy ‘drugs’.
When I first heard that story, I was in awe. It was challenging for me to accept the fact that drugs were so readily available or that a father would proudly share with his daughter that he indulged in it.
In contrast it is so refreshing to think about a time to come when we would live in a world free of illegalities and abnormalities that are dealt with by simply sweeping them under the carpet or by turning a blind eye. A time when we can have a government that we can depend on to enforce protection laws. A time when a government such as the one that the Twelve Vision Party (TVP) can bring about, will place human rights at its helm. A time when a government party such as the TVP would have what it takes to deal with law breakers, crimes and to enforce protection laws to make for a better nation and for a better world.
Just be!


My Name is Yon C.  I’m 28, father of twin girls now nearly 2 years old, husband to my remarkable wife, physicist, and seeker.  I’ve been reading Mark Hamilton’s literature for about four years.  My name got on a list, and Mark Hamilton sent me a letter letting me know about his books.  I was cautious.  I looked up the organization online.  I found some of the books had been made available online, and so I read them there.  I was amazed by what I read.  Here is an author who has a remarkably refreshing and  vibrant voice!  When you find something interesting, exciting, and valuable, it’s natural to learn more about it.  I wanted to know: “What is the Neothink Society?”  It’s a very good question!
You have perhaps heard the expression, “think for yourself” or “why won’t people just think for themselves” – there is this idea that some people, perhaps, don’t think for themselves.  But have you ever met someone who realized he or she DIDN’T think for himself or herself?  I never have.  We all think that we think for ourselves.  And we do!  But thinking and analyzing can be complex mental processes of connecting idea to idea – and many of those ideas may perhaps be built on incorrect assumptions.  I remember a time, I was sure that the stove was cold; I was wrong and burnt my pinky.  We do the best that we can with what know.
So What is the Neothink Society?  What is the literature that Mark Hamilton offers?  New ideas!  These new ideas gave me a chance to look at some of the old assumptions that I was using to understand the world.  They weren’t pushy ideas – just new, clean, exciting perspectives – “what would life be like if you looked at it like this?” – many of the ideas you would probably already agree with!  But the REAL FUN came when I found some ideas that CHALLENGED me to look again!  That is where the real growth is.  To look at a new idea that doesn’t seem to agree with what you’re use to… but at the same time it cuts to the heart of the issue and lays it bare!  That is an exhilerating experience, if you’re brave enough to loo.  I didn’t agree with everything that Mark Hamilton has written, and there are still some things I disagree about, but that does not in any way reduce the value of his writings.  Ideas do not need to perfect to be valuable, sometimes we see beyond the perspective that the author had at the time he wrote his ideas.  Things and people change, we grow; tomorrow, perhaps we’ll figure out an even more exciting way to describe this process of self-reflection and deepening honesty.
If I had known to check the stove, I wouldn’t have gotten burned.  By reading this literature, I’ve had a chance to look again at many ideas that I once thought were true, and I’ve avoided getting burned in other ways since then.
One idea that I particularly love is the feelings we should have for people who are creating values.  If a skilled surgeon saved the life of your child, you would always feel a special closeness to that competent physician, I know because both of my daughters need surgeries shortly after they were born.  Those doctors saved the lives my of daughters!  That special feeling I have for those two surgeons will never leave me.  A value creator enriches the lives of others by finding a way to make things better – not just with a ho-hum fair trade – but with really incredible deals!  Perhaps, once or twice in your life, you’ve come across a chance to purchase something and you looked at the price and it was TOO LOW – in disbelief you ask the cleric, “IS THIS RIGHT!?!” The owner comes out with a gigantic smile on his face and says, “YES!  I can give you that incredible price, because I have worked hard to reduce my costs.  Come back when you want more!”  That amazing feeling is what value creation is all about.  I have that feeling when I go to work!  I get to give that experience to everyone that I meet!  I am a value creator!  I can say that proudly because I have done the hard work to get to where I am today, and I have earned these good feelings!  I earn them again nearly everyday by the way I interact with my wife and daughters.  I earn these good feelings by offering my best to everyone I meet.  Yet, at times I still slip at times and end up back in the life I used to live.  I’m not perfect, and each day, each moment, those good feelings are right there waiting for me to earn them.  I learned this philosophy in the Neothink Society.  Reading the literature, I learned simple steps that I could start taking right away to create more and more values for myself, my family, my friends, and everyone that I meet. 
It is hard to believe how amazing life can be.  It’s even more amazing how big a difference this single idea about the importance of being a value creator has made in my life.  Just one idea among hundreds from Mark Hamilton that has enriched my life.  If you ever get a chance to read something he’s written, give it a fair look, I think you’ll be glad you did.
 – Yon


To Whom It May Concern: 

There was a time when I was at the lowest point in my life!  I had gone through a career change; one from 20 years in uniform (US Navy) protecting this great nation and the Constitution upon which it based to one of “civilian” … seemingly lost in nightmare! 

The first words from my daughter, the focus of my heart, were “Why did you come home?  We don’t want you here!”  Shortly thereafter, after 8 more years of struggling to recreate the family I once loved and cared for, I went through a divorce.  The results:  For the last 13 years not one of my family has spoken to me, cared about me, or even entered my home.  A lost life of loneliness, depression, and the loss of the desire to even continue living.  Like the old country song goes … when you hit the bottom, go sideways!

Well, I was tired of going “sideways” and wanted out of this situation, even at the cost of my own life. 

Then, Mark Hamilton found me!  I received a letter of invitation to check out the prime literature of the Neothink® Society.  He told me I was “special”, and he could show me how to become the best I could be, and be a success in life (the life I no longer cared to even experience) and business.  I responded to that letter and received one after another three large Heirloom books full of love, honesty, hope, and guidance; and it made all the difference in the world! 

That was about four years ago.  I anxiously read the material, and upon completion of each volume anxiously awaited the next; re-reading the prior one, until I had all three.  I began applying what I read to my life, and saw things begin to improve, and developed the desire to experience life to the fullest, sharing what I had learned with others.  I found my essence, my “calling in life” – to be a living example of his Miss Annabelle! 

Mr. Hamilton began the Neothink® Society as an outreach to the world with these valuable secrets based on honesty and love.  I was chosen to be one of his “300”, as he lovingly calls us, to begin this effort.  When he launched the Neothink® A-Team businesses, I began the first one in the State of Florida.  When he asked us to begin holding clubhouse meetings to bring others to this wonderful knowledge, I began doing so and now have six such clubhouses scattered around the state (and more to come).  From there, I learned the principals of value creation through honest, loving business techniques (as taught in his book Secrets.  My partner and I now have a potentially fabulous business concept to begin and turn around some of the problems of the world around us; an investment company based on the principals of Neothink® business. 

I have also moved forward and become: 
a.         Coordinator of Florida Space Coast A-Team, LLC; one of the first 30 Neothink® A-Team businesses launched, and the first one in Florida, now with six branch clubhouses.
b.         Founding member of one of the premier Neothink® businesses (Value Added Concepts, LLC).
c.         A-Team Mentor/Coach for the states of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
c.         Charter Member of the Neothink® Business Alliance, promoting and aiding other business ventures built upon the Neothink® principals. 
d.         Co-Chair for the Florida State Twelve Visions Party – fighting to bring the US Government back within the guidelines of the Constitution and providing protection to the individuals of our country, allowing the geniuses to move forward in value creation and business building to bring health, happiness and wealth to all. 
e.         Co-creator of Neothink® Financial Services (awaiting approval), a private investment corporation designed to provide hope, happiness and comfort to the individuals and groups of the Neothink® Society and the world et al by building income streams, saving homes, and creating jobs and wealth for the individuals. 

I have accomplished more in the last 4 years than I ever in my younger days thought was possible, all thanks to that moment when Mark Hamilton found me, showed me how to live and love, as he lives and loves, and become a value creator instead of a value devourer. 

There have been many lies and half-truths spouted by the unlearned concerning Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society, and Twelve Visions Party.  I am here to say … stop blindly following those rumors and lies, and search for yourself!  Look at people like me, and ask “How did that happen?”  There are hundreds of us across this nation who will tell you the same thing … I learned from Mark!

I am the honest, loving, value creating individual I am today because of what I learned from the greatest mentor I have ever met … Mark Hamilton!  He is a genius of a writer, a mentor of greatest renown, a loving husband and father, and one who willingly gives of himself to see others develop and grow into Neothinkers and value creators!  How could such an individual be the evil “antichrist” that others picture him to be?

Mark:  I am by your side 100% in Neothink® and TVP.  Yes, I said “by your side” – you taught us not to “follow”, but to lead and build value!  Thank you, my mentor, for bringing back to me the meaning of life, the reason to continue, and the hope of a bright, happy, and healthy future!  The love you showed me I now return to you, and the world around me – 100-fold!
Charles “Doc” M


Deep within my thoughts I have often wished “ if there could only be a place, where the truly honest people can unite together and make this dishonest world we live in, a better place to live and be happy”.
My wish came true! I was introduced to the manuscripts written by the greatest author of our time, his name is Mark Hamilton. Within his manuscripts are written the honesty truth that has been kept secret from us for thousands of years. I have learned from reading these manuscripts valuable information that has changed my life, and my families lives forever.
Mark Hamilton’s research for over thirty years has been, finding the honesty truth and helping others. What a rare man in today’s world! Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift we are all born with, the gift of Neothink, the Power of our mind. He is teaching me how to reach the full potential of achieving anything I want within my honest thoughts. While I was reading the manuscripts, the thoughts that entered my mind was similar to the Jesus story “ when one man was teaching, value thinking and creative thinking is the key to survival”, Jesus was telling the people they can use the Power within themselves, to overcome the value destroyers and the creative cheaters.
After I have been discovering Neothink, I have been able to teach myself how to use the computer, simply with my visions that come to me from within my deep desired thoughts. I wake up each day with a smile and feeling good, because I am now able to communicate with the growing number of like-minded individuals, that have attained the same valuable information contained inside the manuscripts.
Mark Hamilton has built a place called the Neothink Society, where all truly honest people share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas and help each other make them come real. With the help from Mark Hamilton, clubhouses are developing in every state and expanding to be in every community.
Within the Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions party has developed, this system is in place to overcome all the dishonesty, corruption, and cheating. As we all struggle to keep up with all the constant price increases on everything around us because the current thought process is to make things as cheap as possible and sell it for as much as possible, keep adding ridiculous tax increases on everything, only to put unearned money into the dishonest people’s pockets. Take ,take, take who cares about how many people suffer and try to survive. We are falsely to believe, that this is the way of life. When in fact we know deep in our hearts things have to change.
We all know this has been going on for a long time and getting worse.
During these very hard trying economic times, we are constantly searching for trust and honesty. I want a better life for my family & friends, how about you? Honesty will always prevail, now is the time to stand up and bring a better world into a better future. I encourage you to discover Neothink, The Twelve Visions Party and The Prime Law. Honest people united together, come join us and change your life into the world we are meant to live!
With True Honesty and Happiness,
Dale L


Mr. Hamilton,
Another hope for your continued forward thrust movement into the Sea of Hope that is the CofYou.
Voice of Silence
A Neothink® Thought About 2012 Predictions For The End of Our Planet!

I received a letter from a friend, whom I’ll call Ms. Jude, who had recently become a member of the Neothink® Society and received her first multi-generational manuscript from Mark Hamilton. These writings are clearly designed to offer hope to the world; and yet, Ms. Jude was deeply concerned about all of the discussion on-line with regard to the Mayan Prophecy of the end of the world which is supposed to occur due to a catastrophic event believed to happen in our solar system in the year 2012. In response to her question, “Is the Neothink® Society preparing for the 2012 catastrophe?,” I wrote the following letter which I hope will offer a common sensed base for yourselves to operate from with regard to how to face, as Ms. Jude stated, “The end of our world!” If you think about it, aside from leaving the planet there is not much a person can do on the physical plane to survive the end of the world. Let’s look at the current ideas on this subject. Here was my letter to Ms. Jude.

Dear Ms. Jude,

As you know these are uncertain times, and many people are, and have discussed various catastrophic events which may occur in our life times. I believe that this heightened state of concern is due to the events of 911, as well as the on going violence in our world today, don’t you? Anyway, there are many ideas about this date and a possible shift of the Earth on its axis. This is what the Mayan Calendar is supposed to predict for the year 2012. I suppose if a large enough meteor hit our planet there could be a significant turn of events; are we prepared for such an event? How can you prepare for the end of a world? I believe, instead of preparing for the end, we should be preparing for a new beginning. I believe the best way to prepare for any event is through the advancement of knowledge and the development of specific technology which could possibly prevent such an event from occurring. For instance, if we had greater financial support dedicated to accessing space exploration and the development of higher technologies, then these technologies could be used to knock a meteor away from our solar system for example. That is one way we could be more prepared. Instead of this common sense approach; our failed governmental policies and budgeting practices prefer to drop monies into the black hole spending of failed governmental program practices, and on the violence of supporting international wars. Have you heard of the hammer that NASA paid $15,000.00 for as example? By the way, are our troops still in Iraq?

It is always a GREAT idea to have an emergency preparedness policy to care for yourself and your loved ones here at home in the event of a catastrophic event. A two week supply of food and water is a standard for things like an earthquake which can disrupt food distribution and water supply for up to two weeks. And, as we have seen for even greater events like the flooding of New Orleans; it would be wise to have an out of state contact to connect with for housing and/or financial support. If this is not possible, it is a good idea to have at least $1000.00 cash set aside as well as a credit card to be used for emergencies only! You should contain your supplies and monies in a substantial emergency preparedness container (preferably plastic with a sealed lid) which would hold food, clothing, and emergency medical supplies, water purification (sweet water) tablets, a tent, a camp axe, camp shovel, folding saw, canned foods, water, and so on. Also, having a supply of Vitamin D-3 so that you can take up to 5000 grams per day for immune support is a good idea during high stress situations when your immune system is likely to be compromised.

I have two hydration packs (small backpacks with a built in water bottles) which I have modified with a water purification filters for bio-hazards and general cleansing that I keep for myself and my son. With these packs we could take water from a dirty swimming pool and purify the water to a drinkable level in an emergency. Additionally for immune support, I keep on hand the brand name “SilverBiotics “Ultimate Immune System Support” distributed by American Biotech Labs.” This is a nano technology, immune support liquid which helps protect your immune system at biological/cellular level. O.K. so now I hope I have provided you with some common sensed ideas to help you feel more secure during uncertain times. Then there is the “Inner You” that needs preparation……Let’s look at an analogy of the caterpillar and the butterfly for some insight. Go to (Part Two) of this, “I’m Afraid! What About 2012 Predictions for the End of Our Planet!” for further ideas. Thank you….
When I think of various possibilities for us as a human race into the future, knowing that within us is the eternal soul that cannot die, I ask myself? What type of transformation could occur within me to carry me through, and into another realm of existence if our world did stop being what it is today? I see so many things in nature which provide divine clues, and could possibly supply the answers to this question.

Consider a caterpillar which is unaware it is about to become a Butterfly.

Let’s pretend that female caterpillars are (a Universal God) laying Humans as their eggs on the underside of milkweed leaves. For the sake of this analogy the milkweed leaves, I will call our planet Earth. When we hatched as larvae earthlings, we fed on the leaves of life until we became mature caterpillars. At some point, we get a signal that tells us that change is coming. Now the caterpillar stops what it has been doing and attaches itself upside down on a branch to spin a pupa or chrysalis that will contain and protect it during its transformation process – this chrysalis is your body. Inside this chrysalis, the substance of the caterpillar dissolves into a kind of primordial soup of dissolved organic densities as the coding in its DNA changes it into a whole new being. This chrysalis becomes increasingly transparent during the metamorphosis showing more and more of the creature it is becoming inside as it grows, forms, and develops into what it is designed to become. Then it cracks open and the “God-Like Immortal Soul of a Butterfly” emerges from the womb of life into eternity as an immortal being. As its wings slowly dry out, it discovers it is no longer confined to crawling on the lower planes of existence. It has wings to lift it into the sky, to fly free, to live again in a whole new Universe of Reality. Isn’t the nature of life and living things beautiful?

I personally feel that preparing, as stated in part one and part two of this blog, is important for any time period. A knowledgeable and sound mind and soul can take you through any tragic event. To me the most tragic event is a wasted life, drowned away in fear and disillusionment. The things we learn as Neothink® Society members through the inspired writings of some of the worlds greatest thinkers is what gives us the edge to concur and overcome whatever the world has to offer.

So my dear friend Ms. Jude, please allow us, your family of Neothink® and its Twelve Visions World, an Honesty Based Foundation, to help you to take all the steps necessary to live a happy and productive life starting from the inside out. This can be done with your involvement with the Neothink® Society, and through the sharing of the informative and liberating writings of Mr. Mark Hamilton, as well as the gifts we bring. As a member you can go to the bulletin boards on the Member’s Website as well as in the Member’s Library to find all the information you need with regard to living your life completely. You can also find the locations of clubhouses in both the Los Angeles area as well as throughout the United States and the U.K. where we can meet and share our experiences as we grow together. We are a world wide community; we are always there for each other and willing to help in time of need. I hope I have given you a realistic and honest answer to your concerns and questions so that you will find comfort for your heart. Please visit today and get connected to your future.

Thank you,
E. Ray,
Neothink® Society Member


Mr Mark Hamilton–YOU–your NeoThink Society–the Twelve Visions Party–your multigenerational literature are just SO SO SO INDESCRIBABLY WONDERFUL!!! For my family and me the thought of living in a civilization that is filled with HONESTY AND LOVE–the honesty and love that I HAVE FOUND WITHIN THE NeoThink Society. The SAFETY within just living life with the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY as a structural guidance system is something that all of us are anxiously waiting for.


JoAnn C


“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”. 
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what NeoThink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G.


I take this over due opportunity to say a very big thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton, the neothink society and the upcoming twelve vision world that is being initiated by the Twelve Vision Party. The noethink society has really changed my life at a 180 degree. In fact, for the many days of my life that I kept on asking myself of many questions as why almost everything in the world seems dishonest with no regards to honesty, Mark Hamilton and the neothink society have provided me with the perfect answers. How do I prove that the information I receive from Mark Hamilton and neothink are the perfect answers? Jesus said it in the Bible that we should know the truth and the truth shall set us free. I have been a Christian and in church through out my life, have heard many messages from different pastors, evangelists and ministers all in search of this truth, but can honestly say that non of such messages have really set me free as my inner self could bare witness. Not until I was fortunate to be invited to the neothink society, that I really realized what Jesus really meant by being set free. It is really a different feeling! It is exhilarating! At times I really feel sorry for many who might not be fortunate to have the opportunity which I had or who might have it, but thrown it away for one reason or the other. At times I wonder if even the pastors and religious leaders who have a duty to lead humanity into this salvation really understand the messages of Jesus to humanity or they do but just choose to go the dishonest and broad way. This point also gives me the exact explanation why again Jesus said, “Not all who call my name” will enter the kingdom of my father” The kingdom that is manifesting through the TVP. Oh really, it is true what the Bible said – “ In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions” I believe we are in those days when the likes of Mark Hamilton and the fortunate members of the neothink society are manifesting the sayings above through the twelve vision party. Neothink is not about becoming wealthy and powerful in a mystical way as some might think, but achieving these states by principle of discipline, thinking by researching for information and integrating those information, self control and hard work. Living by these principles without a compromise, really can make anyone to achieve what ever he / she wants. These are the understanding Mr. Mark Hamilton and the neothink society provide to its members as myself. These are the passion of the TVP, that all other people who might not be fortunate to be invited as me, will also be set free as I am.
I pray that the world will understand and follow the visions of Mr. Mark Hamilton, the neothink society and the twelve vision party. These are the only ways we can find solutions to crimes, fraud, abuses, recession, depressions, terrorism, wars and all that humanity is fighting without victory.
Once again I say a very big thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the neothink society.

Otto B


Before receiving and accepting the invitation to join the Neo Think Society, by Mark Hilton, I was unaware that I was living a life filled with external authority’s (religions and politicians)dishonest illusions, which instilled mystical-illness upon me and family, and society as a whole.

After reading the Prime Literature, provide by the Neo Think Society, I came to the conclusion that the power that be, was taking away my rights, as an individual and the rights of the masses to control our lives for a common good. Further more, I found by their enactments of this common good to the masses, their purpose was to make us depended on them for our survival. With these programs (common good), they have instilled laziness into the masses, in order to make us easier to control and depend on them.

This illusionary system that we all live under today, is setup with altruistic sound good approaches to steal real earned values from society, while producing little value on its own, if any. Research will show that they will cause problems where none exist just to come to your rescue with more lies and illusions, to make you more dependence on them. They need you to believe in their illusions, in order to exist. I find that our lives and happiness doesn’t mean anything to them because their agenda is to build more power for themselves, at any cost to you and your family. In other words, the cause justifies the means.

Moreover, I find through my own integration of the Prime Literature that there have been collaborations between dishonest government and dishonest business that forms the White Collar Hoax throughout the world. This elite group was setup to take unfair advantage of the masses by stealing their earned values, with wide-spread illusions of social good. With their illusions, I find that they have managed to corrupt our business industries, as well as, our education systems, which are the backbone of all our creative values to society. Yes, government involvement in the matter of business and education can only lead to destruction of real values in human life and happiness. I find that government has no place in business because its job is to protect the people only and not anything more. Now, it’s apparent for all to see, as I do, that this corrupt establishment is crumbling every day due to the people waking up from their illusions of lies.

While integrating the Prime Literature, I find in myself the person I was meant to be and living the life I was meant to live. Now I’m experiencing real wealth, health and romantic love, of which I never knew, existed. My advantages entailed, living by depending on my own internal authority, to set me free from a world of illusion and lies? In reference, this is what Jesus taught us. The god within! Know your own powers.

I have learned from the Prime Literature, that man must be managed by the Prime Law, so that  justice isn’t left up to flawed man’s own interpretations of laws. I also find that this is the greatest discovery by the Neo Think Society, and a gift to us all. When the individual rights are protected, all rights are protected.

Now, the Neo Think Society has given us the tools to further evolve into the next evolution of the mentality of honest minds. The main tool is the Twelve Vision Party. This political party will revolutionize the world by depoliticizing America and deregulating and by getting rid of all inappropriate laws enactment and policies. Furthermore, it will throw out of office all dishonest careen politicians. Then we will replace them, with real businessman that has some sense regarding the honest capitalist business system. Thereafter, we will become aware that the crime rate will fall sharply, and there will be no more wars, so that peace can abide here on world. Because herein, with dishonesty, you have all your causes of problems in society, today.

With the TVP in place, we will make all of the people rich including the poor and elderly. We will cure all sickness and aging with the Neo Think principles. Furthermore, everyone will be able to create values for society each and everyday, where we can watcher prices fall toward zero. As did the computer industry. Just think about it, with prices falling, your buying power will increase greatly.

I know that Mark Hamilton has been attacked and will be again by those that don’t want you to know about their illusions, but honesty does need a defense. This great and humble man have bought to the world the most integrates value creation of our time, the Neo Think society. I know that we must adhere to his gifts to the world in order to survive.

Now it’s time to take back your responsibilities from the dishonest careen politicians, and step ward as a self-leader, to value create our future. I would love everyone that is reading my testimonial to join me in this journey into an honest mentality but, if not, I have been prepared by Mark Hamilton, to go it alone. Yes, I’m willing to save you myself, from your mystical self, because there is no greater meaning to life’s happiness than the conscious being.

Thank you Mark Hamilton, for this great gift of the Neo Think Society!

Otto B

June 2010