Archive for June 25th, 2010

Dear Mark Hamilton,

As with most people in the world I had been looking for something more in my life. After joining the Neothink Society I slowly began to see that I already had everything I needed in my life. I have also learned that life doesn’t have to be complicated and our efforts are usually misspent making things more difficult than they need be. I am still learning from you and the society and I have a long way to go, but I am a much happier and relaxed person. I appreciate my life so much more. The love I share with my wife has become so much deeper and continues to grow each day.

While I’m not yet actually a member of the TVP, I agree 100% with the premise. In fact, when I first read about the concept and in fact read the story of Miss Annabelle, I was bowled over and immediately filled with anxious anticipation. I look forward the success the TVP. Over the many years of my life I have watched the erosion of the my rights and the movement toward the socialistic rule. I had been becoming more and more concerned and frightened at the direction of government. It wasn’t until I learned of the TVP movement that my heart was lifted and I dared to hope that we might actually be able to get back to the way our founding fathers had intended and perhaps even better. I love my country, but I hate and fear what has been happening especially in recent years. The oppression must stop and I believe that the TVP can accomplish that.

In closing I would like to say that there is nothing malevolent about the Neothink Society. I fact the Neothink Society is a group that is full of the most honest and forthright people on the planet. They are the most helpful, giving, sincere, loving and hard working people you will ever meet. Neothink Society does not mislead or coerce anyone. It is an adventure in learning and discovery. Discovery of yourself. Who you are and what you are and what life is really all about. More people need to know about and learn about the Neothink Society.

With great admiration,

William H

The Twelve Visions Party becomes a national success


I have read a portion of your first manuscript ” Package of Inside Secrets” and found it to be thought provoking.

I did not send away for your second heirloom package so I can’t comment on it.

However, I did order the third package, the very large 3-part volume titled ” Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets” and did read that massive volume cover to cover.  I judged that information to be very uplifting and optimistic.  What a wonderful world we would live in if the government would just do the one thing is it supposed to do and that is to protect us.  If the government would adopt the protection only constitution, the Twelve Visions platform and protect us from dishonest, greedy people then this entire world would be a better place to live in as humanity would prosper greatly.

I’ve enjoyed listening to your meetings but because of work demands, I have not finished listening to all of the Level 9 sections and I just got my invitation to listen to the level 10 meetings.  I hope to get back to listening to them soon.

I am feeling in my heart that the Twelve Visions Party becomes a national success.

Dr. John Z

Member, Neothink Society

I am please to write this Testimonial of Mark Hamilton.  My relationship with Mark Hamilton though the Neothink Society.  I have been associated with Mark Hamilton for approximately a year and a half.  He mentored me when I first became a member of the society.  I found him to be very knowledgeable of the new way of thinking.  He was very patient with me while mentoring me.  Since I was a slow learner, it took me longer to go from level to level. 

I have found the materials he taught me and the books of his that I have read have helped me in my business. Some of the information I have learned, I use for my business.  It taught m how to organize my days to be more successful.  I have found Mark Hamilton to be assessable to all of the members of the society.  I have need answers to questions and all I did was to email him and received a answer immediately.   

Before I first began reading Mark Hamilton’s books, I had a low self esteem.  I would shy away from people of higher positions than I was even, if we were friends before they got their present positions.  After reading Mark Hamilton’s books,  I can say I have made great strides in increasing my self esteem.

Thank you for this opportunity to express my gratitude for how my relationship with Mark Hamilton has improved my life.


Eddie L. P

Subject: my testomonial of what the Neothink society has done for me.

listen, when I was first invited into the Neothink society., ( 4 years ago ) I was looking for away to educate myself and create a better life for me and my family., You see, I do not have a high school diploma and was charge with crimes that I did not commit., Today I am an unemployed paratransist driver trying to create a income for me and my family., I cannot get a job nowhere because of my record, basically I was banned from the anticivilization., The ( Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party ) is the best Knowledge I ever came across it ( Set me Free ) in so many ways that you cant even imagined., Unless you my friend took the journey to ( FREEDOM OF THE MIND ) and come in contact with a ( LOYALTY TO HONESTY ) from this point everything in your world gets put back on the right track., If an only if you have and ( OPEN MIND ) ( YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HEAVEN ON EARTH )., TO BE TOTALLY HONEST WITH YOU I LOVE THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND THE KNOWLEDGE I HAVE RECEIVE., SO WILL YOU


I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty(sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e,learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.

Sincerely, Ricci

Are you Minding the Gap or Looking for the Way Out

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way…

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way Of Thinking, And Has opened My Eyes To See Through The Illusions To What Is.”

Hi, Mr. Hamilton

    I just want to say thank you for all that you do, you really mean a lot to me as far as a mentor.

Every month I get so excited, because do to the monthly meetings with you; I know that your going to bring value, stimulation, and knowledge that is new and refreshing.

The value and true knowledge that you have shared with myself and all of your apprentices has done something that no-one else has been able to do.

That is to awaken the child-of-the-past that is buried and lying dormant deep inside of each and everyone of us.

We were all searchers, looking for that something better in life that we knew was always there, but didn’t know how to find it.


Loosing you as a mentor means loosing all this value-creation, and that would be a tragedy, because no-one else can bring this to us.

Now getting to your literature, I have always enjoyed reading, but your literature is very powerful and life changing.

Every time I read through and study your literature exhilaration rises up within me from the truths that are brought to the forefront, and as far as I’m concerned that’s priceless.

I am honored to have had the opportunity to own this literature that you (Mr. Hamilton) have made possible for anyone in the world to have.

So, not having this literature is not an option.

Being a part of the (Neothink Society) means a lot to me because of it’s many advantages: one being the secret-website, which allows you to interact with like-minded people within the society.

Now, the (Twelve Visions Party) is something I’m looking forward to and means everything to me and my family as far as the country’s future. The world needs all the benefits from the (Twelve Visions Party) such as: prices dropping in every industry; which will make all the people rich, government being used for protection of the people only; which will allow the people to live as individuals and think for themselves, better health-care and the best doctors,etc.

Thank You For Everything Your Doing For Society (Mr. Hamilton).


     Marvin C

Mark Hamilton with 100% integrated honesty

I WALTER W focus downstream to testify on the behalf of The Neothink Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton with 100% integrated honesty. The Heirloom packages created and written by Mr. Hamilton are a much needed prescription for the bicameral mind infected mental paralysis masses.  
                                      Truly, WALTER W

Mark Hamilton

love to give you a testimonial but honestly I’m not deserving of giving one. i ordered your books in the 80s but only read bits and pieces.  again i reordered the updated versions and still have not read them. I’m not an avid reader nor spend time on the internet.  I get restless sitting for long periods.  I am more used to face to face associations although the internet changed that.  I cannot keep up with your seminars. I’m still try to find and/or discover the essence.  I seem to be busy maintaining our home and establishing an ordered a postal employer who refuses to advance in the supervisory/managerial position because I disagree in their treatment and work ethics established by the post master general that basis their bonuses on results. my devotion is to my customers. financially, my wife and I are working ourselves out of our financial dreams that crashed during the housing market. for now I have to reevaluate the direction to take in 2010.

I still have not read all your lessons from last year and do not know if their still available. also, I have to decide if I should stop my membership and start over with reading the manuals first. I believe the only reason the govt is trying to shut Neothink down is because you could expose the immorality, corruptness, and an embarrassment for all the world to see. “FEAR” MY MAN!!!  I’ve lost face with the govt. i belong to no party. i lost face with the catholic church. they just exposed themselves as the biggest hypocrites. believe me mark, there’s a lot of neocheaters in Las Vegas.

going to close now, im getting restless. i’ll continue to read the manuals, intellectually,  their a masterpiece.

richard k

Dear Mark Hamilton,

                 Here is my first Testimony. I will continue to create more. Thank you for everything your doing! You have truly changed my life for the better. I’ll stand with you through anything! Thank you!


                                                                                            Jason L

June 2010