Archive for June 28th, 2010

Dont let them stop us from entering the world you, me, your family, and the whole world from embarking the beautiful world we all were meant to live

Don’t judge something so beautiful before you take a look at the life everyone was and is suppose to live. You don’t want to believe that the government, yes the government could be so corrupt but the truth is that they are. Please join us in the movement of the world, and but an end to the suffering. Mr. Hamilton is our savior!

Mark Hamilton he is A genius Person

I can not describe this man completely ,
He is very intelligent and even more intelligent, He is a genius really He is a genius for his great works and new ideas and evolving the new style of thinking Named neo-think, I can not emphasize enough this man right no matter How I expressed to him about
my gratitude.
Because he is a really wonderful person
Mark has discovered a lot of people And I was one of those And I have discovered in myself a lot of things after I read what was written by Mark Hamilton it is changed my mind and my mental And made me discover myself more and more And using the force inherent in the mind better , Thanks to what I have read from the works of Mark Hamilton on Neo-think tools .
Now my life has become better and go down to the best After I got rid of the mental limitations by assistance of Mark Hamilton.
Thanks God First, and I am grateful to you and very grateful to you Mr. Mark Hamilton that you given me your wonderful books, your wonderful Neo think world.

Living the real life

The Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton have empowered me to live the life of my dreams that I never have before the Neothink Society.
The twelve visions party and the twelve visions world are powerful smart pieces everywhere around the world.
Thanks so much to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society we are living the life that we are meant to live on earth.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

To All, Greetings,

My name is Thomas Shute, and I am very happy to be a part of the NeoThink Society. Mark Hamilton, and The Neothink literature has been like an owners manual to the brain, and mine. Here is what I mean. When you buy a fancy new car,Let’s say a sports car with all the bells, and whistles, the first thing you do is hop in and take off. You drive that car for years, and years to come. And one day, you decide to look in the glove compartment, to get that big 400 page manual you have been thinking about reading. You didn’t feel you  need to read a manual, because you know how to make the car turn left, and right, You know how to put the key in and start the engine, hit the accelerator and go as fast, or as slow you want. But wait! In the manual, you fine the car you’ve been driving for years, have features you never knew about. And now  the car  you’ve driven for years, is now a hold new experience, and much more fun to drive. Mark Hamilton, and The Neothink literature, have helped me to understand the power within me, and how I’m connected to the universe, and all that is in it.

In just reading the literature itself, have made a profound change in my professional life, as well as my personal life. You see, I’m an Occupational Therapist, for 35 years, And I thought I was a pretty good therapist. when I started reading the literature,I noticed my skills improving. I’m more creative in my treatment plans. No one else in my department do what I do. I say this not to boast, but with great humility, and  gratefulness. 99.9 percent of my patients under my rehab treatment are showing great  improvement, noted by my co-workers, and more important, their families. Patients go home, happy, and rehabilitated, living a better quality of life. I feel good about that. Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark, and all who may read this, know that this is only the beginning. There is much more I could tell you about. But this one more thing I will say. I am so glad I took the letters  Mark Hamilton sent me seriously. the  literature is both eye, and mind opening.

To Mark Hamilton

Hello.  I didn’t send out my testimonial because I have a difficult time expressing, in a good structure.  For 30 years I have had a great time with the puzzle of my life … I’ve studied everything and attended anything where I could learn something.  I was probably 11 years old when I discovered that Religion was about ‘man made laws.’  I had attended my friends churches in a very small town in Texas and actually came up with that knowing .. and here it is … Your manuscripts confirmed what I knew at a young age … something I never/couldn’t repeat to anyone.  As a matter of fact, I found the manuscripts to be so profound that I would say “What the heck is this I’m reading?”  I had a hard time getting past the idea (in the beginning) when, I believed that maybe it was about being an atheist.  I just couldn’t put it down … and then, at some point, I reconnected and would have this eternal excitement.

I am not at the point that I want to be financially, I’d lost everything in the early 90’s recession and am now 65 and have an apt. attached to my son’s home.  However, I’ve had many wins.

Is there anyone there who could help me out if I put something together?  I have a file called “This is Me” … It shows that I had come from a very oppressed person to becoming an independent thinker.  Actually, I’ve had such a wonderful journey and I’d thought that maybe at some point I would have someone help write my book.

I found books of truth when I became involved in the society.  In fact, I’d missed out on more of it because of the job I had which kept me away from the opportunity to be near a computer.  I am at a point where I need to meet society members and get more involved.

I have bunches of words to say, I just don’t know the structure.  I need help and I’d be happy to give you a testimonial.

It IS what we need to survive!


Mark Hamilton has helped me a great deal


Hello, this is Kaalo Aand. Mark Hamilton has helped me a great deal. I think he is great and would like to see him continue his work through TVP. His business has given me alot of support and I appreciate it so much.  I just hope every one might want to reconsider alot before they attack Mark Hamiton because his business brings great value to alot of people including me.  I and a lot of other people do not want to see his hard work be destroyed. 

Thank you,

Kaalo A

Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand…

Personal Testimonial From Gary Charles T. for the Neothink Society

First let me say, Neothink, simply means “New Thinking” or taking a New approach in one’s thoughts to the world around us. It is the exact Opposite of what people call a “Cult”. in fact, it has nothing to do With religious doctrine whatsoever. Before you cast ANY Judgment About what you think or what the press or anyone else has told You, you really need to understand what Neothink and the members Of the Society are all about. I want to share some of my understanding And benefits with you about Neothink and brief words about the Founder.

Neothink is a fresh examination of what a person is able to understand With no bias, opinion or coercion in ones thoughts. To uncover one’s True potential from one’s own perspective, not from others opinions Or doctrines they believe. I once had a professor in college who shared A thought with me that I have not been able to shake my entire life And that thought is “If You Believe It, It’s true”. I personally have Looked at life and our Society change in America, I’ve watched Countless people believe in Corporate America only to see them Lose their jobs. Many Corporate Business leaders decided that American

. Jobs were not as important as usurping maximum profits from

Their companies at the value creating employees peril of job

Loss to China. This is just one example of how believing something Is true does not make it in reality True.

As human development has progressed through Mankind’s History, It has become clear many hundreds of thousands of people have Been usurped by religion, & by political leaders who sent them To death, the ultimate price one pays. Just look at the Christian’s Crusades, many people were thrown to the lions, too many Men died in battles for the sake of their leaders. This is historical Fact, no one can argue with. So then, as people have become More enlightened, come to value their lives, our life spans have Increased, our ability to share knowledge and contribute to

The quality of each others lives and our ability to understand

The world we live in better each day our country” America”

Was born. America, the beacon of “Freedom” throughout

The world, the birthplace of the “individual’s rights”. It has

Now also become apparent as evidenced that after 200 years

Of freedoms that their many in our society who are interested

In themselves to the point of putting our country in jeopardy.

The crash of the economy and the fact that the people who

Control money control our Society. There are many wealthy

People who are exceptions to the Greed so prevalent in our society, But there are many, many more who continue to usurp power And control over what the vast majority of regular Americans Are able to do. Just look at the Credit Card Industry, they get People hooked on their cards knowing full well that 80% of their card holders will not be able to pay their balances off.

Everyone and will run up debt upon which the Card Issuers

Can slap massive interest rates, fees and penalties on and

Legally steal the wealth from the vast majority of card holders.

So what does this have to do with Neothink? Neothink, is once

Again an opportunity to create for oneself a new way of thinking.

That allows one to see clearly that there is another way to

View life and it’s possibilities. That through creating honest

Values that mean something to our fellow humans we can

Move forward to the next level of understanding an

Enlightenment for all Humankind. Just as in history ancient

Man worshiped gods created by leaders of society then, until

Knowledge and understanding spread to cause man to invent

Science to begin to prove or disprove beliefs, we as Mankind

Are on the verge of taking Our Consciousness and Understanding

To a new level of understanding. This new level of understanding

Will allow everyone in our Human Society to Benefit, not

Just the privileged few who now control most of what allows

The majority of us to be capable of doing, Neothink is a new

Vehicle for all mankind to move the Human Endeavor of

“Consciousness Life” forward. For our ability as a species to

“Think”, Reflect and make choices is unique in the Universe

We know, and it is that ability that is so precious to us. We

Must move forward to preserve our loved ones and all the

Knowledge, love and understanding our consciousness gives

Us. To that end the preservation of all that makes who

We are.

A footnote about the founder of Neothink, Mark Hamilton.

Mark is certainly one of the most selfless Human Beings of

Our time. He has spent decades of his life, in fact devoted

Himself to the betterment of the human condition through

His writings. They are truthful, as they have examined what

Has happened in our history as humans, and the writings

Give us a fresh, new ability to think on new an exciting

Levels. The only people who will not want to understand

This about what Mark has written are the people in positions

Of power that will feel threaten that the playing field for

All Men and Women can be leveled for all of Society. The

Twelve Visions Party, Mark’s creation is the vehicle that

Will assist us on the ultimate life preserving Journey. I

For one, as free thinking individual welcome the opportunities

That lie ahead for all of mankind with Neothink, Please,

Keep an open mind and join us in this journey, no one

Will be left behind.


Some times this term is associated with people like Notre Domes and his far reaching predictions. Or even Einstein, who had ideas for inventions far beyond his lifetime. This is what the Neothink Society and their Twelve Visions mean to me.  I truly believe that every Citizen in America is thinking that “there must be a better government available to our great county?”

Many Grassroots parties have tried in the past to penetrate the standing Parties [Democrats and Republicans] but they are too powerful for mere mankind to put asunder. None of us have the needed VISION that all people would BUY INTO for the leadership in the United States. Until now, with the Twelve Visions and the afforded PROTECTION of the rights of the people it promises, there can be something more powerful then the current administration that can gain the majority vote.

After reading about the Neothink Secret Society finally breaking through to the common folks like us, I was moved to buy and read their materials and books. I want to be a part of the winning plan. If I am a member of a team I want it to be the best team, and lead by a TRUE VISIONARY. I think that person can be Mark Hamilton. For many years I have been looking for someone to look to for help – to correct the inequities that exist in our World. In the reading of his WORDS and their (Frank R. Wallace and Mark Hamiltons) Visions for the SOCIETY, as a whole, I believe they have finally arrived. No I am not talking about a GOD or Mystic but a “Man with a Plan” to improve all of our lives into the future.

Do you want this SOCIETY for your families? Do you think there is a better method of Leadership out there? Can our People once again be the best governed nation in the world? After you read Mark’s Book on the 12 Visions you too can look beneath the Illusion set in place by our government. See a new brighter future for all people that can lead to open minds and lack of fear, so that our great minds can achieve what we were meant to invent for the survival of mankind.

I hope my testimonial is the KEY you are looking for.

Respectfully yours,

V. J. B

Mark Hamilton has given me guidance and direction to a now brighter future…

My Name is Normand D

I listened to the Sunday night telecast for the TVP August 30/2009 and was blown away by what I heard.

The honesty, the passion and dedication towards Mark Hamilton and realized that those same passions reside in myself as well.

I long for the Ms Annabelle story to become a reality so much so that what I have read so far from Mark Hamilton is with me 24/7.  That’s all I think and or talk about to as many people that will listen to me.

Mark Hamilton has given me guidance and direction to a now brighter future and I will fight tooth and nail to achieve that goal of a new and prosperous world.

The world is a much better place because of Mark Hamilton I thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and most of all the eyes of the world to the truth. For you have done this with great honesty and integration. You deserve the respect and admiration of the planet, today and in the future.

I know that the US government will try to destroy this valuable asset that we have in you Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party.

The same way a slave owner will to try and keep his slaves, that way the slave owner can keep them as prisoners and under his thumb.


Anyone who listens to and believes the lies spread by the media in attacking Mark Hamilton to me represents themselves to be a slave of the government. Destined to a life of  poverty and misery. People of America open your eyes to the truth and listen and read about what the TVP party stands for. A happy, healthy, prosperous, free life for all.

Think about it a world not ruled by force or intimidation, lies and deceit.

Think very hard about that. Or live your lives unfulfilled and miserable.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around

The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down,
It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became
a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us
is not right  All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out  our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing  America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

June 2010