Throughout my life, I have wondered why inequity was viewed by so many people as an acceptable manner of existence. The “Haves”, who truly believe themselves to be superior to the “Have Nots”, have for generations used their financial and political means to create a world that benefits themselves with complete disregard for the greater populace—the true creators of all that is value. The “common man”, he who works for his living, is belittled, treated as unintelligent and inferior when, in effect, the knowledge and sources of knowledge that the supposedly superior society members have at their disposal, have never been available to the masses.
Mark Hamilton is a man who also pondered these injustices and pursued the reasons and causes for many years. His determination to scientifically investigate, correlate, and evaluate the causes and effects, and integrate the criteria honestly and precisely into a formula has created Neothink. New, neo, logic and knowledge is the catalyst I have searched for to create the changes which each of us need to truly know success in every aspect of our lives. Neothink has enabled my family to strengthen our business despite government projects that might have used “eminent domain” to take our land and effectively put us out of business. Neothink has shown us how to create desire fulfillment for our clients, putting our company in the thoughts of those who come to our store because they “feel” a connection to something that raises their good feelings. Neothink has reawakened a deep love and appreciation of each other for me and my husband and has strengthened our relationships with our children.
Mark Hamilton is responsible for the factual evidence of attainable changes that will bring forth the way of life those brave men we Americans call our forefathers envisioned when the Declaration of Independence created our country. Mark Hamilton, through the Twelve Visions Party, shall bring each person the world we should have been members of for countless years. We deserve to know the joy of life with our hopes and dreams being fulfilled and our minds free to create even greater ways for mankind to share this world.
Our prosperity and abundance, love, health, safety and life will be assured through the Twelve Visions Party and the knowledge Mark Hamilton has compiled in his multi-generational writings. I am greatly indebted and grateful for his concise guidance for all of humanity.
I await with true joy and pride the Neothink world!


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March 2025