Archive for December 15th, 2009

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, my mentor

When I was still young, I thought that the only way to become successful is to get a degree, pass the board examination, get a job in the government, and strive to get a promotion towards a higher position in the same government job. Also, I thought that to become happy all I have to do is get married, have kids, more sex, and enjoy the company of friends in indulging with alcohol and tobacco consumption. In spite of all those things having been achieved by me, I still feel some emptiness within myself. So, I kept searching and asking the question of “what happiness is and how I can achieve it.” My gut feeling tells me that success is just a part of happiness.

I applied for a job in Saudi Arabia as a Power Plant Operator with Saudi Consolidated Electric Company. During my first year, a mild depression strikes and I decided to just finish my two year contract. Fortunately, a friend and a co-worker of mine tried to help me overcome such depression by lending a book he just finished reading titled “University of Success” by Og Mandino. I learned a lot from the book. I learned that our ultimate goal in life is to be happy and that happiness is of two types: human and animal. It teaches us how to develop our Sense of Being, Sense of Meaning, Sense of Belonging, Sense of Growing, and Sense of Giving. Such knowledge helped me to begin to understand who and what I am.

My curiosity drove me to keep searching until that day when I received a letter from the Neothink Society offering some books that can farther my knowledge-base about life, success, wealth, health, and happiness. After reading all the Neothink books I have acquired, a new perspective, new psychology, and new way of thinking sets into my conscious mind regarding life, love, health, wealth, and happiness!

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, my mentor, and the Neothink Society for all the positive changes that happened in my life. The most obvious change that occurred within me is the shift from a criminal-minded to a business-minded self.

Knowing about the existence of my “child of the past” within me, I started digging deeper into my conscious and subconscious minds in order to discover the person I was meant to be and the life I was meant to live! I know now that I am a mind with a body and a spiritual being having human experiences, not the other way around.

My search is now focused on how to activate my mental powers by integrating Neothink knowledge with the knowledge from other books authored by Neil Slade that discusses the triune brain, other brain parts, and its functions specially the AMYGDALA and the FRONTAL LOBES.

May I recommend that all members of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) to go visit Neil Slade’s website at and learn how to make use of the triune brain effectively. Neil Slade is a student of T.D.A. Lingo, a brain researcher, Director, and founder of The Dormant Brain Research Laboratory, Colorado.

To your creative power and earned success,

Peter M

MARK Hamilton for all of the books

Hello my name is Jerry B
I’m writing this testimonial for MARK Hamilton for all of the books and other martial Ii have received from Neothink and it was awesome the martial was i opening ! I think in this country people should have the right too any martial they want to get exposed to for the truth !  just remember that the truth will always be the truth and a lie will always come out at one point and time..

I honestly thank Mr. Hamilton

Hi: my name is Olga Goodwin & the only thing I want to say about Mark Hamilton is that with the books he sent to me & I read, my point of view about life & the world has changed me completely. Now I have a better way to see everything & in some way now I am stronger, I’m not afraid of the future. I honestly thank Mr. Hamilton, if it wasn’t for him I may probably be as I was in the past, but now, I have changed for good.

Mark Hamilton is

What has changed in my life since being introduced to Neothink, and especially Mark Hamilton is:  I am learning to take 100% responsibility for my life.  This is true FREEDOM!

I am learning to implement my “Friday Night Essence”  or dreams into everyday reality.  I have the tools now to live much more efficiently in business and other areas.  My health has improved.  I am stronger, leaner, and more flexible.  I have more passion, focus, and optimism about my future.  My thinking is more integrated and I am obsessed with learning and reading now.  Neothink Society is a diverse group of individuals who are learning to become integrated self leaders. We want to be all that we were meant to be and add value to this world, including through the launch of the Twelve Visions Party.


Michele W.

I would like to say a few words about Mark Hamilton

I would like to say a few words about Mark Hamilton, as I understand him.  I was introduced to Mark Hamilton through his literature in late 2005, early 2006.  Later I was invited to participate in his mentor/apprentice series in early 2007.  This involved online business meetings on a monthly basis to learn his principles in business, as well as other areas of life.  He interacted through email communication, as well as question/answer format during the business meetings.

I am a very cautious person when it comes to learning about, interacting with, and trusting people I am not familiar with, especially over the internet.  As, I have observed Mark Hamilton through his literature, emails, and video presentations, I have observed a man who is a great thinker, non-judgmental, slow to anger, patient, encouraging, and empowering of others.  He is cautious in some ways, as well.  He thinks long and hard before taking action.

He is not afraid to take risks or admit when he needs to rethink a situation before moving forward. He is willing to risk a great deal when it comes to offering his years of integrated thinking and wisdom to the public and especially to a political party.  Politics is a dangerous area in this world.  However, it is one that needs significant change and I believe Mr. Hamilton’s political party holds great promise in a world full of empty promises and unethical behavior in the political arenas.  I for one am disappointed in our political system.  It started as something good to protect Americans and has become a career for polished power hungry people.  I am hopeful that the Twelve Visions Party will be something   much more productive and prosperous for all Americans.

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades to make the TVP a reality for us all.  The two party system in force now is really a battle field that accomplishes riches and privileges for only certain classes of people who don’t need them.  The TVP will make it possible for everyone to benefit.  Since reading the Society’s manuscripts,  I have hope for a better future for all of us.  Thanks to all who have been working toward this wonderful goal.

B. Finch

Mark Hamilton has help me

Mark Hamilton   has  help me  a 35 year old  here in  portland oregon   i am  vicente and  for  the  most  part   i have had  a  hard time keeping  down a  job   and  what   Mark   has  done is   given  me   tools    so i can  keep  a  job  down and  then  move on   to  my own  business  if  i want     the  business  that   Mark  Hamilton  runs   is    nothing  more than  pure and    honesty    with   all  members  that  are  part  of this  club    and  one more thing    look at   it like this    we have  lots of churches   the  door is  open to any one   right?  well   Mark Hamilton  is    saying    the  door is open  for  any one    you  do not have  to    that is up  to  any person   like myself   vicente i step  in    NO  one  made me   or  paid  me  to step in   i  wanted  to step  in  all on my  own.       Mark  Hamilton  has  given me hope  in m self  to start  my own  business   if   i want  to  last  thing here   Mark Hamilton is   NOT  a  crook   in  any  way   he is  truthful   and  upfront   and  a  very  honest   man    let  his  business  run  i ask  you  not  to  shut  him  down   it is  helping  people like me  in a  big  way   thank you  Mark Hamilton   for all  you have  done  for  me   it  has  been great   i love  the life  i have  taken  on  and   by  the  way   my little one that is  6 years old   her  name is  Leann  san martin   all  will be  past  down to her   and   she   is  a   smart  little one  for her  age   so i am  looking  to see  what happens   when  she   gets  older  and  when  i  pass down  all the  tools  to her and see what   she  does with her  life   but   my  life  has   just   got  going   thanks   to  Mark Hamilton     vicente

Mark Hamilton mentoring

In about seven months, I have learn more about creating values for myself and others through Mark Hamilton mentoring and literature than many, many years of searching. Ask yourself this questions: as a child do you remember those beautiful dreams to be some one who who will be creating values for yourself and society? To be great? To find your essence in life and to find who you were meant to be in this life? That is what I have learned with Mr. Hamilton and I have yet a lot to learn in order to be useful to myself and others and to be happy in my life. He also has sparkle a light in my personal life to be motivated in whatever I do. I have found truth love and honesty, something that is hard to find in today’s world. I tank you Mr. Hamilton for taking your precious time for helping us to be creative, happy and to help us to have compassion and love for humanity like you do. We love you Mr. Hamilton and we love our Neothink organization. Marco R

I have read your literature several times


I have been with you a little over 3 years now. I have read your literature several times. Every time I read it I have a better understanding of my life and what is in store for me and my family. I think our future is limitless to the possibilities of living a happy and prosperous life. What you are building is what our founding fathers envisioned the future by integrating facts of history with natural law, physical reality and common sense actions so that we can live a free and prosperous life without government intervention

thank you


Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

I received my first letter of invitation to join The Neothink Secret Society in October 2006.  I read thro’ numerous manuscripts and went through Neothink mentoring under Mark Hamilton. I have found that it is a Genuine Organization founded on Love, Truth, Honesty and Sincererity dedicated to Peace and tranquility amongst men thro’ a new approach to Business with  the objective of creating wealth. It is not given to sinister social, political, religious lives of Dishonesty, Fallacies and Illusions.  As an apprentice under Mark Hamilton, I have learnt thro’ the discoveries of Neothink, how to identify my Life’s Passion and transform it into a Living thus Creating Values for others to Produce and make a living too.  Though I have not yet attained, all I know is ” I am not what I used to be. ”

Thanks to Mark Hamilton, and Thanks to Neothink.

December 2009