Archive for June 28th, 2010
Dear Mark Hamilton
Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to thank you for changing the way I think. You have filled my mind with powerful positive energy and it feels exhilarating. You’ve taught me that I am one-hundred percent responsible for everything that happens in my life. Your literature has inspired me beyond any other source of encouragement. I feel as though I have already entered into the Twelve Visions World. When the rest of the world joins the Twelve Visions World, every value-creating human will feel just as excited to wake up every morning no matter the circumstances. I don’t think that there is another person alive who loves humanity in a more reverent way than you do. You are the most dedicated person when it comes to transforming this world into a place where poverty doesn’t exist and pure love reigns. I believe in you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge and immense inspiration you’ve brought into my life.
Connor S
I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.
My name is Rick and I am going to tell you the honest reality of what the Neothink Society has done for me.
The Neothink Society has transformed my life from a living hell to being a truly happy person. The knowledge I have gained from being a member of this fully integrated organization has transformed my life for the better in more ways than one. The people in this loving environment have taught me to be a self leader as opposed to a follower. A self leader takes full responsibility for his or her life. A follower follows others and most often blames other circumstances, or others, for his or her unhappiness. I was once a follower and had an excuse for everything. If this sounds familiar to you, you may be experiencing the same problem. I learned who I was following didn’t give a crap about what I really needed or wanted for that matter. Every person on planet Earth has the RIGHT to this knowledge. I searched in vain for a long time before my search ended with the Neothink Society. I have met the most honest people on this planet within this organization and I would encourage anyone who would like to experience a true feeling of Family, to become a member in the Neothink Society. It may help you to evolve into a different person, The person you were meant to be. Happy,Prosperous,Healthy and in control of your own life.
The Twelve Visions Party is the New party in the political arena. The new party will make ALL of the people rich including the poor. I have made my decision to help real CHANGE for the people,not the wealthy politicians. I love the Neothink Society and really don’t know what I would do without it.
Thank You,
I see things very differently today
I have to admit, my first impression was not very good and after a billing error I thought this was some sort of scam. Well, I was out the money so I started to read the first heirloom package, then the second and third. My world became measurably different in numerous positive ways. From personal bankruptcy in 1994 to four time president of our State accounting association, legislative co-chairman of the National Society of Accountants State Regulation and Oversight Committee and owner operator of a multi-million dollar franchise business in just a few short years I am becoming the man I was meant to be. I now regularly win national growth awards with innovative products and services and serve on a committee of fifteen that represents a franchisee system preparing nearly 3 million tax returns! Mark Hamilton does not stop there. He gets to the core or “essence” of what is and in understanding this essence I am able to see through non-sequitors to the true meaning of things. This alone has resulted in saving my marriage and given me a deeper sense of love for my wife and family. Mark’s ongoing meetings help me to expand my understanding of “neothink” and its principles to better apply myself each and every day. I love getting up in the morning, I love going to work, meeting with my clients and creating values that better their lives as well.
I see things very differently today but I admit to being a neophyte in this wonderful new world. I am free of illusion that enslaves the masses to systems of entitlement and servitude. I saw great injustices in a local school system and despite my busy schedule I ran for the Board of Education. It took a tough loss to realize that sometimes people know what is best but cannot move against the safer, easier convention belief. In other words, it is safer to lose. I on the other hand, do not lose well, I have created a system to cut school budgets in my area dramatically and simultaneously increase the quality of education. The concept may have seemed hair-brained at its onset but now after several credible activist groups, even government agencies and non-profit foundations have confirmed my findings, the concept gains traction.
Neothinkers are dangerous only to those who seek to embolden themselves and their authority not through attained values but by usurping that which they have not earned. For one, I am more successful, more in love, and enjoying my children far more today with the path I have chosen and the guidance Mark Hamilton provides. I do more, give more to charity (100 times more than our President) and live better. I cannot wait for tomorrow. I cannot wait for an endless stream of tomorrows.
Most sincerely,
Michael A. C
I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!!
I came from a place of darkness, within state of confusion, and surrounded by negative energy. I was basically dying slowly inside and the ripe age of 30 years old. My life needed change and I did not know how to go about it. When I first fixed my eyes on reading Mark Hamiltons’ literature, I knew it would spark a change in my life. Since then I became a better mother to my children. I became more productive at work and a greater asset to my employer…literally earning my paycheck. I became more honest with myself and everyone around me. I became more aware of my surroundings and could clearly see how what I do/think literally affects others’ lives. I quit smoking “cold turkey”. My skin cleared up and my body became more shapely. Everyone in my life noticed the positive changes right away. Because we are all creatures of habit; I did stray from what I learned in the heirloom packages and when I did… thoughts and actions once again resorted back to that negative place. I would fall into a state of confusion and my life would get increasingly difficult by the day. I even picked up smoking again. However with Mark Hamiltons’ literature in my possession, I am now and forever will be…well equipped with the tools to overcome any addiction or harmful habits I have accrued over the years in my dying state. I know now more than ever I will never stray again. The Neothink package speaks truth because it comes from a place of complete honesty. I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!! I physically feel empowered when reading Mark Hamiltons’ words, and without a doubt you will too. I DARE you, matter of fact I BEG of you to read it.
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me
Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again. I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do? What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.” When I started reading the neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the 12 vision party (TVP) Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world. Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in neothink who all want the best for every living being. Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying. Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.
Jeanne Meadows
Mark Hamilton , and the T.V.P. combined with the literature of the Neothink society has completely transformed my life.
Mark Hamilton , and the T.V.P. combined with the literature of the Neothink society has completely transformed my life. I’ve rediscovered my dreams and taken steps to accomplish them, which in turn gave me so much energy people asked me what I was taking. I’ve also learned to accept my emotions and express them to family members, which has healed old wounds and opened rivers of love that I never imagined existed. My passion for life has returned and with the light of honest integrated reality as promoted by the TVP , I have hope that all mankind can experience their true purpose to create boundless happiness and joy by living their dreams without government intervention. In conclusion I have only just begun my life at 53 yrs old as it should have been all along, but the enthusiasm and uncontrollable exuberance opens up limitless possibilities for me, and it can be that way for you too. Throughout history society, religion, and lazy nay-Sayer’s have persecuted men who have dared to go against the status-quo (e.g. Aristotle, Copernicus, Lois Pasteur, Darwin) and now Mark Hamilton. Yet these men of great courage and, unquestionable integrity ,armed only with honest reality changed the world. Please take some time read the TVP platform, don’t let the talking heads (news commentator’s who’s license to broadcast is issued by the government) or rumor mill bloggers tell you what to think and steal your chance for wealth, health and happiness, it’s a small investment to experience the life you were meant to live beyond your wildest dreams.
With respect and love may all your desires become reality.
Sincerely Michael S. G
Mark Hamilton has valuable knowledge for the world to learn
To Whom It May Concern:
I have known Mark Hamilton through the Neothink Society as his apprentice both in written book and on line video teaching!
The information that I have learned has proven to be life changing, opening doors for me that would have been other wise closed to me.
Mark Hamilton has valuable knowledge for the world to learn; his mission and his intentions is to share the truth as he sees it, with the world
This information must be read with an open mind and a open heart with a high teach ability index in order to receive the knowledge and be able to accept
The changes that we as earths global inhabitants must do in order to grow as one united family of value creaters for both ourselves and our communities!
O. T. D
Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society both hold great meaning to me
Dear Mark Hamilton
Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society both hold great meaning to me. Five years ago I was struggling with my life and searching for a new direction. Discovering Mark Hamilton and his viewpoints was a positive change in my life. My curiosity led me to dive deeper into the world of the Neothink Society and since then I have grown to love and appreciate what this society stands for. As a teacher working with disabled students, I believe that the Neothink ideals would create a positive future for people in need who are less fortunate in life. Everyone has a purpose in this life and I feel that all people should be given the opportunity to live the best life they can.
The story of Miss Annabelle has inspired me to assist more people. Mark Hamilton’s literature, The Neothink Society, and the Twelve Vision Party will help to transform this unfair civilization into a better world for everyone.
This is my vision, because I am an open-minded person who is happy for these exciting changes. I will never tire from stating to you, Mark Hamilton, how extraordinary a person you are and I strongly believe you deserve the Nobel Prize.
With much love,
Maria C R
This is what NEOTHINK@ and Mark Hamilton’s Books and Teachings not only mean to me but have done for me personally.
The “only” thing better than being filled with Love, Health, Wisdom, Peace and Wealth is “SHARING” it ALL with others.
This is what NEOTHINK@ and Mark Hamilton’s Books and Teachings not only mean to me but have done for me personally.
Through my own transformation in these various areas I am now able to enjoy “BOTH”, continued Growth & Change and Helping Others.
I was like a boat w/o a rudder, before NEOTHINK@, drifting through LIFE after many tough life situations and poor choices. I gave up on my dreams and even setting specific goals.
When I received my letter I was “SEEKING” answers in every area of my life up to that point, I knew there had to be a better way, just did not know where to find the answers, it seemed like one disappointment after another.
I was most of all “intrigued” by the “secrecy” of it all. I struggled with some areas in the 1st book big time, picked it up, read some more, then put it down for awhile, picked it up and managed to read it all. Then the next two were presented, I read book two almost in one sitting and the rest is history. Once I connected with others who were experiencing the same things as I was it was easier to integrate the concepts and understand everything.
Now I’m “THINKING” and dreaming bigger, I’m
setting clear & inspiring goals in every aspect of my life again. Basically my life has more direction than it ever had for quite some time.
Yes, I love boats, I’ve always been drawn to water, that is why I used that analogy in writing this. Will be living by the water and acquiring a boat this year.
I have come to the realization by becoming a part of NEOTHINK@ that everything in our Universe is moving and nothing stands still. I refuse to be complacent or set in my ways. I am “THINKING” outside the box once more in all areas of my life.
Through NEOTHINK@ and Mark Hamilton my “eyes” are now wide open, and my “ears” are opened to hearing the truth, and my mouth is now speaking it, and my thoughts & actions are now moving me forward not backwards as before.
Thank You, Mark for “SHARING” it ALL with “others”.
Pat L
Nashville, TN
I was always disgusted with politics
I was always disgusted with politics because I knew they were dishonest leeches as I called them. I never wanted any part of politics. But knowing what I have learned now of the elite society and the corruption of the govt & what they continue with there is no way I will sit on the sidelines. I will do what ever is necessary to awaken any one & every one I can to the truth of what is truly going on behind the scenes of the govt. No one’s dreams should be diminished by a small group like this.