

Throughout my life I was always excited about the new beginning of an adventure which occurred in the world put before me.  Everything I thought was leading me somewhere and even those I thought who were sincere always ended up going in circles, at first forward and then back to where I started or even spiraling backwards.  always thought I was making decisions myself and leading my own destiny.  I had no idea that the matrix of the anti-civilization was controlling my destiny or should I say my own demise of life and prosperity.  In the world which I thought was civilized, everything which came with a sacrifice of my time and energy seemed good at first, even honorable.  Later that facade would crumble into tiny particles of broken dreams.  Time after time, illusion after illusion, let down after let down and path after path would always lead to a dead end.  Now, that has all changed due to Neothink!

Neothink for me is like a having a smart chip that can process incoming data of any situation by anyone and then analyzing good for me or bad for me using common denominators naturally and effectively through integrated thinking.  The results for me are astonishing and rewarding.  I see that when I use the techniques that I “wow” people all around me.  Through ten second miracles I can shift events to my own advantage using creative thinking and alter the illusions in life hidden as real, to the reality of my mind which is sound and solid.  

With your gifts of the knowledge you have blessed me with  Mr. Mark Hamilton, regular ordinary people, such as myself, no longer have to “hope and believe in change.” With Neothink, one can vision the future in a complete puzzle picture and then create the pieces that snap together those concepts to form that whole complete picture first vision.  This happens only with Neothink, the building of concepts which far exceeds the way the mind was traditionally taught to me as an individual, which is thinking in percepts.  It truly is the mind of the future for all who want to soar quickly and coherently
into an exciting and prosperous world into a whole new life that can keep moving forward with no ending in sight, only bigger puzzles.
Without Neothink life was dull and boring and went in circles.  Now life is like a ladder that breaks the circle to only move upwards to the top in life.  Life, thanks to you and Neothink is like a playground once again for the inner-child within me.  I can’t thank you enough for giving me the gift to see and create the future.  Neothink is awesome! I can now live life the way I want and not the way life used to control me to live.

Omar K.


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March 2025